Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Flare and The Two Shards ❯ Nightshade ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Nightshade

Flare-you'll never win

???-that's enough Flare



An all Black Hamster appeared

???-so, your Blade

Laura-that voice...IT CAN'T BE!!!!


???-Ive come to make all of your dreams come true

his eyes glow, Laura falls


Flashback ends

Laura-you that guy that transformed us!!!

???-well well, your those kids from before

Laura-change us back, NOW!!!

???-sure, after Blade is defeated

Blade-who are you

???-I go by the name Nightshade


Blade-change them back, they did nothing to you!

Nightshade-i thought if I could capture the human of Hamtaro, she would lead me to you

Flare-sir, let me finish him off

Nightshade-no, leave him. We're wasting time already

Flare-but they have the Ice Shard!

Nightshade-oh, do they

Blade-your not getting it

Nightshade-Flare, allow me to handle them

Flare-yes sir. Let's go men

Flare and his crew leaves

Nightshade-I'll get that last Shard one way or another

Blade-let's go

Bolt and Warham arrive


Bolt-where's the Ice Shard Blade?

Blade-your not getting it

Nightshade-i'll take it from here. Shadow Blade!!

Nightshade launched a Shadow Blade. It was a Fire Blade attack, but it was Black. It hits Blade. He get's knocked back hard


Laura-you ok Blade?!


Kana-he's strong


Nightshade-this shouldn't take long

Bolt-all we need is the Last Shard. Leave him. He'll never defeat Ultima anyway

Nightshade-yeah, but just incase he somehow does, we need to stop him

Bolt-ok (still it's impossible for him to be the true wielder of the Ultima Weapon)

Nightshade-as soon as I'm done with you, the Ice Shard will be mine

Blade-your not getting the Ice Shard

Nightshade-oh yeah. Knockout Beam

Nightshade launches a beam from his sword, Blade jumps out of the way and so does everyone else

Nightshade-try dodging this, Shadow Blade

Nightshade launches a Shadow Blade, Blade try's to dodge, but get's hit. His Ice Shard fly's off

Blade-(No, the Ice Shard)

Blade recovers quckly from the fall and runs for the Shard, but Bolt takes the Shard


Bolt teleports


Laura-now they have all seven!

Nightshade-well. Now that I have what I needed, I've decided to go. But before I go, I have one last thing to take care of

Nightshade's eyes Glow, everyone but Blade and Dagger fall to the ground


Blade-what did you do to them?

Nightshade-they're put to sleep. But don't worry you'll join them as well


Matthew's Group arrives


Nightshade-how dare you interfere with my work

Yusuke-your work has gone far enough. Where's the Ice Shard?

Nightshade-Bolt has it. But now we have all seven Shards

Matthew-all seven....then that means

Yusuke-they have the Water Shard too


Everyone that was asleep vanished

Blade-where'd they go?

Chaos-Don't know, but where ever they are, we'll find them

Nightshade-please. You'll never reach them. Your going straight to where they are

Chaos-forget it! Moon Wave!!!

a Blue Disk launches out of Chaos's hands. It goes through Nightshade

Blade-it didn't work

Chaos-oh really? Watch this

then wind started to pick up and threw Nightshade

Nightshade-is that the best you got?! Spell Mirror!

The Moon wave attack hit's Blade and co. they get knocked back

Blade-oww....that was a lot stronger than Chaos's attack

Nightshade-my Spell mirror has a special skill. It can deal twice the damage of any skill use against me

Blade-no wonder it's so powerful

Nightshade-now to send you to where your friends are

everyone disappears except for Nightshade

Nightshade-master will be pleased...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

a few hours pass





Bla de-....(who's there)

Candy-no use, he's still asleep

Blade-(Is that....Candy?)......

Blade get's up

Candy-Blade! Your awake

Blade-where are we

Candy-don't know

Blade-ah, the Ice Shard...it's not on me...did the Dark Bandits get it

Candy-i'm afraid so



Laura was locked in a cage with no way out

Laura-where am I

she looked at her hands

Laura-i'm a Human again, but...was that all a dream...it has to be....there's no way a Hamster could have magical abilities

the door opens

???-well well, it looks like you've finally awakened

Laura-where am I? who are you?

???-I told you before, my name is Nightshade

Laura-Nightshade....that wasn't a dream

Nightshade-i'll be back to decide your fate

Laura-where's Hamtaro

Nightshade-somewhere in here

Nightshade leaves

Laura-Hamtaro....is there really a Group called...the Ham-Ham gang....I'm nervous...of what will happen to you...Hamtaro...I wish you were here with me

Back to Blade

Blade-so...I guess Ultima will finally be summoned

Candy-yeah. Nothing in the world can stop it

Blade-all except the Ultima Weapon

Candy-but it existed 1000 years ago. Who know's if it still exists

Blade-yeah.....where are the others

Candy-probably in seperate rooms

Blade-we have to escape somehow

Candy-but we can't find a key

something hit's Blade's foot

Blade-hmm...what's this

it was a key

Blade-where did this come from?

Candy-don't know, but whoever it was, he or she must be nice enough to help

Blade opens the door

Blade-let's find the others. Hopefully this key can unlock all the cell doors


Chaos and Seung Mina were running down a hallway leading to cell doors

Chaos-this place is huge

Seung Mina-we'll never find the other if we keep going around in circles all day

Chaos-let's try this door

Chaos opens the door to reveal Dagger and Daniel's room

Seung Mina-Daniel!

Chaos-keep it down. Someone will hear us

Dagger-hey guys

Seung Mina-i'll get you guys out

Seung Mina opens the door

Dagger-thanks guys

Daniel-yeah, thanks

Chaos-no problem

Back to Blade

Blade-where are we now?

Candy-don't know. I think we're lost

Blade-come to think of it. This place is big. Let's keep looking


a door opens


Blade-Dagger, your ok

Dagger-yeah, let's find Laura, matt and Yusuke. They still must be in here

Blade-yeah. Let's keep looking

To Be Continued

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