Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Women Aren't So Weak, Wufei! ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 13: Women Aren't So Weak Wufei!

*warning* this story is definitely going to contain some mature themes, thus the rating. They are not so much about sex or anything...well, they are about the female sex...and some, uh, things we have to deal with *cough*time of the month*cough*. There's also some profanity.

*disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! Unfortunately...If I did, the series would not have ended where it did. It would be much longer and a lot more would have happened...

***PLEASE READ*** Hey guys, I meant to say this a lot sooner, but it's taken me a while to get this chapter out and I apologize for that. I'm sure you all know about the recent terrorist attacks on the U.S. (if you don't, then you must have been hiding under a rock for the past two weeks), and I know that a lot of people have been saying this over and over again, but seriously, I just want to say that I am incredibly sorry if any of you lost friends/family/loved ones. I was lucky enough not to lose anyone I knew, but I do know people who were only blocks away from the attack in NYC, and witnessed the collapsing of the towers live. I also witnessed them collapse, but I saw it on T.V. live, because we were watching it in class, and I was shocked beyond belief. I was absolutely pissed. We had to do a report in my Government class on the events, and my personal feelings about what happened were a major part of what I wrote. I find it helpful to get emotions like that out of my system. That brings me to the reason I'm writing this extremely long Author's Note (sorry to those of you who would rather just skip ahead to the chapter). If anyone out there feels the need to vent to someone, please feel free to send me an e-mail ( Sometimes it helps to get all your feelings out to someone who you don't even know, because they can never really criticize you for what you say, not that I would anyway. And pounding on the keys to type a letter might be just what you need to get the anger and anything else out of your system. Or maybe you just want to get your point-of-view across on the subject, y'know? I'm really serious about this, and hopefully someone will take me up on the offer. If not, that's perfectly ok too. If you do decide to write me, let me know if you actually want me to reply, or if you're just getting the feelings out of your system, kay? Once again, I apologize for this chapter being so late, but for a while I felt I had to pay more attention to the real heroes out there, the people risking their lives to help the victims of the attacks. As much as I love Heero and the others, there's no way they could ever help us out for real in times like these. Sorry for the long, gloomy beginning note, but I had to get this out. Now, onto the chapter! I tried hard to make this a funny one, so enjoy!

"Ouch! Damn it!"

"Heero, I told you not to press down so hard."

"Shut up Quatre."

"He's just trying to help, Heero."

"Hn...damn it! Why does it bleed so much?!" The morning after the GW Gang arrived at the beach house, Duo and Quatre had somehow managed to persuade Trowa and Heero to shave their legs since they were going to be in bathing suits. Um...let's just say it wasn't going to well, at least with Heero anyway...

"Heero, you're pressing down way too hard near you knees and ankles! That's the easiest place to cut yourself," Duo explained from his position on the floor. Heero and Trowa were both sitting on the side of the tub, while Duo and Quatre supervised. "Watch how Trowa does it."

"How come he's so good at it? And when did you become such a pro about all this?" Heero asked, pointing the razor in Duo's direction. He shrugged.

"Midii explained it all to us."

"And it really is not that difficult," Trowa added, calmly bringing the razor up his leg. "It just bleeds a lot because the cut is so near the surface of the skin." He examined the leg he had just finished. "Not bad," he said quietly, allowing a small smile to grace his face.

"Do you think our legs are going to be hairless when we're turned back into men?" Quatre asked, tilting his head thoughtfully. Heero's eyes widened.

"Shit, I hope not. I am never going through this again," he grumbled.

"The girls have do it almost every other day or something," Duo said, popping a piece of gum into his mouth.

"You're joking," Heero said, his eyes still wide.

"Nope, it's true. Cathy always takes longer in the bathroom when she has to shave," Trowa replied, hissing as he nicked himself. "Now I know why...damn, it stings." Heero snorted.

"You think?"

"Hey, was Wufei gonna join us?" Trowa asked, finishing his other leg and rinsing off the razor. Duo shook his head.

"We're still working on him. He's as stubborn as a mule."

"Am I?" came a voice from the doorway.

"Yeah, you are," Duo snorted, not turning around.

"Well then, why am I dressed in these ridiculous clothes (shorts and a halter top, with his hair in a high ponytail. - don't ask me how they got him into that.), wearing a BRA, and actually putting a little bit of make-up on!!" Wufei shouted, coming into the bathroom.

"Well, ah...if you'll do THAT much as a woman, why not just go all the way and shave?" Duo asked hopefully, holding up a razor.

"Why do you think I came in here?" Wufei mumbled, his cheeks going slightly pink. Duo's eyes lit up.

