InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Shift of Time ❯ Paranoia ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hermione twisted lightly in her seat, as the pain began to increase in her head. She knew already that another memory was forming, ready to drive away what she knew was real, and she could only hope that it did not last long. Especially after the last one, drilling into her head the strange friendship between Higurashi Kagome and Draco Malfoy's small Slytherin group.

Her attention turned away from the professor, as she tried her hardest to keep herself still. The pain was almost more than she could handle. It always was. And she could not help but wonder if that was Higurashi Kagome's plan. Make her look insane and then kill her with the onslaught of memories that she thrust upon her each and every day.

Gritting her teeth, Hermione felt tears form in the corner of her eyes. The pain stabbed at her mind, cementing the memory that began to fill her head, and Hermione's only reprieve was when her vision faded. The feeling of floating overtook her body as it happened, the distant sound of voices filling her head, while she found herself back in her second year.

Hermione gripped her mirror tightly as she left the library, holding onto the piece of paper she had torn from an old book. It all made sense now! Though, she still could not find any evidence that Draco Malfoy was the Heir of Slytherin, it made perfect sense.

A basilisk! Why had she not thought of it in the first place?

She walked swiftly, stopping at each corner to lift her mirror and check the next corridor. However, she slowed when she thought she heard movement in the third corridor she needed to move through, and lifted the mirror more slowly. She almost closed her eyes, but realized that the thought was ridiculous, and was surprised when she spotted another person in the mirror's reflection.

Rounding the corner, Hermione gazed upon Higurashi Kagome. The Slytherin girl was standing next to a wall, touching it lightly, and Hermione frowned at the sight. She knew for a fact that the basilisk was using the pipes to move through the school, and it was more than a little suspicious that Kagome would be touching a wall while alone. "Higurashi Kagome?" she called.

The Slytherin girl jumped only slightly, turning to her. She blushed, "Oh! Hermione, what are you going out here?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes as her mind processed the strange behavior of the other girl. Maybe, just maybe, that was why Higurashi Kagome had transferred to Hogwarts. Maybe she was the Heir of Slytherin. So, Hermione could not help but ask, "What are you doing out here by yourself? Haven't you heard about what's been happening to the other students?"

Of course, Kagome had nothing to worry about anyway. None of the attacks had been on a Slytherin.

"I had to speak with Professor McGonagall," Kagome replied.

"Why are you touching that wall?" Hermione hissed lightly. She was not about to trust the Slytherin girl. True, she had done nothing to warrant any hostility—well, besides being friends with Malfoy—but the strange event had to be more than a coincidence.

"I thought I heard something," Kagome stated slowly.

Hermione only stared at the other girl for a moment, before deciding that she was wasting her time. She could contemplate whether or not Higurashi Kagome was the Heir of Slytherin later, after she had given her information to Harry and Ron. "Oh," she said, "well, you should probably get back to your House."

"Yeah," she nodded. She looked nervous almost, as her eyes flickered back up toward the wall. "I'll do that."

Hermione nodded back, watching as the Slytherin girl picked up her fallen bag and began to walk by her. She started to walk after a moment, deeming it safe, but was surprised when Kagome called out to her again. She turned at her voice, blinking, as Kagome's warning passed over her ears.

"Oh, and Hermione," she said before turning a corner, "you should be careful."

Hermione narrowed her eyes again, wondering what the warning had been for. She was taking all the—

Something moved behind her, and Hermione stilled. She closed her eyes for a moment, hoping, but the sound of something large echoed in her ears again. Slowly, knowing that panic would probably end with her in a far worse situation, Hermione lifted her mirror. And the world went still the moment she glanced into it briefly.

Pain seared through her mind, as Hermione tried to shake away the new memory. It had not happened! She knew it had not happened. She knew without a doubt that she had exited the library when she had caught sight of the basilisk in her mirror, not after she had spoken with Higurashi Kagome. Because the girl had never been there! Never!

