Howl's Moving Castle Fan Fiction ❯ An Unwelcome Visitor ❯ In Which Things Unravel ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Alright everyone, she died Saturday August 5th. The funeral was Monday; it was really tough on all of us. Schools started back up and I don't spend as much time on the computer as I did. Thank you for your support and I apologize if this chapter isn't up to par. I really can't guarantee how regularly the chapters will come out from now on. But I will try my hardest =]
I don't own Howl and Co. I'd like a certain fire demon sometimes though.
Sophie Hatter was up early, earlier than usual that is, Heen had been scratching impatiently at Howl's door. She wondered if this was a daily occurrence or if he sensed something in the house was different. Granny Witch was a heavy sleeper, and to Sophie's surprise slept more than anyone else in the house, no one seemed to complained, Calcifer least of all. As she threw the covers off her she noticed her lengthy gray dress was waiting for her hanging on the door hook. Only today, it seemed to be mocking her, saying “this is as good as it gets, you're as plain looking as the dress you wear.” Sophie sighed.
She patted her way over to the opposite side of the bed to where Howl was curled up sleeping. She smiled as she remembered that he had kept his promise, he and his hands stayed on their side of the bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed and watched his toned chest move up and down as he snored softly. She brushed his midnight hair out of his eyes, and gave him an innocent kiss on the lips. A gasp escaped her lips as she felt the kiss deepen, she had awoken Howl, his bright green eyes flitted open to meet Sophie's. Her action had altogether startled him and he was caught off guard. She had never been one to initiate displays of affection, but Howl was never one to complain when she did it on a whim.
Sophie knew, in that instant, that she really loved this man and would not be willing to give him up without a fight; in her heart she knew she would never be as beautiful as Lillian. I'm just a hat shop girl who got lucky, she always was telling herself. But somehow through it all when Howl gazed in her eyes, she felt as if she was prettiest girl in the world. An arm snaked around her waist as her tiny frame was forced down on top of him, her hands spread across his bare chest. When her milky skin touched his it caused something to wake inside of her and instinct told her to give into it.
The voice told her, `It would give him a reason to stay with you.' Sophie couldn't do it, in the end it wasn't what she wanted, `I'm not going to force him to stay with him, if he wants to it will have to be on his own account.' Sophie broke the kiss, but she could not yet bring herself to leave Howl's embrace. Her head found his shoulder and her arms wrap around his back, she sighed as his body heat warmed her.
“Howl, I love you so much but I just can't. You know that, I'm sorry.”
“I know, love, I know. I love you too, and I will respect your wishes, I'm sorry I should not have tried to put you in that position.”
Sophie craned her head so she could look at Howl, and then, she did something she had not done since Lillian got there, she gave a genuine smile. Howl returned her smile and in one swoop picked her up in his arms; cradling her he took her to the closet, where much to her surprise was a new dress. He placed her down gently on the wood floor and glanced from the dress back to her to observe her reaction.
“Oh Howl, it's gorgeous! I've been admiring it in that little shop in Kingsbury, I can't believe that you bought it for me.”
“I'm glad you love it, Darling. Now if you excuse me I will leave you to dress in private.”
With that he winked at her and flew out the door, talking to Heen on the way. “Come on Heen, let's go for a walk.”
Sophie busied herself in the kitchen, burying herself in the pungent smell of bacon and eggs cooking. Sophie also had decided today would be a lovely day to try her hand at pastry making, not because she really wanted to eat one of course, but to see how much noise making she was humanly capable of. Oh yes, this was all set about because a certain ex-fiancé was fast asleep in her bed. Sophie was very careful though not to get anything on her new dress.
She had managed to rouse everyone else in the house, and all were not happy, even after she had told them of the extravagant pastries she was creating. Calcifer was exceptionally unpleasant when Sophie had awoken. She had not walked, but stomped down stairs to find him staring malevolently upon the sleeping Lillian. When she asked him what had brought this about, he told her he was not at liberty to say.
“Calcifer, please just bend you head down, I really need your help,” Sophie was not asking, she was begging. She was on wits ends with this woman being here and she did not need Calcifer being stubborn.
“I'm so sorry Sophie, I really can't, I don't HAVE to anymore. If “that girl” is going to partake in eating the food I won't help.”
“How about if I promise you two slices of bacon, all the eggshells you can eat, and a pastry? Hm, does that work?”
“Sorry Soph, I can't.”
