I My Me!(Ai Mai Mi!) Strawberry Eggs Fan Fiction ❯ A Moment: Fuuko ❯ A Moment: Fuuko ( One-Shot )

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A Moment: Fuuko

A moment seen, a moment passed;

The woman figure had been such a relieved gasp.

A beautiful woman was placed before me;

I had no idea of the feelings that were to be.

This went on, until the ruse was revealed;

All the emotions inside shattered like a veil.

A figment of the imagination, a pervert's fantasy?

My mind wandered these things desperately.

Thoughts of something could surpass those emotions;

But then a new light dawned upon it, the premonition.

Psychic's ability, or maybe a memory

At the moment, nothing like that was important to me.

What mattered was that she was a he, my sempai;

And nothing else mattered, except my love and his for I.