Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Yin and Yang ❯ New Discoveries ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Thank you for your reviews!
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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing so please refrain from suing me...thank you.

Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, violence, possible torture, and Relena bashing!

Summary: Heero is being held captive by Dr. J who some how managed to survive the war. While being held there strange things start to happen, and Heero finds himself in the middle of something that the perfect soldier might not even be able to handle.

Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.

Previously: Everyone finally found a table big enough and took a seat. Duo sat down beside Heero, who had Ambrosia on his other side. Wufei was sitting on the other side of Duo with Sally beside him. Trowa was on the other side of Sally with Quatre beside him, and on Quatre’s other side was Ambrosia who gave him a big smile.


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Chapter 5

“After we eat we should all come over to me and Trowa’s to catch up,” Quatre commented.

“Yea we should,” Duo said shooting Heero a meaningful look.

Heero glared at Duo, for a moment before taking his coat off and laying on the back of his chair. Heero’s gloves covered all of his hand and four inches below his wrist. The fingers of the gloves stopped at first knuckle of each finger. Heero put his hands below the table when he noticed everyone staring at them.

“Who’s the little girl?” Wufei asked.

“Ask her Chang she’s sitting right here,” Heero said pointing at her.

“Ok who are you?” Wufei asked looking at Ambrosia.

Ambrosia looked up at Heero asking permission for something. Heero gave her a small smile and nodded.

“I’m Ambrosia,” she said looking at Wufei with a big smile.

“I mean what relation are you to him?” Wufei asked.

Ambrosia frowned and looked up at Heero with confused eyes.

“Chang Wufei! I demand that you stop grilling an eight year old!” Sally snapped.

Heero thought he witnessed Wufei cringe slightly. Duo made the sound of a whip and smirked at Wufei, who turned a dangerous color red.

“Maxwell,” Wufei growled.

“No seriously Heero who’s the little girl?” Duo asked avoiding an argument with Wufei.

“A friend,” Heero said looking at the menu.

Everyone looked at Heero then at each other.

“A friend?” Trowa asked skeptically.

“Yea a friend,” Heero said giving Trowa a look that clearly stated ‘fuck off’.

“HEERO!!” a high pitched female voice screeched.

“This is not fucking happening,” Heero mumbled.

“Wing! Ooh I’m telling Angelo,” Ambrosia said laughing.

Relena came out of nowhere and latched onto Heero.

“My love! You were gone for so long!” Relena wailed.

Heero pulled out of Relena’s grasp and was nearly in Duo’s lap.

“Relena if you don’t mind we were trying to have lunch,” Heero stated.

Duo was waging an internal battle with himself. He was currently trying to decide if he should kill Relena, or pull Heero the rest of the way onto his lap and ravish him.
“Oh I’d love to join you!” Relena said.

“But you weren’t invited,” Ambrosia stated confused.

“Who are you?” Relena asked snobbishly.

“Ambrosia,” she said smiling.

“And where are your parents?” Relena asked.

“They died...a long time ago,” Ambrosia said sadly looking down at her lap.

“Then maybe you should go back to the orphanage you crawled from,” Relena snapped.

Duo had to grab hold of Heero who looked like he was going to snap Relena in half. Heero was now in Duo’s lap and struggling to get out of it.

“Maxwell!” Heero barked.

“You can’t kill her she’s still important to the peace,” Duo said.

“You’re a mean lady!” Ambrosia cried.

“You’re a rude little brat,” Relena spat.

Relena looked over her shoulder in annoyance when someone tapped on it.

“You’re a psycho bitch!” Sally seethed before punching Relena across the face.

Everyone looked on shocked. Then they all looked over at Heero who had began to crack up. Duo was entranced. He had never seen Heero laugh before and it was breath taking.

“Karma!” Heero called still chuckling.

“That’s one hell of a woman you got there Chang,” Duo said.

