Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ blade's quest ❯ security breach (continued) ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own Hamtaro, Ritsuko Kawai does. I do not own Morph, Yami hamtaro does. I do not own Chaos and Ziggy, Namco does. I own Blade, Dagger, Isaru, and Bolt.

Chapter 10: security breach (continued)

Where we last left off, bolt and morph snuck into isaru's ship (I don't know how they got there, so don't ask) and plan to steal a rare item they were keeping. Meanwhile bolt and morph found their way into the center's passage, bolt enters but morph follows

Bolt-the item should be down here

Morph-are we nearby yet

Bolt-no not yet….WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?????!!!!!

Morph-I want to help you

Bolt-but your supposed to….ok, you can come


Bolt-no problem

Bolt and morph find their way to a secret compartment

Bolt-this should be it

Bolt opens it

Bolt-this is it, this is what we've been looking for

He opens the case to reveal a necklace with an emerald in it

Morph-what does this do

Bolt-it can increase the power of whoever wears it


Guard 1-check down here

Guards-yes sir

Morph-uh oh

Bolt-don't worry

The guards enter

Guard 1-gotcha….huh

They escaped through the vents

Guard 1-find them

Guards-yes sir

They escape to the door, which leads to the bridge

Morph-we made it

Bolt-they're landing, so let's get outta here

They escape but a guard sees them

Guard-hold it


They make a run for the exit

Guard-get back here

Bolt uses his teleporting abilities to reach the exit very quickly

Morph-wait up

Morph quickly loses the guard and transforms into the ships guards again



Guard-there are intruders onboard this ship. Find them and dispose of them

???-(on intercom)attention, we have now landed on our designated location, group B depart immediately

guard-keep a lookout for them

morph(guard)-yes sir

The guard leaves while morph runs toward the exit before Isaru or his friends get him. He now meets up with bolt and escape on time

Bolt-great work

Morph transforms back to his normal self


Bolt-now let's go


Morph and bolt escape and head toward the dark circle base

To be continued

This part is almost done, 1 chapter remaining. Then It's off to part 2

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