Whimpering lightly, Hermione hoped she was not attracting the attention of the other students. The memories hitting her during her sleep had been one thing, a light occurrence that she just could not shake away, but while she was awake the pain doubled and she wanted to cry. Allow herself a brief moment to shed tears, because everything she knew and believed was shattering around her like broken glass. She could not hold onto them, no matter how hard she tried, and she was positive that it was Higurashi Kagome's fault.

Yet, still she could not find evidence of such an event occurring—of even being able to exist. No matter how quick the memories hit her, or how quick she tried to find a way to fix the problem, she could not find anything that sounded remotely similar to the situation she found herself in. Which suggested that there should be no way for the Slytherin girl to perform such a feat, but somehow it was happening and the blasted girl had chosen her to be her plaything.

Briefly, her mind retraced itself to the tiny jewel that hung around the Slytherin's thin throat. So, so pretty, though her mind recoiled, hissing and told her to stay far, far away from the pretty, pretty little jewel. It did not make sense, but nothing did anymore and Hermione could only whimper as she recalled the fading appearance of the little jewel.

"Ms. Granger?"

Hermione twisted in her seat once again. Why? Why would the Slytherin girl do this? How could anyone be cruel enough that they would force so much pain and suffering onto another person? How could anyone do such an awful thing to another human being, probably knowing that over time they would begin to break inside?

She was nearly as terrible as the Dark Lord himself.

"Ms. Granger?" Hermione's attention snapped to the professor, as his hand landed lightly on her arm. "You don't look well. Would you like to go visit Madam Pomfrey?"

Glad to have such a distraction, Hermione nodded quickly. She said, "Y-yes. Thank you, Professor."

The man merely nodded his head lightly in return, moving back up the aisle as the other Hogwarts students continued with their quiz.

As fast as she could, Hermione fled the classroom. The pain in her head did not decrease, pounding away at her memories and crushing the world she knew to be true, while she clutched her book bag to her chest. A whimper left her mouth the moment she closed the door, her body wishing to crumble to the floor, but she endured the pain and decided that all she needed was some rest. Yes, yes, some rest would do her good.

Tears finally washed over Hermione's cheeks, as she forced her feet to take her back to the Gryffindor Tower. They did not help with the pain coursing through her head, ripping a part her memories and settling new ones in their place, but they did help her cope a little. Just a little, because at least it told her that she was still there, still breathing, and still defyingwhatever Higurashi Kagome was trying to accomplish.

The further she walked, though, the more unbearable the pain became. Her head hurt so much. It felt like knives were being shoved into her head from every direction possible, twisting her thoughts up and causing her to lose her balance. And the contents of her bag spilled into the corridor when she finally lost her grip on it, trying to hold onto her head as the pain pierced through her body again.

No, no, no. They were not real. They were not real.

"Have you ever seen anything quite so pathetic?" said Malfoy. "And he's supposed to be our teacher?"

Harry and Ron both made furious moves toward Malfoy, but Hermione got there first. Anger flooded through her body, while she reared her hand back and slapped the Slytherin boy across the face with all the strength she could muster. She almost sneered as Malfoy staggered off his feet, landing in the cold stone.

How dare he!

Harry, Ron, Crabbe, and Goyle were all looking at her dumbfounded, she knew, but she really did not care as she glared furiously at Draco Malfoy. She raised her hand again, watching as he flinched.

"U—" Malfoy started.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul—you evil—" Hermione could not bring herself to finish her sentence, she was so angry.

"Hermione!" Ron tried to talk some type of sense into her.

Hermione would have none of it, though, as she quickly shoved Ron's hand from her arm. "Get off, Ron!" she hissed, making a move for her wand. It slid from her robes easily, and she pointed it at Malfoy's face without hesitation. She even took a step forward to keep it there when the foul boy tried to scramble away from her advance.

Suddenly, Hermione was surprised when a smooth surface pressed against her throat. She turned herself just slightly, catching sight of Higurashi Kagome standing next to her, her blood-red wand digging into her flesh. "Do you—" she started, but the other girl beat her to the punch.

