Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Hamtaro, what's wrong with you?! Hamtaro's New Attitude ❯ The Mysterious Stings ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Hamtaro, What's wrong with you?! Hamtaro's new attitude.

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Stings

(Hamtaro is running to the clubhouse. He is looking very worried)

Hamtaro: Oh cats! This is so pookie! (Uncool) I'm going to be late!

(Hamtaro was too busy worrying that everyone will be mad at him for being late because today Boss was going to take them on a hiking trip, he didn't see a mysterious figure come from behind a tree and walk in his path)

Hamtaro: I think I'm going to make it in time!

(BUMP! Hamtaro collided with the figure. Hamtaro went flying back, but the figure didn't get knocked down)

Hamtaro: (Rubbing his head) what happened? (On seeing the figure) Oopsie! (sorry) I didn't mean to bump into you. Are you hurt?

(And if you haven't guessed it yet, the figure was a hamster. This hamster looked really bizaroo (strange). The Hamster was all grey with no detail on it at all. Its eyes were a scary red)

Hamster: (Smiles) That's quite alright..um…..

Hamtaro: Hamtaro.

Hamster: yep-p, Hamtaro.

Hamtaro: I never saw you before. What's your name?

Hamster: Stings.

Hamtaro: Who's your human?

Stings: I don't have a human.

Hamtaro: Oh……

Stings: Hamtaro, where were you going to in such a gorush? (hurry)

Hamtaro: To the Clubhouse. My friends and me are going on a hike today.

Stings: Can I come, Hamtaro? Please?

Hamtaro: sure! The more the merrier! I introduce you to the Ham-Hams. Come on lets go!

Stings: Before we go, Hamtaro, is it okay if I show you something?

Hamtaro: Um, I don't know, I'm Koochi-Q (pretty) late as it is…Sure!

Stings: (Putting on an evil smile) Smidge… (Perfect)

(Stings leads Hamtaro into a dark part of the park)

Hamtaro: (Getting scared) Um, Stings where we going?

(Stings didn't answer. He led Hamtaro up to a Tree. At the bottom of the tree was a small door. Stings opened it)

Stings: Come on in, Hamtaro.

Hamtaro: Oh, Okay.

(A very curious Hamtaro entered through the door into a pitch-black room)

Hamtaro: Stings! Where are you?

(The door slams shut. Hamtaro tries it)

Hamtaro: Gasp-p! It's locked! Stings, where are you?

Stings: HAHAHAHA! You fell right into my trap, Hamtaro!

Hamtaro: Heke?

(Lights of all different colours start flashing)

Hamtaro: Oh….Koochi-Q. Uh? I feel strange………

(The lights continue to flash. Hamtaro just stares at them with out moving. It seems that Hamtaro is being hypnotised by the lights)

Hamtaro: ……………………..

(As Hamtaro fell deeper into a Hypnotic trance, the lights came on and Stings stepped up to Hamtaro)

Stings: Hamtaro, you will do exactly what I say. Do you understand?

Hamtaro: (In a deep Trance) Yes...Master….

Stings: Hamtast! Hamtaro, you will no longer be nice and kind. You will now be bad, rude, spiteful etc. but most of all………….evil.

Hamtaro: (In a deep trance) As you wish, master.

Stings: When I clap my paws you will break out of your trance and act just like I said. Okay?

Hamtaro: Yes.

To Be Continued………...