Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Caught in the Dust ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5
Somehow, Luna found herself staring into the blazing fire in the Ravenclaw common room. It was nearly three in the morning and the loud and prolonged snoring of her dorm mates wouldn't allow her to sleep. In fact, she was certain you could hear their honking, rude noises even now, and they were three floors up. A recurring nightmare didn't help matters much, either.
She could remember running in a fog and not knowing where she was going. Behind her, some sort of shadowy figure chased her, calling her name in a raspy voice. Before her, two other figures stood, although she couldn't tell who they were, they both called out in familiar voices, but something in the back of her mind whispered softly, yet urgently that choosing the wrong figure would kill her.
Near her ear, the voice of her mother begged her not to choose the wrong path. Pure confusion washed over her entire body and she didn't know where to turn. Then, she would wake up. Nothing ever got farther than that. She found herself missing the old days, before Hogwarts, curling up with her father as he read her muggle fantasy novels, both of them laughing at how different the wizarding world actually was. Back before her mother died.
She could feel him behind her before he actually appeared. He sat down in the armchair beside her. “What's on your mind?”
“Egypt,” she lied, “Father promised to take me there to visit the tombs, if I pass all my classes. But, I don't think I can, at least not with top grades.” She wasn't ready to tell him her dream yet. Some parts of her life she had to keep to herself. No, most parts. “What's wrong with you?”
“Nothing's wrong. Why would you think something's wrong?” he questioned.
“You're a horrible liar. We'll need to work on that along with your knowledge of magical creatures. Spit it out.”
He shifted uncomfortably and seemed to find a spot on the floor very interesting. “How's Cho?”
She should have suspected it was that. “She's doing alright.”
“Has she- has she dated anybody,” he asked, still not looking her in the eye.
“Yes,” Luna shifted awkwardly; Cedric seemed a little surprised and maybe even shocked. “She went out on a date or two with Harry last year, but that didn't work out because Harry didn't know how to comfort her over your death. Then, she started dating Roger Davies, and still is dating him as far as I know. At first, everyone thought she dated him to make Harry jealous, but now they truly seem to like each other. Or, that's what I've heard, curtsey of my dorm mates gossiping, all of it may be a lie. It doesn't even compare with the news from the Yukon about the abominable snowman attacking small children and old ladies.”
He was silent for a few minutes, “Good. I want her to be happy. She deserves to be happy.”
“Yes, she does…but so do you,” Cedric stared at Luna because of her statement.
“I'm a ghost, Luna, I shouldn't need to be happy.”
“But you do. You do need to be happy.”
He didn't say anything, but something in his gaze changed, “Thank you.”
After classes the next afternoon Luna found Ginny sitting on a bench near the lake. She looked like she was in deep thought, but lost, like she didn't know where her thought s were leading or how to get them to where she wanted them to got. “Hello Ginny,” she said, sitting down by the girl.
Ginny jumped slightly, but grinned at her friend, “Hello Luna,” she said softly, with a touch of unsteadiness quivering in her voice. Something that wasn't at all like how she normally was; Ginny was never quiet or unsteady.
“Did you know that some people in Africa worship a god that kills them and others worship aliens?”
“No Luna, I didn't know that.”
Luna cocked her head to the side, “What do you want to talk about?”
“Harry,” the girl groaned, “I like him. I really like him. But, he doesn't notice. I'm trying to follow Hermione's advice, you know, and be myself and let him come to me, but it's really hard.”
Luna just stared, “I mean, nothing seems to be working. What can I do, Luna, what can I do?”
“Just keep following Hermione's advice, Gin.”
Ginny brought her knees to the bench and buried her head in them, “Luan have you ever liked anybody?”
“Why sure,” Luna replied, surprised by the question, “I like Harry and Ron and you, why?”
