Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Chronicles Of Narnia Fan Fiction ❯ The King and His Hero ❯ II: Narnia's Help? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

II: Narnia's Help?
It was a peculiar feeling. Falling into a sink, that is. For a moment, Harry was strongly reminded of Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Unlike the time when he fell into one of Dumbledore's memories, Harry fell into the sink quite fast. One moment he was looking into the overflowing water and the next he was on top of the boy who looked just as shocked as he did. It took Harry only a moment to scramble off and whip out his wand, pointing it at almost everyone in the dimly lit area.
“Who are you? What do you want?” he demanded, eyeing them all suspiciously.
“Peter, are you alright?” one of the girls asked, helping to pick the fallen boy up.
Harry noted the style of dress and wondered if he had somehow gone back in time.
“I'm fine, Lucy,” the boy, Peter, responded as he brushed himself off and picked up the horn.
“Who are you?” Harry repeated, glaring at Peter.
Peter eyed him momentarily. “You're the one that's supposed to help us?”
Harry cocked his head slightly. “Help you? I'm afraid there must be some mistake. I'm not here to help anybody.”
“Then what are you here for?” the older looking girl questioned.
Harry frowned. “I-I don't know,” he answered truthfully, still eyeing them warily and keeping his wand pointed at them. “I was just…” He trailed off when he saw the horn in Peter's hand.
`That music…that horn…that boy…what the bloody hell did I get myself into?'
“I'm Lucy Pevensie,” the youngest girl said, offering him a grin. “This is my sister Susan and my brothers Peter and Edmund. Who are you?”
“Harry Potter,” he replied, staring at the horn.
Peter noticed him staring and asked, “Did you hear the horn?”
Harry appeared startled, but nodded his head. “Yes,” he confessed. “How did you know?”
“This horn,” Peter explained, “is magical. Whoever blows it will receive help. I blew it because I'm in need of aid.”
Harry swallowed slightly. “What do you need help with?”
“We have to rescue Narnia!” Lucy said passionately, her wide brown eyes flashing with determination.
“Excuse me? Rescue who?”
“Narnia isn't a who,” Edmund corrected. “Narnia is—was—our Kingdom.”
Harry licked his lips. “And you need to…rescue…your Kingdom?” Harry glanced at them. “Aren't you a bit young to have a Kingdom?”
“We get that a lot,” Edmund replied sheepishly. “But, well, the entire truth is a long story.”
Harry nodded his head absentmindedly and took another look around the place. He realized that he was in a cave and quickly studied his surroundings. Surprise briefly overtook him when he realized there were magical creatures, but it quickly disappeared when he considered that horn's ability to conjure him. Harry bit his lip nervously before turning to stare at Edmund.
“I'm already here,” he said softly. “You might as well tell me.”
Lucy smiled widely. “Great!” she exclaimed. “There's so much that happened!”
“We can show you,” Peter offered. “Our tale is carved on the walls.”
“Of course!” Susan said. “I'd forgotten about that.”
Harry was led to the far corner of the cavern and handed a torch. He hesitantly took it and his eyes widened slightly at the drawings. Gingerly, he reached out and touched them, gasping when images flashed before his eyes. He could see Lucy meet Mr. Tumnus for the first time; he could see the White Witch's minions take the faun captive; he could see the Pevensies return to Narnia together. The images in his head continued, showing Harry Narnia's history. He was overwhelmed with joy as the Narnians won their battle against the White Witch and overwhelmed with sadness as the siblings left Narnia and the Telmarines took over. His heart ached as the Narnians were enslaved, killed, and eventually forgotten, known only to be myths and legends.
When the images stopped, Harry shakily pulled his hand away from the wall and glanced at Lucy, who stared at him worriedly. “Are you alright?” she asked softly.
“Fine,” he gasped, breathing heavily.
“Mind explaining what happened and why it looks like you're going to break your stick?” Edmund questioned.
“Wand,” Harry corrected absent-mindedly. “And I'm not sure I know myself.”
“Wand?” Nikabrik looked excited. “As in, magic wand?”
“Yes,” Harry said, narrowing his eyes at the smaller creature. “I'm not in any way affiliated with the White Witch, as you called her. She wasn't even a witch.”
Nikabrik's demeanor changed entirely. “She was a great witch!” he snarled.
“Oh, please,” Harry scoffed. “All she did was freeze things.”
Caspian glanced at the wall and then at Harry. “You know of the White Witch?”
Harry bit his lip. “Well, when I touched the wall, I could see images in my head. It showed me what happened from the White Witch's rule to the Telmarine's rule.”
Peter stared into his eyes. “What are you?”
“I'm a Wizard,” Harry admitted. “And, I can see why you'd need help, but I can't give you any.”
“Why not?” Edmund demanded. “You wouldn't have been summoned here unless you couldn't help us!”
“I've got my own war to fight,” Harry snapped. “Back in my world. People are dying as we speak and I have to go back! I can't stay here and help yours when I haven't won mine!”
Peter thinned his lips. “You don't really have a choice,” he said softly.
“Are you threatening me?” Harry asked angrily.