"You will kindly remove your wand from my friend's face," Kagome stated coldly. Her voice was forceful, demanding, and Hermione was stunned. She had never heard Higurashi Kagome speak in such a tone to anyone. Yet there she was, defending her friend and demanding she step away.

Malfoy managed to lift himself onto his feet, making sure to keep distance between himself and her wand. Hermione found it amusing, though her attention was on the wand pressing up against her.

Harry and Ron seemed to finally realize the seriousness in the situation, as they both pulled their wands from their robes.

"I understand that he has insulted your friend," Kagome said softly, "but you have already had your revenge. So, again, I will kindly ask you to put away your wand, Hermione Granger."

Glaring at Malfoy, as he stared at Kagome as if he had never seen her before, Hermione allowed her wand to lower. Harry and Ron took the hint, following her example, while she gave herself a moment to calm down. "Fine." She stated curtly, watching the other girl closely. "We'll go if you do."

Higurashi Kagome jerked her head toward the dungeons, and Crabbe and Goyle instantly took to her silent message, fleeing down the dungeons steps. Kagome then took a step backward, forcing Malfoy to do the same, before she finally turned on her heel and grabbed Malfoy by the arm to drag him the rest of the way down and out of their sight.

Hermione scowled a little bit. Higurashi Kagome was one of the few people in the school that could have matched her, but she had really wanted to cast a spell straight into Malfoy's face. Especially after what he had said about Hagrid.

"We should probably get goin'," Harry said softly.

Hermione nodded, turning on her heel. However, she did look back toward the dungeons when she heard the faint sound of flesh hitting flesh, followed by bickering.

"Ow!" the voice obviously belonged to Malfoy. "What'd you hit me for?"

"Because!" Higurashi Kagome growled. "I can't believe you did that, you jerk!"


"See if I ever save you again!"

"Hermione," Ron called, "are you coming?"

Smiling faintly, Hermione nodded. Maybe Higurashi Kagome was not as bad as she first thought. After all, she seemed as loyal as any Gryffindor.

Hermione felt the world spin, as she tried to figure out which way was up. She had never had two visions so close together, never, and the pain increased ten-fold inside her head. She could not hold herself upright, the pain was too much, and she was vaguely aware of the floor becoming increasingly close.

Then, the world went black.

Voices penetrated her mind, calling her name, but she could not pull herself away from the sensation of falling that filled her body the moment she became conscious. She could not fight it, no matter how much her mind screamed, and she only groaned.

"What happen? Viktor dump you?" Ron sneered.

Hermione scowled at him. She simply could not believe how he was acting. Viktor Krum was very charming and nice, and she did not understand why he continued to say he was the enemy. "Really, now, Ron," she growled, "do you have to be so rude?"

"No, but I find it simply dashing that Vicky's decided to dance with a Slytherin," Ron continued. He was acting like a stupid, stupid idiot.

"Don't call him Vicky!" Hermione growled for the second time that night. She could not understand. They were supposed to be making friends with the foreign wizards, yet Ronald Weasley seemed to believe that she was suddenly turning against the entire school. And he was the one that wanted to meet him so badly at the beginning of the year!

"Ron, I don't really think—"

Ron ignored Harry, again, as he shifted his gaze away from them both. "Simply, bloody brilliant," he scowled. "Look over there—Malfoy looks like he's going to stab a knife into Viktor's hand or something soon. And personally—"

"Ronald," Padma shook her head. She did not look happy at all.

"—I'd really like to see how well Viktor would defend himself against that!" Ron finished.

Hermione sent a massive scowl in his direction. She had been sure that he would have at least calmed down within the time she had been gone, but it appeared that his mood could not be brightened. He actually wanted to throw all the insults. He wanted to put Viktor down. He wanted to, and he was acting like a jealous, spoiled, immature, little brat.

Ron cast a glance down at the ground. Hermione thought for a moment he might actually be thinking about what he had said, realizing how rude he was, but her hopes were dashed when he spoke again. "Yeah," he nodded, "I'd really like to see that. Maybe Malfoy'll pull his wand and try to curse him. Or maybe Malfoy'll set him on fire in order to get his hands off his little girlfriend. What do you think, Harry?"