Wufei smiled proudly as Sally again took her seat beside him. Heero stopped laughing and looked around. He was in Duo’s lap with Duo’s arms around his waist. He blushed furiously before scrambling out of Duo’s grasp.

‘Is Heero blushing!’ Duo’s mind raced.
The rest of the luncheon was uneventful. After they were done eating they sat there and talked for a while. Heero jumped when his cell phone rang.

“Yuy speaking,” Heero answered.

“Yea we’re fine. At the Morgana eating lunch with my friends. Yea she’s fine. Ok see you then,” Heero said before hanging up.

“Who was that?” Duo asked.

“Angelo,” Heero stated putting his coat back on.

“Angelo?” everyone chorused.

“He’s going to be here shortly to pick up Ambrosia. I thought I’d stick around with you guys for a while if that’s alright?” Heero asked.

“Of course it’s alright,” Quatre said.

Sure enough five minutes later Angelo showed up.

“Hello,” Angelo greeted.

“Everyone this is Angelo, Angelo this is Duo, Wufei, Sally, Quatre, and Trowa,” Heero introduced.

“Nice to meet you, Heero speaks of you often,” Angelo said smiling at Duo.

“Funny he hardly speaks of you,” Duo said with a glare.

“I’m ready to go now!” Ambrosia announced.

“Alright lets go Amby,” Angelo said smiling at Ambrosia.

“Be careful,” Heero said.

“Always, and Heero see you later,” Angelo called over his shoulder.

“So that’s the mysterious Angelo he seems like a nice guy,” Trowa said.

“Hey lets get some drinks at the bar!” Duo said cheerfully.
“Sounds good to me,” Sally said.

Everyone walked over and sat down at the bar table. The seating arrangement was the same except sense Ambrosia was gone the seat beside Heero was empty.

“So Yuy can you handle your liquor?” Duo asked with a smirk.

“Probably better than you can,” Heero replied.

“No drinking contest a drunk Maxwell is a bad thing,” Wufei said.

“It was an ugly shirt anyway Wuffers,” Duo chuckled remembering the time he had gotten sick all over Wufei’s new silk shirt.

Wufei just glared at Duo and then Heero who had started chuckling.

“Sense when do you laugh Yuy?” Wufei asked.

“Time can do wondrous things Chang,” Heero said.

“I can see that and it scares me,” Wufei said.

Everyone laughed and ordered their a beer.

“And after escaping the lab I ran into Angelo who took me to a safe house. I met his adopted daughter Ambrosia and decided to stay a while to make sure it was safe to show up again. I was on my way to see you guy’s when some asshole grabbed Ambrosia and tried to take off with her,” Heero said.

He had lied a lot about what had happened at the lab. He didn’t tell them about the torture, or Lucius. He also lied about Angelo and Ambrosia, but he didn’t think they’d believe the truth so he had to lie.

“Hey there beautiful,” A man said sliding onto the stool next to Heero.

Heero looked around to see who the man was talking to and realized the man was looking at him. The man was tall about 6/2 with short greased back blond hair, and brown eyes. He was attired in a red tank-top, blue-jeans, and a black leather jacket.

“Wanna dance?” the man asked.

“Sorry I’m here with friends,” Heero answered politely.

“Come on one dance, I won’t keep you long,” the man said.

“Sorry, but...I’m really not interested,” Heero said.

“So no dance,” the man said sorrowfully.

Heero shook his head and looked down at his beer. He jumped when he felt an arm slide around his waist.

“Well if you won’t dance, lets go back to my place,” the man said with a leer.

“I said I wasn’t interested,” Heero said shoving the mans arm off his waist.

Everyone watched the exchange and glanced worriedly at Duo. Duo looked passed the point of pissed. Quatre briefly worried for the safety of the blond man.

“No need to be shy sexy,” the man persisted again placing his arm around Heero’s waist.

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A/N: another chapter done! Please review and tell me what you think!
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