InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning of the End ❯ the devil and angel ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Persephone sensed a very powerful demon coming near so she kept to herself but always sure her staff was in eyesight. Genkai told Kurama to set two extra seats at the table and announced she was having special guests.
"Is one of them a demon?" Persephone asked half relieved.
"Yes, that is correct." Genkai replied, "They should be arriving now. Would you six be so kind as to go and greet them with me? By the way you don't have a choice so all of you get of your asses and greet them now!"
All six of them shuffled to the entrance, to find it deserted. They all sat in silence for a while the Persephone said, "DAMN! I don't know who the hell this demon is but he is real powerful!"
Before Sesshomaru could open his mouth to respond (his intentions were to tell about his encounter with the demon earlier) a very tall lengthy demon in a black suit appeared behind the group.
"Why, thank you. I haven't heard that much praise from another demon on a long time." He said
"Very clever, Devil demon. If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" Persephone asked.
"I'm impressed demon. My name is Ororon." There was a long silence as Persephone recovered.
"My name is Persephone. It's always interesting to meet new people." Then a tall girl popped out from behind Ororon.
"Hello all! My name is Chiaki!" She said
""Hey, what's up? I'm Persphone and I'm going to shut up now because I'm talking way too much. So, I'll let you meet the rest of the group.
"Okay." Ororon said. They both turn around to only see a leaf blowing in the wind.
As Ororon walked into the house, he saw a short demon with black spiked hair. Then turns around because he sensed a deep, dark presence behind him. Hiei decided to read his mind. Ororon's thoughts: That's one small demon. His aura is so weak.
Then Ororon sensed a second presence in his head and stares wide-eyes at Hiei. And Hiei gives him a death glare.
"You hide your aura well but I warn you will never be able to read my mind again." Ororon growled as he walked past Hiei dragging Chiki behind him.
Inuyasha and Chaos were having a chopsticks war over a piece of deer meat. When Ororon and Chiaki walk in, everyone, but Genkai, stops either laughing at Chaos and Inuyasha or fighting with sticks over deer meat to stare because of the strange aura of Ororon.