"I, um," Harry cast a nervous glance in her direction, "would prefer not to—"

Hermione cut him off, yelling, "I can't believe you! You're so—so—stupid!"

"I'm stupid?" Ron laughed. "You're the one that's fraternizing with the enemy!"

"Oh, so you're back to that are you?" Hermione snorted. "Fraternizing with the enemy! Fraternizing with the enemy! Is that all you can think? Four years, Ronald. Four years of friendship, and you think that I'd suddenly throw it all away, help Viktor with the egg, and ruin Harry's chance of winning this tournament? That's what you think? Well, fine!"

Hermione turned on her heel, marching away from the bench that Ron and Harry had seated themselves upon. The words had just come rushing from her mouth, she was so angry with him, and she wanted nothing to do with him now. Not for a long time! Because really, fraternizing with the enemy? If anyone was fraternizing with the enemy it was Viktor himself for not only asking her to the Yule Ball, but also dancing with a Slytherin!

Quickly, Hermione searched the dance floor for Viktor. She spotted him easily enough once she managed to squeeze through a group of giggling girls, and smiled when she noticed that he was finally alone. The Slytherin girl, Higurashi Kagome, was nowhere to be seen, and she was happy about that. She really did not know why Viktor had wanted to dance with her in the first place.

"Ah, Herm-own-ninny, there you are," Viktor greeted. "I vas just about to come look for you."

Hermione smiled, her anger draining away. Ron was wrong. Viktor was not the enemy. So, she asked, "What happened to Kagome?"

"Oh, her boyfriend came," Viktor smiled. "He vas not very nice."

"Her boyfriend?" Hermione asked. She was unaware that Higurashi Kagome had a boyfriend. She knew that the girl had come with Draco Malfoy, but she had assumed that that was because she was always with him and the other Slytherins in their group. Was there something more that she had not seen? And how had she missed it?

Viktor nodded, pointing behind her, stating, "They went over there."

Turning on her heel, Hermione caught sight of Kagome speaking rapidly with Malfoy. She instantly understood why Viktor, having come from another school, might see them as a couple. They looked good together; Malfoy wearing his black velvet dress robes with the high collar, and Kagome wearing her midnight blue robes with the silver trim. "Oh," she decided to tell him, "they're not—"

Hermione did not finish, though, as she noticed Malfoy lift his hand hesitantly—unexpectedly—and cup Kagome's chin. The Slytherin girl looked as surprised as she felt, as the boy's other arm wrapped tightly around her waist and pulled her close to his chest. She seemed to stumble over something she tried to say, but Malfoy cut her off as he leaned into her and captured her lips with his own.

"I told you he vas her boyfriend," Viktor grinned.

"O-oh," Hermione blinked. How had she missed it? Sure, she had noticed that Malfoy had obvious feelings for his Slytherin companion, but she had never thought that they were actually together.

"Vell, Herm-own-ninny?" Viktor asked.

Hermione, not quite sure what he had asked, turned away from the scene before her and grinned. "Oh, of course!" she nodded. Now was not the time to be contemplating over the piece of Slytherin love she had seen, nor was it time to be trying to figure out why Ron suddenly decided to be so rude. Now was time for fun, and she was certainly willing to let Viktor lead the way.

Hermione sat up quite suddenly, her eyes springing completely open as she finally managed to shove away the awful, awful memory. Her mind, trying desperately to cling to the truth, tried to hold onto what she knew was true. But, like always, it slipped through her fingers and she found herself unable to bring forth the truth that she knew.

She hated the painful ache in her head, and the fact that she could not hold onto the truth that she knew to be true. She hated it. Hated it so much. Hated it so much that tears began to gather in her eyes, while she gripped the sheets beneath her tightly. Her knuckles turned white while she did so, but she did not seem to notice as a jab of pain rushed through her mind.

No, no, no. Viktor had never asked Higurashi Kagome to a dance. She had never been there in the first place. And she had certainly never tried to make amends with Ron during the Yule Ball. She had never been given a reason to. Never, yet the memory cemented itself in her mind.

