Hot Gimmick Fan Fiction ❯ Things Not Learned ❯ Ryoki never learned to share... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Things Not Learned
Simon Green
Disclaimer: I don’t own this. Well, Hot Gimmick anyway.

Ryoki had never really had to share anything. Ever. He always had all of his mother’s attention. In school, he never had to share the top spot with anyone. He was always the smartest. Ryoki never really had to worry about not getting what he wanted either. His father’s position in the company, as well as his mother’s draconian like rule on the social structure of the housing complex meant that he could usually get away with whatever he wanted. Ryoki didn’t envision this changing much in the future course of his life. His high grades and number one standing in the national tests meant that whatever path he chose to take, he wouldn’t have to worry about money or power. Or sharing.

And yet, with all of this, there were still things that Ryoki didn’t have. Not having to share and being able to whatever he wanted didn’t automatically give him a lot of friends. Real friends anyway. Subaru was close, but a person could only take so much toadying before it becameÉdistasteful to be around. Subaru toed the line between an abject toady and a reasonable enough friend, that Ryoki could reasonably spend time with him without becoming too impatient or bored. To many of the girls, and occasionally the boys at his high school were too fawning to take. Not that Ryoki minded being fawned and fussed over. It was just when there wasn’t any actual sincerity behind it, it became tiresome. Ryoki thought that it might be perfectly acceptable for the people in his school to act that way if they were doing it for more than what Ryoki probably represented to them. Someone who could take them places. He supposed he better get used to it, as people would likely treat him that way for some time to come. He would make the effort to pick subordinates most like Subaru, and he supposed things would work themselves out tolerably well. Things would work themselves out much better if Hatsumi would start cooperating and act like she was supposed to. The idea of having Hatsumi for real (and hopefully doing it with her sometime in the very soon) made the future seem much more palatable.

Hatsumi was very good at fussing over people. She was naturally sweet and caring. And good looking. Ryoki sometimes spent class time day dreaming about what she looked like under those chunky sweaters she often wore. He built his fantasy naked Hatsumi from the touches (which were not enough in his opinion) that they had shared. He would have to talk to her about the lack of appropriate physical contact between them, and soon. She was his girlfriend; she’d said it herself. She wasn’t his girlfriend-in-training any more, and there were certain things that her new status should mean. He didn’t understand her reluctance and continued protests. They were together now. Although, if he thought about it, the physical side of things wasn’t as important to Ryoki as it was when they were first together. Then it had really been about finding someone to do it with, and Hatsumi had presented herself. Time passed though, and Ryoki. grudgingly admitted to himself that if it came down having Hatsumi around to spend time with and not doing it, or doing it and not having Hatsumi around at all, he would prefer the first situation. He would prefer most of all to do it with Hatsumi and have her around, so he hoped it didn’t come to the first situation. He supposed he liked having her around because she was so caring and nice, and seemed to be so regardless of the fact that he was Ryoki Tachibana and what his name met around the housing complex. He knew that she was sweet and caring regardless of that because she was sweet and nice to everybody.

Which was really the problem. Ryoki was supposed to be her boyfriend! He deserved some special treatment because of that. It was no good to be Hatsumi’s boyfriend, and be treated with the same kindness that Hatsumi seemed to bestow on everyone, even that worthless Azusa. She wasn’t even doing it with him. It was nice that she had said that she was his girlfriend in front of his mother and her brother (he was keeping a close eye on Shinogu, something wasn’t right with that guy’s relationship with Hatsumi) but as long as she kept being so nice to Azusa and her so-called brother there didn’t seem to be much difference between him and those guys in her life. She was so nice to them, and they caused her all kinds of trouble (which Ryoki was sure he never did) so she couldn’t even concentrate on him properly when they were together. It really got to him. They had so little free time anyway that it was all he could do to focus her on him when they were together. And inevitably, something one of those guys did would make her cry, and the chances of Ryoki getting laid, or even being able to talk to Hatsumi about something, or spend non-angst time with her went down to zero. It was beyond pissing him off. Ryoki had thought that by ordering her not to think about them (or any other guy) would do the trick and she wouldn’t have to cry about those two losers any more but she seemed incapable. Which meant that he was again in the position of having to fix the problems they caused Hatsumi himself just so he could get some action. Or some time to talk to Hatsumi like normal boyfriends and girlfriends talk together. If he had his way he would just put Hatsumi somewhere out of the way of others so he could have her all to himself. Because really, he was Ryoki Tachibana and he was the prince of the company-housing complex. He wasn’t supposed to have to share his things, be they toys or girlfriends. He was also supposed to be able to do whatever he wanted. And right now he certainly wasn’t doing whatever he wanted with Hatsumi.

In the end though, he was Ryoki Tachibana. He was going to get what he wanted. And he wasn’t going to share it.
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