Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ blade's quest ❯ the quest begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is my first shot at a series fic for hamtaro so enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own hamtaro, Ritsuko Kawai does. and if I did own hamtaro, I would 1)not be able to write this, 2) I would be working on the upcoming hamtaro movie, and 3) hmmm.. I guess there is no 3..oh well

Part 1: the quest begins

Long ago in the year 1000 A.D, there was a weapon that can produce massive destruction to any foe. One man has wielded the sword and stopped countless villains. Now 1000 years later that same warrior will wield that same blade, which is now called..the ultima weapon.

Now we see a hamster, wandering with a wounded arm and getting lost on every turn

???-man, why did my human abandon me. What did I do to her

he stops as his wound is getting worse

???-dammit, why did this happen

and at that moment, he fell on the ground

???-Why..did this happen..I wish..I..wasn't..alone.

at that moment, he collapsed.

Meanwhile, bijou was walking around collecting sunflower seeds for the ham- hams

Bijou-hmm..this one looks nice

Then bijou notices something


She goes over to a nearby tree and notices a hamster

Bijou-huh..what happened to you

She found the same wounded hamster that was at the beginning.

To be continued

So, what do you think of it so far. Review please