She could not remember a time that she had not tried to speak with Ron and Harry once more that night because Viktor was dancing with Kagome. She could not remember a time that she did not watch Draco Malfoy pull the Slytherin deep into his embrace and kissed her. She could not remember a time that she did not decide to ignore the simple fact that she had missed something between the two Slytherins.

She could not remember it, yet it was so clear that none of it had ever happened! Her mind screamed that something was not right. It wept in despair, trying desperately to find the flaw, yet there was none. There simply was none, and it was all Higurashi Kagome's fault. Her fault. Her fault. Her—and that pretty, pretty little jewel.

Hermione had to do something. She had to. Dumbledore was not returning. He would not return, and she was positive now that it was because of the Slytherin girl. She was holding him back, keeping him away, and the only way she was going to fix whatever was wrong was by doing it herself. Now—now!—not later. Because waiting would only give her more time to press down upon her, and waiting would only make her mad.

"Ms. Granger," Madam Pomfrey called. "Ms. Granger!"

Hermione's feet had already hit the floor, as she clutched the thin outfit she was wearing around her body. She did not hear Madam Pomfrey's call, her mind set on finally trying to fix whatever had happened around her, instead of merely thinking about it. And then she was running, fleeing, desperate to find the one person that had come into her life and thoroughly managed to tear it a part before her very eyes.

But no more. Hermione was determined to stop it now. She would, too. She would do whatever she could—anything—in order to find out what the evil, evil Slytherin had done and fix it. She would make everything right again. She would make everyone see that Higurashi Kagome was tricking them and then she would settle down into a nice, warm bed and allow her aching head to rest.

She would!

Hermione heard her feet pounding on the floor, echoing in the empty corridors, while she raced toward the stairs. Moving portraits called out to her, asking her what was the matter or telling her to slow down, but she only vaguely registered that they were doing so. Her mind was focused on one goal, her ears straining to find the sound of someone else, and she did not have time to listen.

The stairs were easily conquered, though in her desperate dash she had jumped from one that began to move and nearly sprained her ankle. She did not care. She could worry about it later. She needed to find Higurashi Kagome, put a stop to whatever she had done, and a little pain was nothing compared to the piercing ache in her head.

The remaining stream of sunlight beat down on her from the wide windows, making her pant, but Hermione did not allow it to faze her. She continued to run, her legs pumping madly, as her stomach instinctively told her she would find Higurashi Kagome soon enough. The girl would not be in the Slytherin common room or her dormitory. No, she would be out in the open, waiting for her, and Hermione allowed herself a small moment to wonder if it had anything to do with what had happened around her.

How was Higurashi's presence and her memories connected? How had she done it? Why had she done it? Why had she chosen her? How could it be fixed? All of her questions would soon be answered, she was positive, even if she had to shove her wand into the Slytherin girl's face and make her demands.

The dungeons came into view, cold and dismal, but Hermione did not allow herself a moment to think about what devious snake might be waiting for her at the bottom. She was instantly upon the first, cold step and continued onward. Her feet pounded against the cold stone, echoing through the tense atmosphere, and she became aware of just how cold the dungeons actually were.

Hermione clutched onto her thin outfit as she finally reached the bottom. She turned her head from side to side when she did, trying to remember Ron and Harry's broken tale of how they entered and escaped from the Slytherin common room. The password had no doubt changed, but she positive that she could wait long enough for a Slytherin to enter and unknowingly give her the new one. Then she would be nearly home free, since there was a good chance that a Slytherin prefect would become aware of her presence.

Her head hurt so much. It was hard to think. It was so hard to try and remember what Ron and Harry had told her, while her memory supplied her with the faint image of Higurashi Kagome. It was so hard, and she knew it was the Slytherin's fault, while her mind tried to push away the memories filling the gaps in her head.

They were not true. They would never be true. Why was it so hard for her memory to understand that? Why was it so hard to push away the memories she knew were false? Why had Higurashi Kagome decided to push all the pain and suffering that she was now feeling upon her? What had she ever done to the Slytherin girl?

