Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Potions Accident ❯ chap 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Potions Accident Chapter 3   Harry gazed at the cat creature for a couple of minutes then he jumped up and quietly walked over to were the cat thing was sitting. Severus who thought it was best to just amuse Harry making him think that he was unable to hear him. Harry moved in front of him and gazed into Severus's face and then jumped back with surprise he had not thought that the cat that he had grown attached to would be his one and only, most Hated potions Master Severus Snape.   Severus looked at him and gave his most familiar scowl and closed the book he had been reading. Harry just looked at him then fainted. Severus sighed and stood up and picked up the boy wonder and laid him on the couch the with his tail swishing in agitation as he went to get some smelling salts he had noticed that one of the Gryffindor boys had. Pulling the stopper he waved it under Harry's nose. Harry smelling the foul smell woke up with a start and looked up to see Severus Snape standing over him with a frown.   "Maybe next time Mr Potter you can land with a least some style"   Harry just looked at him. Snape sighed and moved to a chair and sat down. Looking at the Gryffindor Severus pulled his Tail around his body and sighed.   "we have to be quick because by the time morning comes i will be back in my cat form"   Harry just blinked. Finally Harry came out of his stupor and looked over at him.   "what do you mean?"   Snape sighed and leaned back into the chair.   "what I mean is that whatever Peeves put into my cauldron has changed me like this i have to search through these potions books and find out what was made"   Harry nodded and stood up   "I'll help you"   ---- Scene Change ----   Draco stood on the plate form waiting for Harry to get off when heard a loud yell from near the car park. turning he spotted a whale of a man and child and a woman that looked more like a stalk. Long skinny neck and a bony body. They were arguing about something. Draco was so absorbed in watching the crazy people that he hadn't noticed that Harry and Severus had come up behind him. Harry sighed when he saw them and hugged draco   "I'll write and stuff could you send a couple of things for Snuggles?"   Harry who thought it would be fun to play along with Draco's game of him not knowing about Severus being the cat. Draco hugged him back and nodded   "Have a good time Harry and if you need any help just write and me and Father will come and rescue you"   Harry nodded and walked up to the Dursley's. Vernon looked at the cat and huffed but to his surprise Petunia holding the cat and hugging it like a little girl. Harry looked over at Severus and saw a glint in his eyes and new that Petunia was on his death list.   HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS /HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS/HP/SS   Please  R&R                 &nb sp;