Halo - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Monitor's Musings ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Halo. Bungie was magnificent enough to create a game so great. None of the characters are mine except for the narrator.
343-Guilty Spark was an idiot. Even before the forerunners had appointed him guardian of Halo Guilty Spark was slowly spiraling down into insanity. He always retained his general programming and did his duties, but there was always something peculiar about him since he had been brought online. A couple thousand years alone would cause anyone to go a little crazy; sentinels weren't exactly engaging conversationalists. If he didn't know any better he would say that the sentinels thought they were better than the monitors. ::snort:: Just because they could actually fight; without the monitors there wouldn't be anything to fight for. At least they always followed orders. Guilty Spark on the other hand…and he had been put in charge of keeping the most important installation. The flood had finally been caught and live specimens examined, amazing breakthrough. It was hoped that by experimentation a way to kill them would finally be found. However no such solution existed. The only way to stop them was to remove their food source and force them into stasis. Even then it was sort of a half-sleep for them. Once they sensed food they became alert and started to multiply. Nasty little things. You could delay them but never truly kill all of them. Some always persisted. They didn't need water, air, or an available food supply really. They were patient.
When the covenant had over taken Halo it was thought that they would have to detonate. More of the system would be lost than was fathomable, but that was simply the price for stopping it. Many would be destroyed but many would be saved from the action. The covenant were able to be thwarted however. A small number of the flood forms were released effectively frightening the covenant from investigating further. The sentinels were able to neutralize them later. It was an extremely risky move but it paid off in the long run. Now Halo had been detonated but the reaction didn't happen. The flood must have been released, Guilty Spark followed protocol, no matter how insane he couldn't go against his programming, and the planet had malfunctioned. The monitor probably hadn't kept up with his system's checks. Idiot. Now the other worlds were preparing for invasion and detonation when necessary. Chances are it would be necessary. He wouldn't mess up like Guilty Spark had. That much was certain.
This was the second story I had written which actually was completed and the first one I have posted. Any reviews and constructive criticism is appreciated. Thanks for reading!!!