Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Flare and The Two Shards ❯ Journey to Water Town ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Journey to Water Town

Laura was inside the clubhouse looking around

Laura-wow, so this was done by a Field Hamster

Hamtaro-yep, he's he's nice, but he sort of short tempered


Maxwell-don't worry, we're safe as a team. By the way, i'm Maxwell

Laura-nice to meet you

Kana-so, is it just you four or.....

Hamtaro-there's more Ham-Hams besides the three here. There's Bijou, Cappy, Pashmina, Sandy, Penelope, Panda, Howdy, Dexter, Oxnard, Stan, and Snoozer


Hamtaro-he's up there, he doesn't have an owner though

Snoozer-Zuu Zuu Zuu

Laura-is he always asleep?

Hamtaro-don't know

Snoozer-I wake up sometimes. Zuu Zuu

Kana-you have a lot of hamsters to play with


Blade-we have to hurry if we want to find the Shards

Laura-what's the rush?

Blade-the Dark Bandits have Five of the Seven Shards


Blade-yeah, we better hurry

Laura-what about the others

Maxwell-i'll stay here, i'll watch the clubhouse while your gone

Blade-ok, let's go

they leave the clubhouse


Thug-Master Flare

Flare-hmm....what is it?

Thug-we found this brat spyin' on us

???-let me go

Flare-no way, a Hamster like you shouldn't even be here

???-I was lost

Flare-don't give me excuses, throw him in the truck

The Thug throws the Hamster into the truck

Flare-have fun

the truck pulls away

Flare-the Dark Bandits will thank me

Flare was an all red Hamster with a Black cape

Flare-now, off to find the remaining Shards

Back to blade

Blade-the road to Water Town shouldn't be too far

Laura-I hope we can find them in time

Blade-I hope so too

???-BLADE!!! I FOUND YOU!!!!

Blade-is that who I think it is?

Blade sees a white Hamster with brows sopts on her ears and a flower near her left ear

Blade-yep, it's her

???-Blade!, i'm so glad your ok

Blade-nice to see you again

???-remember me?

Blade-yeah....I kinda forgot your name

???-oh, it's Candy

Blade-oh, right. Candy. Where were you after we were seperated?

Candy-i was at what's left of Fire City

Blade-is anything being rebuilt there?

Candy-yeah, they're starting to rebuild the Place

Blade-that's good news

Laura-is Fire City near Water Town

Candy-you two are headed to Water Town. I can take you there if you want

Blade-sure, i guess

Candy-well follow me and you'll get there in no time

Kana-you know where it is from here?

Candy-yep, I know pretty much everywhere. I'm a traveler


Matthew-Blade already left!

Maxwell-yeah, they said they were going to Water Town to find another Shard

Matthew-they're probably half way there by now

Chaos-is there another Shard nearby?

Maxwell-not sure, but I heard that the Ice Shard is Near Water Town

Matthew-so the Water Shard is in Water Town


Chaos-what now?

Matthew-well, we can either follow Blade, or search for the Ice Shard

Chaos-well we can probably do it faster if we Split

Matthew-yeah, your right

Back to Blade

Candy-this Boat will take you straight to Water Town

Blade-awesome. Let's hurry before the Dark Bandits come


Blade, Laura, Kana, and Candy hop onto the Boat

Candy-alright, away we go!

Candy takes the boat and drives it to water town


???-great, i'm being hauled off to who knows where, i wish I was in my bead and not here

Thug-hey, keep it down in there

???-(what now?...Maybe if I can bust that door down, i can escape)

the Hamster notices a shovel


the hamster takes the shovel and breaks the door open


???-sorry, gotta go

the Hamster jumps off the truck and runs

Thug-Get back here!!

???-how am I gonna change back now

Back to Blade



Laura-do you think i'll be able to return to normal?

Blade-not sure...who was it that transformed you?

Laura-don't remember, but he had a cape on

Blade-he's probably a Human, that means he's not a Dark Bandit member

Laura-yeah, but what did he want with me and Kana?

Blade-good question

Candy-we're here everyone

they arrive at Water Town port

Blade-(Now that we're in Water Town, i'll get to see my mom again)

To Be Continued

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