"Whoa, seriously? You're actually gonna shave? Sugoi!"

"Just shut up and give me the damn thing," Wufei growled, snatching the razor from Duo and taking Trowa's place on the side of the tub. He did just about as well as Heero did.

Sometime later, the guys trudged downstairs to find the girls. Wufei had changed into a pair of baggy jeans, and Heero had opted for a pair of capris, with Duo snickering at them the whole time. Duo and Trowa headed off towards the kitchen, while the other three sat down in the living room and began to watch T.V.

"What do you think we can eat without getting the girls all mad at us?" Duo asked, looking through every cabinet it the room. Trowa walked over to the table a picked up an apple from the bowl in the middle of it.

"I'm not that hungry," he said biting into the fruit. "This is fine for me." Duo glanced at the bowl, and reluctantly picked up an orange.

"I guess this'll have to do," he said glumly. He walked over to the screen door and looked out, trying to peel the skin off his orange. His eyes widened a little. "Hey, I found everyone," Duo said, pointing to the deck outside. All five girls were in their bathing suits already. Dorothy and Sally were lying on their stomachs, tanning, Relena was sitting on a beach chair reading a book, and Midii and Hilde were sitting on a blanket...painting their nails. They looked up when they heard a tapping on the glass, and smiled, waving for Duo and Trowa to come out. "Hey babe, whatcha doin'?" Duo asked coming out and plopping down on a chair. Trowa followed suit.

"What's it look like were' doing?" Hilde said, waving a thing of nail polish in front of his face. Duo wrinkled his nose at the smell.

"Man, that stuff smells. How can you wear it?"

"It doesn't smell that way after it dries, baka," Hilde said exasperatedly.

"Oh, well...whatever," Duo said, stuffing a piece of the orange into his mouth. Trowa bit into the apple, watching the girls paint their nails. All of a sudden, Hilde paused, and nudged Midii's foot. The blonde glanced up, and shared a look with Hilde who had gestured towards he and Duo with her head. There was a smirk on Hilde's face, and one was forming on Midii's as she nodded. Trowa suddenly felt the need to be far away from there.

"Duo, let's go inside," Trowa said, quickly standing up and pulling Duo with him.

"Wait," Hilde commanded. Trowa winced, while Duo just looked confused.

"What?" Duo asked. He shook his arm out of Trowa's grip, and turned to Hilde. The petite girl took Duo's hand that wasn't holding the orange in her own, looking over his fingers. Trowa began edging towards the door.

"Do you guys want a manicure?" Hilde asked, preparing herself for the way Duo would most likely reply. After a couple seconds, she realized that he hadn't answered at all, and looked up at him. She blinked. He looked like he was actually thinking about it, before he shook his head lightly.

"Geez, Hilde, what is it with you and make-up and hair styles and nails and all?" Hilde went a little pink.

"When I was younger, I always dreamed of owning a beauty salon," she answered truthfully. Duo nodded and looked towards Trowa who by now had his hand on the door.

"What do you say?" he asked him. Trowa froze.

"You're kidding right?" the stoic teen asked. "You're not seriously thinking of saying yes, are you?" Duo shrugged, and this time he was the one that blushed a little.

"I may be the only one, but I think it's sort of...neat to be a woman for a while. I wouldn't want to be one forever," he said quickly, when Trowa gave him an odd look, "but it's kind of cool to know what the other sex goes through. Well, some things are cool..." Duo grumbled, some of the unpleasant things about being a woman coming back to him. "But I figure, we only get this chance once, so why not go all out? You know?" He looked at Trowa pleadingly. Trowa sighed.

"Fine, but that stuff had better come off."

"Of course it does," Midii said, sorting through the various colors they had to see what would look best on them. She patted the extra space on the blanket. "Sit down guys." They did so, though a bit reluctantly.

"Man, Duo, now your hands are all sticky from that orange," Hilde said, frowning. She picked up a washcloth and began cleaning them off. Duo sat still for a while, and then began fidgeting.

"How long is this gonna take, Hil?"

"Don't even start, Duo," Hilde commanded, picking up a nail filer. Midii was doing the same thing for Trowa. Duo sighed and leaned back against a chair. This could take a while.

By the time their hands were done, Duo was wishing he had never agreed to this. How long could it possibly take? He was therefore very relieved when Hilde finished with his left hand, blowing on the paint to make it dry faster. Duo gave his hands a once-over, having a hard time admitting to himself that it actually looked pretty good. He was about to get up and leave, when Midii spoke up.