“No,” Peter assured. “You see, we can't leave. Not until our job's complete. Since you've been called here on a job, despite your being unwilling, you also cannot leave.”
Harry's eyes narrowed as his body shook with barely suppressed rage. It wasn't fair. First Percy dies, sending the Weasley family into a world of pain, and now he was stuck in Narnia to help fight another war? When was it all going to end?
“This is ridiculous,” Harry snarled. “I have things to do! Prophecies to fulfill! How the bloody hell can I do what I'm destined to if I'm stuck here?”
Caspian cleared his throat slightly. “Perhaps you were also destined to come here.”
Harry glared at him. “Really?” His voice dripped with sarcasm.
Caspian glanced at the people around him and nodded his head. “Yes,” he said firmly. “You said you had your own prophecy to fulfill; that you're destined to do something. If that is true, then whatever happens is meant to happen. Maybe you fighting in this war will help you win yours.”
“Do you not want to help us?” Lucy asked, crestfallen.
“That's not it,” Harry replied, feeling a bit guilty. “Like I said, I have my own war to fight. My entire world is counting on me to defeat an evil Dark Lord. I'm the only one that can stop him. So many people have already died and even more people are dying now that he's returned. I can't bring peace to the world if I'm stuck here.”
“Oh,” Lucy said softly. “I…I guess that makes sense…”
“I really am sorry,” Harry said sincerely. “But, I have to find a way to get back.”
Peter looked at Harry up and down. “You don't look like much,” he scoffed. “How can you possibly win a war when you're scrawny?”
Harry cocked an eyebrow. “I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you're not the strongest or buffest looking guy out there.”
There was a slightly cough. “My liege,” Reepicheep interjected, “perhaps I may make a suggestion?”
Harry stared at the mouse. “And I thought I'd seen it all,” he mumbled.
Reepicheep appeared startled. “Finally, someone who doesn't mention my species!” he cried in delight. “Oh, how lovely to see at least an inkling of originality!”
Harry snorted. “Okay then.”
Peter cleared his throat. “Suggestion?” he prompted.
“Ah, yes!” Reepicheep bowed in apology. “Perhaps this dispute can be settled in an honorable battle!”
Harry blinked. “Battle? What the bloody hell for? I need to find a way home!”
“You won't be able to,” Susan said matter-of-factly, echoing what Peter said earlier. “We tried the first time we came here. Until we do what we're meant to, we're trapped here.”
Harry clenched his fists tightly. “How long will that take?” he inquired.
Peter shrugged. “We remain here until we're no longer needed.”
Harry shook his head in disbelief. “I just don't have that kind of time,” he protested.
“Are you willing to let the Narnians die?” Edmund demanded. “Can you really leave when people here need your help?”
Harry turned to Edmund. “Can you really force me to stay when my own people, my family, are in danger of dying? If your siblings' lives counted on you, would you callously leave them behind to help someone else?”
“We see your point,” Peter said. “Truly, we do. But, there isn't any other option. Caspian is right. Perhaps it was fate that brought you here. Perhaps you need to fight this war before you can win yours.”
Harry sighed softly. He could see that he wasn't going to win. Still, there was absolutely no way Harry could fight the war with the Pevensies. He made a promise to Ron; how could he fulfill it here? What if the Weasleys were in danger at this moment? Harry didn't want any more blood on his hands. On one hand, he needed to fight and kill Voldemort before the evil Dark Lord killed anyone else. On the other hand, according to the Kings and Queens of Narnia, he was needed here to help win this war and if he left he was just sentencing this group of people to their deaths.
Harry hated double-edged swords.
The Gryffindor could feel something inside of him nagging him. What if they were right? If Harry truly was destined to be the only one possible to defeat Voldemort, then whatever happened in between was meant to be. The more Harry thought of it, the more he felt somewhat obligated to help out. If he didn't do anything to help, these people would continue to be repressed and deprived. He couldn't just let them suffer when he could do something about their situation.
Harry frowned slightly. “I'll do what I can to help,” he decided. “But I still have to try to find my way home.”
Peter swallowed slightly. “Okay,” he agreed. “We'll take what we can get.”
“But, Peter, what if—” Edmund started.
“This is the best we're getting,” Peter said firmly. “If he can offer us even a little help, it'll be appreciated.”
Nikabrik scowled angrily. “Or he'll just end up leaving like you lot did,” he pointed out nastily.
Harry snorted. “Oh, shut up,” the brunet retorted. “If you truly care about your home, you wouldn't object to any help offered no matter how little it may be.”
Glenstorm the Centaur nodded his head. “On behalf of the centaurs,” he said, bowing deeply, “I express our gratitude.”
Trufflehunter chuckled merrily. “I also express gratitude,” he said.
Harry flushed as Trumpkin and Reepicheep expressed something akin to gratitude. “You don't have to do that,” he said uncomfortably.
Caspian offered Harry a smile. “Thank you for staying,” he said softly. “We could use the help.”
Harry flushed harder and nodded his head. “You're welcome.”
Peter offered Harry a small smile. “Well, since you'll be staying,” he said as he walked to the tunnel out of the cave, “let's introduce you to the people you're fighting for.”