Turning on her heel, Hermione finally entered another corridor. The entrance to the Slytherin common room, a large wall of stone if she remembered correctly, had to be close by. It had to be, and it should not be too hard for her to find it—


Hermione's stomach twisted up in knots suddenly, as she glanced behind her to find the Slytherin girl standing behind her. Higurashi Kagome actually had the gall to look innocent, while that damn jewel glittered happily around her neck. Hermione's mind screamed the moment she set eyes on it, hissing to stay away, while she instinctively took a step away from the other girl.

Kagome frowned, asking, "What are you doing down here?"

She refused to be fooled again. The Slytherin had to be hissing at her, not showing concern, as she demanded to know why she was so close to her common room. After all, Slytherins hated Gryffindors and vice versa, so there was no reason for a Gryffindor to be wandering around the Slytherin domain.

When she did not speak, Kagome called again, "Hermione, are you feeling alright? You look pale."

Oh, she was good. Really good, to have actually made her think that she might be innocent. But, Hermione laughed bitterly after a moment, while Higurashi Kagome blinked in confusion. Then, she snapped, "Don't. Just don't. I know what your game is now, Higurashi. I know, and I'm going to put a stop to it."

Confused, Kagome said, "I don't understand."

"Don't play dumb with me!" Hermione yelled, her eyes furious. "You thought you could get away with it, torturing me like this, but you were wrong! I'm not going to just roll over and play dead while you corrupt the rest of the school! I'm going to stop you here and now!"


The necklace around Higurashi Kagome's neck continued to glitter happily, the light pink coloration fading and returning. It was not nearly as bright as Hermione remembered, but shehated it. Hated it, and she cut the other girl off. "Give me that damn jewel!"

"W—" Kagome's eyes widened, as Hermione advanced quickly.

Stay away. Do not touch it. Hermione's mind hissed at her, stabbed her with pain, but it already hurt so much that she did not realize it. All she realize was that she was going to get that jewel, take it, whether or not her mind agreed with her body's decision.

Instinctively, Kagome drew her wand from her robes.

Hermione's eyes zeroed in on the weapon. Her pupils instantly dilated.

Higurashi Kagome raised her wand completely, her mouth suddenly twisting upward into a cruel smirk. A deep, dark chuckle left her throat, as her eyes flashed a dark, bloodied red before Hermione's eyes.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"No!" Hermione screamed, feeling Kagome's wand press into her stomach. She swiped her hand out, determined to steal away the pretty, pretty little jewel hanging around the Slytherin's neck, but a hand grabbed onto the collar of her outfit and yanked her backwards.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, mudblood!"

Hermione's pupils refused to shrink, as she madly turned her eyes up to find Draco Malfoy wrapping himself around Higurashi Kagome. He was protecting her and it took Hermione a moment to realize what he was protecting the Slytherin girl from. Malfoy was protecting her from her, Hermione. But, he should not be. "What am I doing?" she yelled. "What are you doing? Can't you see that she's not supposed to be here?"

Draco's eyes darkened, as he sneered. "How dare—"

"Draco," Kagome called softly.

Draco Malfoy pulled her closer, protecting her, but his glare did not diminish.

"What's wrong with you all?" Hermione screamed. "Everything's all wrong! All of it!"

More Slytherins slid from the background, prefect badges gleaming on their robes, while they watched her shake her head wildly. She heard one snap for another to find Professor Snape, but her eyes remained locked on Higurashi Kagome. And then, finally, tears swept down over her cheeks and dropped onto the floor beneath her.

"All of it," Hermione whispered brokenly. "All of it."

The Slytherins merely watched, silent.

"Why? Why?" Hermione refused to look away from the Slytherin girl, even as she buried her face into Malfoy's shoulder. "Why?"

She did not receive an answer, as Professor Snape arrived and demanded she compose herself. Nor did she receive an answer as the man grabbed onto her arm, harshly dragging her away and back toward the Infirmary, though she watched the girl cling to her Slytherin companion until they were out of sight.