Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Fire Meets Ice ❯ The Hospital Wing pt. 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Hospital Wing pt.1
Remus' POV

I groaned as an agonizing pain shot through my body. My left arm, it seemed, was broken in two places, my collarbone was broken as was my left leg. I was completely confused, never in all my years of being a werewolf had I been this badly injured. It was as if I had gotten into a fight with something considerably stronger than I, but what on earth would possess me to do something like that? How on earth would I do something like that, there isn't anything potentially dangerous to me for miles.

I tried to push myself up but couldn't find the strength to do so; I was completely drained of energy. I opened my eyes and looked around me. I was back in the shrieking shack, and the first rays of the sun were starting to shine through the broken window.

I heard the tip tap of someone's footsteps on the stairwell above me and I knew that Madam Pomphrey had arrived. I looked around me looking for something anything to cover my self with; even if I was injured, I could at least be slightly decent.

My robe layed ripped a few feet away and I struggled to get to it, wincing as pain shot through my bones. "Ah!" I hissed, biting my lip to stop from screaming out. I felt blood trickle down my lip and knew that I bit my lip open. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity I was able to get to my robes and place them over me like a blanket. Madam Pomphrey was on the final staircase and would be in here any moment.

"Oh my Carlisle! Remus what happened to you!?" Exclaimed Madam Pomphrey frantically as she surveyed what she could see of my torn body. She slightly touched my face, shining a bright into my eyes, what I wouldn't give to be able to smash that light into itsy bitsy pieces. "Don't give me that look, Remus," scolded Pomphrey as she stood up, brushing dust off her robes.

"Yes, Sir." I murmured softly, as she began gathering the rest of my clothes into a small bag be she pulled out of her pocket.

"Mr. Black was found at the foot of the forest this morning." Said Pomphrey conversationally, as she placed the last of my clothes into the bag.

I shot up, the pain in my body completely forgotten for the news of my friend. "What!? Is he alright? Oh my god, what did I do to him!??" Tears spilling down my cheeks as I started to hyperventilate. What did I do to him? He's never going to forgive me. God Sirius!

"Remus calm down!" admonished Pomphrey as she pushed me back down onto the old splintery floor, "Mr. Black is fine. A few bruises here and there, a broken arm, and a concussion- he's better off than you at any rate." She gave me a piece of wood, "Bite down on this." She instructed, placing her hands gently onto my left leg.

As I placed the thing into my mouth, I waited for her to say something- she didn't. She snapped my leg into placed, causing me to bite hard into the disgusting wood in my mouth. I spit it out glaring at her, "A little warning would have been nice you know."

She ignored me placing a thin board under my leg to brace it, wrapping some kind of cloth on it too keep it still. She gave me a look and I just placed the wood in my mouth again, she placed her hands onto my left arm frowning slightly. She sighed and violently snapped the first brake into place, causing me to scream out in pain, spitting out the wood. "Hmm it would seem that, that one snagged some muscle." She muttered to herself, as I rubbed the pained tears from my eyes.

"You think?" I muttered sarcastically, as pain continued to shoot through my arms. As she placed her hands onto my next brake, I violently pulled my arm away causing pain to momentarily shock me into freezing. I shook my head, "No leave it."

"Remus if I don't fix it, your arm will turn black and I will have to amputate it."

"You know personally I think black is a beautiful color." I said conversationally, trying to distract her from my arm. "I a-- SON OF A-!!!!!!!!" Tears of pain once again poured from my eyes, and I was panting erratically. "I hate you." I muttered in a deathly tone, the effect was ruined though by the pain laced into my voice. "I truly hate you."

She smiled fondly at me, ruffling my hair causing me to glare harder at her. She frowned and ran her fingers gently on my collarbone causing me gasp in pain. "Broken collarbone, nothing I can do about that here." She muttered to herself, "What did you do to yourself Remus?"

I stayed quiet not really knowing how to answer, freezing as I felt myself begin to float in the air before relaxing and drifting into a restless sleep. I was out before we even entered the Castle.


I woke up to the sun shining happily into my eyes. What I wouldn't give to blow the damn thing up never allowing it to shine cheerfully ever again. My head was throbbing and by the feel of things, my left arm was broken. I tried to get up only to decide that it was a horrible idea and settle back down into my… wait this wasn't my bed, what's this… grass? Why am I lying in grass? I guess I am not drunk but… hurt. How the hell did that happen?

"Sirius? What are you doin' out 'ere?" I squinted and above me, I saw Hagrid's towering build.

"Hey there Hagrid." I said as cheerfully as possible, through the pain of my head and throbbing of my arm. "I have absolutely no idea, all I know is that I woke up here with my head hurting with what feels like a hangover and a broken arm."

"You up to some trouble you are's." said Hagrid shaking his finger at me, "you know you aren't supposed tha be out 'ere."

"Hagrid, mate I really have no recollection on how I got out here. It feels as if I got into a fight with something but what?" I winced as pain shot through my arm, "It's not like Remus was out, he was stuck in that bloody shack."

Hagrid sighed lifting Sirius off the floor, "Hey what are you doing!?" I complained felt myself being carried back to the castle. My eyes shut once again due to the sun and pain.

"Takin' you back to castle o'course! Don't expect me to just leave ya here."

I grumbled, "I can walk ya know." But he just ignored me and carried me towards the castle.


"Oh my Carlisle! What has Mr. Black done now Hagrid?" cried Madam Pomphrey as she saw me lying pathetically in Hagrid's arms. "Please dump him on the bed Hagrid." He did as she was told- much harder than I think she had intended him too.

"Ow!" I complained, rubbing my arm where I landed on it.

"Well I'll be goin' now Poppy; jus call if you need me." Called Hagrid as he left the room leaving me alone with the crazy hospital maiden who always screams Oh my Carlisle! What does that even mean?

She stared at me wearily, "What have I told you, Mr. Black?"

I thought for a moment, "No playing outside when Moony's a werewolf?" Apparently that wasn't the right answer because the look she was giving me was one that promised trouble.

"I told you not to go out at night; if you must feed you are to be accompanied by one of your cousins. Aren't the tablets enough?"

"Oh, yeah they are plenty." I murmured pretending I knew exactly what she was talking about. I didn’t have a clue. What is she talking about? Feeding, tablets? Why would I leave the castle to "feed" when there's a kitchen full of food? And why would I need my cousins? Weird. "I guess I just got bored and decided to explore."

Pomphrey shook her head, and started towards the hospital wing entrance, "Mr. Black I have to pick up Mr. Lupin now. Do you think that you could behave yourself long enough for me to get him?"

"Sure, could you just do me a favor?" I asked slightly sarcastically.

"What do you need Mr. Black?" she asked wearily, leaning against the door.

"Could you set my arm?"

To Be Continued