InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ 3s Company ❯ Childs Play, Pt. 2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

 *Foxes room*

“Soo...who are you?” Fox asked Shadow directly. Fox wasn’t quite sure why he had to take Shadow to his room, nor does he know what exactly is going on. Shadow just meerly looked up at Fox, almost glareing like. “Eeep....well...if you tell me, i’ll be your best friend.” At this Shadow looked up at Fox, for what seemed like eternity. Fox started to feel uncomfortable with Shadow staring at him like that. But Fox got an odd feeling, staring down into those eyes that looked exactly like his. He was wondering who this odd person is, and why he has, on his chest, the same heartless symbol that he himself has. “FOX COME DOWN HERE, AND BRING SHADOW WITH YOU” Yelled Fate, his voice echoieing up to Foxes room. Fox got up and walked towards the door, and Shadow followed behind him. “Yea Fate?” Asked Fox when they both got down there. “Fox, we need to go somewhere. Bring Shadow.” Fox did not answer, but meerly followed, with Shadow trailing along. Fate took them both outside and teleported them to a giant, empty field. “Where are we?” Fox asked, but Fate interrupted. “Don’t ask, now Shadow” Shadow glares at Fate” Shadow, stay here, we’ll be right back.” and with that, Fate dissappeared with Fox. Back at the castle, Fox went up to Fate, “Fate..why did we leave Shadow there?”

*Unkown Field*

Shadow stepped towards where Fox and Fate dissappered at, when he heard a voice. “Hmph. Evil demon, prepared to be slayed.” Shadow looked behind him as a being with a giant curved sword nearly cut him in half. He took hold of the sword, and flipped the guy who was wielding it on his back, then rammed his foot into his face. The man got out of the way in time, and commenced a series of flurrys at Shadow. Neither of them missing or getting hit. “Hm..your pretty powerful” Came the voice of Kurosu. Shadow dodged a slash from a sword he seemed to grab out of nowhere, and grabbed it from him slicing him upwards on his chest, leaving a big cut. He was knocked back a few feet. He looked up at Shadow, as the sword in his hand deteirleized. Shadow, extending his claws, rushed towards Kurosu, executing attack after attack on him. Kurosu grabbed his arm after about a dozen or so attacks, and headbutted him, knocking him back into the air. He then flew up to Shadow, grabbed the back of his head, and rammed it into his knee. Shadow coughed up blood, as Kurosu grabbed his arm and begun spinning him around, then released Shadow, him knocking into a nearby cliff. “Damn, this guy is more powerful then I thought, better up the ante.” Kurosu said to himself as Shadow started making his way back to him. Kurosu made odd hand symbols, and about a hundred white orbs surrounded the are they were in, all of them in random positions. Kurosu pointed a finger out, at Shadow, and all of the orbs flew towards him. Shadow got hit by one off guard, and flew away with the orbs following hiim at high speed. He weaved in and out of the tall grass below, dodging the random orbs that tried to attack him. After awhile, Shadow got the orbs to all be in a straight line. He smirked as he flew around Kurosu in a circle, the orbs spinning faster and faster, getting closer and closer to Shadow. In an instant, he pulled up, all of the orbs colliding with Kurosu. It made a very large explosion, as Shadow flew back, nearly getting hit with it. “Goddamit...time to get serious” Kurosu mumbled to himself as he flew down to the ground and prepared to excute his most powerful attack. Shadow watched, no emotion showing on his face. Kurosu made another hand movement, but chinese symbols surrounded aroun dhim as if an oval shaped sphere covered him. A very large white orb engulfed him, lighting bolts shooting everywhere, some nearly hitting Shadow. And then, blidning white light overtook Shadow as the orb headed his way. He got out of the way in time, it moving at ligthing speed. He looked behind him at the orb being shot into space, far away.”What? THAT was your big attack? Heh” Shadow smirked at that, but behind him the orb came back full circle, faster then before. Shadow noticed htis, but only before it was too late. He held out his hands, pushing the giantic orb of energy back. Kurosu, now putting every last ounce of his power into it, could see that it was working. Shadow was being pushed back to Kurosu. When Shadow was only an inch infront of Kurosu, he took out a knife. Shadow noticed that and grabbed Kurosu by the neck and through him into the orb infront of him, a giant fiery explosion commencing. Shadow was knocked back, but he did not see what happened to Kurosu. He got up weakily, after being knocked back into a rock. He made his way to Kurosu, who was barely concuinse in a giant hole that was a result of the blast. He walked down it and went up to Kurosu. “Hmph...weak and pathetic is all I have too say.” As Shadow stepped on Kurosu chest, knocking him out.