Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Evil ❯ The Next Plan ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Love And Evil

Chapter 7:The Next Plan?

(The following night the Dark Circle gather at a hamster bar called "The Hams Paw". The bar is filled with hamsters drinking, smoking, and laughter. The Dark Circle members are sitting at a table in a dark corner)

Dexter: We must find a way to get rid of those Ham-Hams! Fortunately, I have a new plan.

Amanda: Your plan better work this time, Dexter! I don't like to lose twice!

Alice: May I suggest something?

Dexter: Hm? What is it, Alice?

(Alice lights a cigarette-holder, blows smoke in the air, and sips her wine before she speaks again)

Alice: I say we should just attack the Ham-Hams! With our power, we can easily overpower them!

Shadow: Alice, you are as stupid as those kids! Have you forgotten that master doesn't allow us to direct attack those Ham-Hams!

Spat: Yeah. He plans to brainwash them all into the Dark Circle, pfpft!

(Alice looks away and blows a smoke ring in the air)

Dexter: Will you three stop bickering?! I am trying to think of a plan!

Morph: When you come up with your next plan, four-eyes. Leave me out of it. I don't want to suffer the humiliation again.

Bulky: If it doesn't evole violence, leave me out of it too!

Dexter: Thanks for the help, guys. *sigh* I guess I will take the credit for getting rid of those Ham-Hams,
(Dexter stands up and walks out)

Amanda: And where do you think you are going?!

Dexter: I need a quiet place to think away from the noise and smoke.

(Dexter walks out of the bar; Amanda jumps off her chair and follows him)

Amanda: Dexter! DEXTER! Wait up!

Dexter: Hm? What the hell do you want?

Amanda: Have you forgotten that we are lovers….I MEAN partners?

Dexter: I haven't forgotten. So why don't you help me by staying out of my way?

Amanda: -_- I will help you to die if you talk to me like that again!

Dexter: My, aren't you easily insulted.

Amanda: Whatever, four-eyes! OK! I promise to help you in your next plan! If you have a next plan, that is!

Dexter: Of a matter of fact, I do have a plan! And this time the others won't screw this up!

Amanda: How?

Dexter: I won't be telling them you moron! I trust you will still help me to carry out my plan?

Amanda: That depends if I think if it would work! What is it?

(The next day, Bijou, Pashmina and Penelope are walking towards the clubhouse)

Pashmina: So the Dark Circle tried to trick us by surrendering?

Bijou: Oui. But it did not work.

Pashmina: I can't believe Dexter is now a Dark Circle member…..

Penelope: Ookwee….

Bijou: Do not worry, Pashmina. We will get him back. Also Stan said he saw a new Dark Circle member. A young girl named Amanda.

Penelope: Ookwee! Ookwee!
Pashmina: Hm? You know her, Penelope?

(Penelope nods)

Bijou: We better hurry to ze clubhouse. Boss will start to worry about me!

(Bijou, Pashmina and Penelope pick up speed. They don't notice two hamsters step out of the bush behind them)

Dexter: Are you ready, Amanda?

Amanda: As ready as I'll ever be!

To be continued…..