Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Hamtaro, what's wrong with you?! Hamtaro's New Attitude ❯ The New Hamtaro ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Stings and Hamtaro are walking towards the clubhouse)

Stings: Hamtaro, I blanko. (Forget) Where are we going again?

Hamtaro: (rough voice) To the Ham-Ham clubhouse, stupid! I told you before!

Stings: ...And why?

(Hamtaro stops and faces Stings)

Hamtaro: GOD! To go on a hiking trip! Come on I'm late!

(Hamtaro rushes ahead)

Stings: (Laughs) It's working. The Kind Hamtaro that everyone knew is dead. Long live the new evil Hamtaro! (Evil Laugh)

(At the Ham-Ham clubhouse, Everyone except Hamtaro are they're waiting impatiently)

Pashmina: I wonder where Hamtaro is. It's not like him to be late.

Penelope: Okwee!

Oxnard: Maybe he's bringing a big bag of sunflower seeds!

Boss: Oh! I almost forgot…

(Boss runs into his room and brings out a huge bag of sunflower seeds)

Boss: I Got them all just last night ready for our Hiking trip.

Bijou: oh, Boss that's amazing.

Boss: (Blushes) Really?!

(The door swings open, Hamtaro enters)

Boss: About time you got here Mr Late-Ham!

Oxnard: (Disappointed) Looks like Hamtaro didn't bring a bag of extra sunflower seeds.

(Hamtaro sits down)

Boss: Ahem! Now that we are all here we can began. Were going in two's, so everyone pick a partner.

(Dexter makes a move for Pashmina)

Dexter: My dear Pashmina, would you be my-

(Howdy knocks Dexter out of the way)

Howdy: No Ham-girl especially Pashmina would never pair up with you, Dexter!

Dexter: Do you honestly think that Pashmina would pair up with a rude hamster like you, Howdy?!

Howdy: I reckon' Pashmina, would you be my- (Howdy stops talking as he sees Pashmina go with Penelope) Dagnabit!

(After a short while the pairs are decided- Pashmina and Penelope, Sandy and Maxwell, Cappy and Panda, Stan and Howdy, Oxnard and Dexter, Hamtaro, Boss and Bijou are still undecided)

Boss: Okay, Here I go. B-Bij-Bijou? Um..W-Will you- (Boss stops as he sees Bijou by Hamtaro)

Bijou: Hamtaro, Will you be my partner?

Boss: WHAT?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hamtaro: Bug off, Ribbon Girl! I'm not pairing up with anyone of you losers!

Bijou: (GASP)

(All the Ham-Hams turn astonished and face Hamtaro)

Boss: Hamtaro! No one speaks to Bijou like that! Apologise now!

Hamtaro: Shut up! Go digdig a hole and bury yourself!

(All the Ham-Hams gasp)

Sandy: Like, What's wrong with Hamtaro?

(Boss walks up to Hamtaro)

Boss: What is the matter with you, Hamtaro?!

Hamtaro: YOU'RE the matter, you jerk. Now get a way from me!

(Hamtaro shoves Boss out of the way and goes through the door)

Bijou: Ham-Hamtaro?!

To Be Continued…………………….