“Maybe I can help,” Howl said standing up, taking the frying pan from Sophie. Their fingers brushed and she smiled up at him, he returned her glance and kissed her forehead reassuringly. “Calcifer, please, I realize you don't have to obey me anymore, but do this as a favor, as my old friend. If not for me for Sophie.”
Calcifer's flames turned a brighter shade of red and rose higher in the chimney. Everyone had to brace themselves as the castle jerked forward in motion. Lillian on the other hand fell out of bed, but no one seemed to notice.
“HOWL, don't even get me started! You, you were the one who let this girl into OUR home, yes I said it! Sophie and mine's house, because we seem to be the ones who are responsible for the upkeep, so I believe we should have SOME, if not all, say of who is let in the house. We slave all day while you are prancing around in your own little world. I don't think anyone cares to have her in the house besides your own selfish desires Horrible Howl, which I don't understand why you would do such a thing when you have Sophie here. I swear Howl if you make Sophie leave I will leave too, which means you have to find a new place to live!”
Howl's mouth fell open; he was too stunned to speak. No one else even moved they were afraid of what would happen next. Sophie looked at her fiancé's face, his eyes revealed a look of wounded expression. His face showed he was vulnerable, and even with Calcifer's constant complaining and belittling remarks to Howl, none had affected him like that. Maybe it was because the remark struck so close to the truth. Sophie sighed, she did not need another melt down, she had just cleaned the floors, green slime would not go over well with her.
“Does this mean I'm not welcomed here?” Everyone's head whipped around, even Granny Witch's. Lillian was picking herself off the floor and adjusting her nightgown. She sat down on her bed and gave off a hurt expression. Sophie wanted to applaud her acting skills, this girl was good, she knew what she was doing. Howl's was not the first and probably not the last house she would play this in.
No one knew what to say to Lillian, Sophie wanted to scream, `No you are not welcome here, so please head for the door and leave!' but she knew she would not be able to. Lillian's eyes darted from person to person looking for the weakest one. Sophie knew, even before those perfectly formed lips parted whose name would leave them.
“Howwwl? You want me here, right?”
Every ounce of Sophie pleaded for him to say no, but she knew that would not happen either. His pride was too much for him, she often wondered how one man lived with such a big head. Calcifer had insulted him; he would do anything to get back at Calcifer now. Plus he had a very attractive woman chasing him, that's got to go to someone's ego.
“Right, Lil. As long as I'm here you are welcome here.”
Calcifer in Howl no longer talked, Sophie couldn't really blame Howl. She wanted to though, she wish she knew how to blame him. Markl helped Sophie move Calcifer over so she could start a “non-mouthy” fire, as Howl referred to it.
After breakfast was done everyone went their separate ways. Howl went into the bath, Markl took Granny Witch and Heen on errands. Sophie went out to the secret place Howl had made just for her and reluctantly, she took Lillian along. She's better where I can keep an eye on her; Sophie had tried to convince herself.
“Come on, Lillian. If you are going to stay with us,” Sophie paused, “for awhile,” She didn't want to say that word, but she knew it was true, “you are going to have to pull your weight. We need to gather up flowers to open the flower shop today.”
Lillian trampled behind Sophie stepping on flowers as she went. If she was going to have to work she made up her mind she was going to make Sophie as miserable as possible. Sophie began to rattle off which flowers to pick, which made nice displays, which didn't. Lillian of course, paid attention only to the ones that didn't. After picking all the ones that Sophie didn't want, Lillian came up with a plan.
Sophie whipped around, she didn't like that language, that kind of word won Markl a time out. Her eyes flitted to over dramatic Lillian who was clutching her leg. As Sophie approached she could see a welt forming on her leg, Lillian was almost in tears.
“It's just a bee sting, relax.”
Lillian continued to clutch her leg and rock back and forth, it was getting quiet ridiculous. Her actions reminded Sophie of a five year old, just trying to get attention, any kind, from its mother. Right there, Sophie made a decision that would change her life and, at some point might come to regret.
“Your doing more harm than good, just go back to the house, I'm sure Markl will be back soon and help you with it. Howl's still probably still in the bath, I'll be up in a few and help if Markl isn't back already.”
In reply to that Lillian hobbled away until she reached the door and disappeared behind it. Sophie continued to pick flowers, but at a more hurried pace. She knew Howl would still be in the bath, but the sooner she got back the better she would feel. She eventually gathered her basket of cut flowers and headed back to the castle. As she opened the door she was met by two people in a very compromising position.