"Nope, don't go anywhere Mr. Maxwell...or Ms. Maxwell, which do you prefer?" she asked teasingly, looking up at him. He glared at her.

"Why can't I leave?" Duo asked.

"We haven't done your toes yet," Midii said, as if the answer was obvious. She yanked one of Trowa's feet out, ignoring the surprised look on his face.

"You're joking, right?" Trowa asked worriedly. Midii didn't hear him because she was too busy examining his leg.

"Did you shave?" she asked in wonder. Trowa blushed, and tried to pull his leg away, but Midii's grip was too strong.

"Maybe," Trowa mumbled, still blushing slightly. Midii chuckled. It was about that time that Dorothy woke up and glanced over to where she heard voices coming from.

"Omigosh," she said, sitting up. "Are you painting their nails?" she asked. Hilde and Midii both smiled and nodded at her. "I can't believe they're actually letting you."

"They did it willingly," Hilde said, smirking now. Duo and Trowa scowled at her. Dorothy chuckled. She stood up and stretched her arms up above her head. Duo's eyes widened slightly, noticing how much of her body was not covered (she has a suit like Trowa's, in case you forgot. So does Hilde - it said in the last chapter). Trowa's eyes widened too, but he looked more worried than awed. He was going to have to wear the same thing when they went down to the water. Hilde noticed the look on Duo's face and smacked him lightly on the arm. 'Still a male at heart,' she thought to herself, glaring at him as he scratched his head and gave her a sheepish smile.

"I'm going to find some more sunscreen. That bottle's almost empty," Dorothy said, walking off into the house. She heard voices coming from the living room and walked in that direction. She found Heero, Quatre, and Wufei lounging lazily on the couches. "Having fun?" Dorothy asked, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorway. The three in the room jumped slightly and glanced over at her.

"Yeah, looaad's of fun," Wufei replied sourly.

"Well, we're going down to the beach soon," Dorothy said, even though she had no idea if that was true or not. "So why don't you all go change?" The three looked at each other, and Heero turned the T.V. off.

"Where's Duo and Trowa?" Heero asked, raising his arms above his head to stretch. The movement caused his shirt to ride up, showing off half of his stomach. He blinked down at it, and then scowled, pulling the shirt back down.

"They're outside with the others," Dorothy said. She turned to walk down the hall, still in search of sunscreen. "I'll tell them to change too." They watched her walk off before walking slowly back to their room.

* * *

Wufei was examining himself in the full length mirror in their bedroom, trying to decide whether he should leave his hair up or wear it down, when Trowa and Duo finally came into the room.

"Dang, that took forever, do you think they could have gone any slower?" Duo grumbled. He was looking at his hands. Trowa shrugged.

"I think they were having fun, and don't complain. It was YOUR idea."

"It was Hilde's idea," Duo protested. "I just agreed to it." It was about then that Wufei stomped over and grabbed one of Duo's hands, looking at it closely. Duo blinked. "Oh...h-hey Wu-man," he said semi-nervously.

"You let them paint your nails?" Wufei growled. "How pathetic can you get?"

"It's not like it's permanent or anything," Duo said, snatching his hand away from Wufei. He glared at him, and then noticed what he was wearing. "Are we going swimming?"

"Dorothy said we were probably going to go to the beach soon," Wufei explained, glancing down at his suit. He had a black wraparound thing on around his waste (A/N: Sorry guys, I completely blanked out on what those are called. It's the type of thing you wear with a bathing suit, you know? Instead of shorts or something...). "Do you think I should leave my hair up, or wear it down?" he asked. Duo blinked, before smirking and opening his mouth to make a smart comment. "Just answer the damn question," Wufei snapped, cutting Duo off before he could say a word. Duo shrugged.

"I think up," he said. Trowa nodded in agreement. Wufei turned back towards the mirror, and decided they were right; he'd leave his hair up. Suddenly, Heero came out of the bathroom, grumbling about something.

"Damn it...Wufei!" he yelled, looking around for the Chinese pilot.

"Right here, Yuy," Wufei said calmly from the other side of the room. Heero looked up and noticed Duo and Trowa standing there too.

"Could...could one of tie the straps of this thing? I can't get 'em right," Heero mumbled, glancing away and letting one hand drop to his side. The other was still holding his suit together.

"Yeah, come here," Trowa said. Heero walked over and turned around so Trowa could tie the straps.

"I'm not going anywhere near the water," Heero grumbled, crossing his arms once Trowa had finished. "This thing is going to come undone, I know it."