Ginny shook her head. At times she would have been amused, but now she was serious and wanted seriousness in return. The thought came to her that maybe Luna was the wrong person to come to, but that thought passed. AN air of comfort was layered around Luna, and that was what she needed. Not Hermione's analysis or other girl's constant giggling. “No. Have you ever been…in love? Like with a boy?”
“No. I can't say that I have. But, I must say that it is very hilarious to see Ronald's face when you act like you like him.”
Ginny grinned slightly. She had been wondering about why Luna acted like that around Ron. `Weasley is Our King' s tune filled the air through Luna's humming, “We really need to get you a boyfriend.”
“You are too king, Gin. I am quite alright without a boyfriend.”
“Whatever you say, Luna.”
The water's rays caught Luna's eyes as Ginny walked away. `I don't need anyone. I don't.'
Professor McGonagall's eyes swept over the teacher's common room. Professor Snape wasn't in, of course; he spent most of his time in his rooms and making potions. Professor Sprout was having a conversation with Madame Hooch. Finally, she noticed Professor Flitwick sitting an overly stuffed armchair near the fireplace. Sipping a cup of tea and reading a book. Weaving in and out of desks, stacks of books, and armchairs, McGonagall finally found her way over to the short old man.
“Flitwick,” she acknowledged, sitting down across from him.
“Why my dear Minerva, what a pleasure, sit, sit,” he greeted merrily.
McGonagall rolled her eyes. No one should always sound so cheerful and easy to step over when you wanted something. Instead of taking the time to exchange pleasantries, as he expected and the rules of common courtesy said to do, she skipped right to the point, “Professor Flitwick, “I understand that Loony…Miss Luna Lovegood is in your house.”
“That is correct,” he replied curiously, “But I don't see what-“
McGonagall shook her head; “Allow me to finish, Professor, if you would please.” He nodded in silent agreement, “good I have noticed Miss Lovegood has been acting rather… odd as of late.”
“She's always been odd,” he said pointedly, pride slightly swelling in his voice, “It's in her personality.”
“Odder than usual,” McGonagall said in exasperation.
“Hmm… I haven't noticed anything different… but I'm old and completely oblivious to most people's emotions.”
McGonagall silently agreed with the statement, but pushed it to the back of her mind, “I think we should keep a closer eye on her.”
“Of course,” Flitwick agreed readily, “That may be for the best. Now, if you would excuse me, my book was just getting good. I believe it's nearing the climax,” he let out a girlish giggle and stuffed his face back into the book.
Without another word, McGonagall started walking away, silently laughing; she was almost certain that he was reading a muggle romance novel. She had to admit that she did ignore the girl; she was just so odd. But, she was also worried about her student. Something was doing on that she didn't know about. Something big.
“Miss, would you like something to eat,” asked a short house elf named Nini.
`Hot chocolate,” Luna told her. Some nights, when she was hungry or bored, she would come here, to the kitchens. Ginny had showed her where they were, and Fred and George had showed her. While she waited, she read a back issue of the American muggle magazine Science Fiction and Fantasy as she munched on a biscuit that they, the house elves that is, had given her.
“Their biscuits are rather delightful,” a voice behind her said. She turned around. Dumbledore. He had the usual twinkle in his eyes and he sat down across from her.
Another elf offered him a biscuit, which he happily accepted. “You know,” he told her, “The world is a place of mystery, it's a place that not even I can completely comprehend. You think you know something or someone, and then they change suddenly. New elements are added to your life. Nothing can stay the same for too long, not completely.” Luna nodded, he thought like she did, odd, different, and complicatedly. He continued, “Sometimes the people you think you know change. Sometimes, they change you. Some people you think are gone reappear, making you wonder, does anyone really leave?” He stood up, “That biscuit was delicious. Well a good evening to you, Miss Lovegood. You should head off to your dormitory soon.”
Luna sat, sipping her hot chocolate late into the night, reading and having some not-so-serious conversations with the house elves. `I don't want to change,' she found herself thinking when she finally slipped into bed.