Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ blade's quest ❯ blade's gift ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 4

Chapter 4: blade's gift

We now see blade walking around outside

Blade-tomorrow is daggers birthday and I want to get her something good, but what

???-Need any help

blade-who's there

???-Up here

blade looked up to see a familiar hamster sit on top of a branch, he had all orange fur with two different colored eyes, one red and one green

Blade-oh, hey Chaos

Chaos-hey there

Blade-nice to see you again….and yes I do need help

Chaos jumps down from the branch

Chaos-what's up

Blade-it's about Dagger


Blade-you see, tomorrow's her birthday, and I want to get her something great

Chaos-that's easy

Blade-I know….but the only problem is, I don't know what to get her

Chaos-I see, so you want to get her something she'll like

Blade-yes, but also to remember me by

Chaos-hmm….well, I know a shop nearby that can get whatcha need

Blade-thanks Chaos

Chaos-don't mention it

Blade and Chaos go to a ring shop in Chaos's old village

Chaos-Here we are

They enter the ring shop, a female hamster sits at the counter(authors note-it's not deserted)

Owner-may I help you

Chaos-I need a ring for my friends girlfriend

Blade-I need one that she'll like

Owner-one second

She goes into the back room

Blade-will this be cheap

Chaos-don't worry, I'll pay for it

Blade-ok then

The owner comes back in with a very shiny emerald ring, Chaos pays for it and heads back to the ham-ham clubhouse

To be continued….

Character profile-Chaos




Birthday-October 21st

Blood type-B


Main weapon name-space gloves


Magic s/he is able to learn-fire, blizzard, thunder, stop, sleep, poison, cure, holy