"Naw, Heero, girls wear those all the time. Nothing's going to happen. And mine ties too, but I'm going in the water. Come on, you can go in," Duo said, smiling. Heero looked doubtful, but didn't say anything. "I'm gonna go change then," Duo announced running to get his suit.

"Where's Quatre?" Trowa asked, noticing that the blonde was nowhere to be seen.

"With the girls, putting sunscreen on. He doesn't want to get burned," Wufei answered, giving a sideways glance to the mirror again.

"Wufei, you look beautiful! Now stop staring at your reflection," Duo said teasingly, returning with his suit in his hands. Wufei blushed and jerked his head away from the mirror.

"I wasn't staring," he said lamely. Duo rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure, WHATever. I'm going to change, but I'm probably gonna need one of you to tie the straps, ok? Be right back!" Duo then ran off to the bathroom.

"He's hyper again," Heero stated, as the three watched him go.

"What else is new?" Wufei said, sitting down to put on his flip-flops. No one answered.

About fifteen minutes later, Heero, Duo, Trowa, and Wufei, all ready to go to the beach, slowly made their way downstairs. Duo poked his head around the corner to see if there was anyone in the kitchen, and drew it back immediately.

"They're all there," he whispered to the others behind him. "I think they're waiting for us."

"Let's just go back upstairs and lock ourselves in the room," Trowa said desperately.

"Too late." All four jumped at the voice, and Duo poked his head around the wall again.

"H-hey Relena," he said, noticing she was standing right there.

"You guys have really lost your touch at sneaking around," Relena said, smiling at Duo.

"We have not! It's these damn shoes," Heero protested, his head appearing below Duo's in the doorway. His eyes widened slightly at Relena's suit, before going back to nuetral. Relena chuckled.

"Well, are you going to come out?" she asked, stepping back further into the room.

"Yeah, we want to see how you look," Sally added. "Hilde's the only one whose actually seen your suits."

"You have to swear not to laugh," Duo grumbled.

"Why would we laugh? Come on, Duo," Dorothy said.

"I feel naked," Duo mumbled. "And you won't be able to see our whole suits yet because we're all wearing shorts or those wraparound things.

"Well we can at least see the top," Midii said.

"Come out you guys, it's not that bad," Quatre spoke up.

"You have a damn one-piece!" Heero yelled. Quatre frowned.

"Do you see how low this thing goes?" he asked, pointing to his chest. "And there's practically no back. It's really not any better than yours." That was true... Duo took a deep breath and stepped into the doorway, giving them a full view of himself. It was quiet for a minute and Duo started fidgeting under their eyes.

"Looking good, Duo!" Midii said, giving him a thumbs up sign.

"Man, are you TRYING to make us look bad?" Sally joked. Relena, Hilde, and Dorothy were making catcalls in the background. Duo's face went bright red, but gradually he began to relax and smiled a little. Then, he suddenly began acting like a model in the doorway, doing all sorts of poses and waving to his "audience." This only increased the cheering of the girls as they also started laughing, and Duo ended his act by spinning around once and blowing a kiss to them. He then sauntered over and plopped down on a chair near Quatre, bending over the table and burying his face into his arms. His face was a little red again. Quatre just smirked and patted him on the back.

"How can he do that?" Heero whispered to the other three. They were all watching Duo in amazement, their eyes wide.

"Ok, who's next?" Dorothy called. All three remaining looked at each other.

"Let's just go out together. It's not like we have to put on a show like that baka," Wufei suggested. The other two nodded, and the three shuffled into the view of the girls.

"Wufei! Omigosh! I love your outfit!" Relena cried, running over to him and looking him over.

"Not fair," Dorothy said. "Trowa looks better than I do in this type of suit."

"Oh Heero, that is really pretty," Sally said sincerely. "I love the color." Heero just crossed his arms and sulked.

"Were we going to leave anytime soon?" he asked, visibly annoyed.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Relena said, picking up some of the towels. Quatre grabbed the cooler that had been sitting on the table, and the others grabbed more towels while Dorothy picked up a bag filled with sunscreen, books, sunglasses, and other miscellaneous items you would bring to the beach. "Let's go!" Relena walked out the door, the girls right behind her and the guys following somewhat reluctantly. This was going to be on hell of a day...

Yay! I finally finished this chapter! Want the next chapter sooner? How about some reviews? The GW section has seriously been lacking in that area recently, or *grumbles* at least in MY fics they've been lacking... ^_^ J/k, but you know the drill. Oh, and if any of you happen to be DBZ fans also, check out my new Bulma/Vegeta fic and tell me what you think. Remember to Review (which you'd all better... =Þ)! Ja ne!
