InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Bright Light ❯ Where I Belong ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Last Chapter: Where I Belong.
Meanwhile with Kagome….
Kagome raced to through the forest trying to keep her inner wolf from lashing out in pain. Over the last two hours, it seemed that the wolf spirit tried to escape.
The spirit had twisted and irritated her stomach. She felt like throwing up but she continued on the forest path. Then, inspiration hit her. She could talk to Kaede about dispelling the spirit from her body. Old mikos seemed to know how to fix problems like this one.
There must be some way to set the wolf free. The very thought of doing this made the wolf spirit inside of her calm down.
With in minutes, she was face to face with Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku. ”Inuyasha!”
“Kagome!” They ran up to her. “We missed you.”
“Inuyasha, I have to talk to Kaede right away.”
Sango asked the question that every one was thinking about. “Where have you been Kagome.”
“After taking my bath in the Spring I heard a noise. Then, a demon started chasing me. I ran off in one direction. Then, I saw this well glowing, so I decided to investigate. I was pulled in.”
Sango looked horrified. “Another well? What if something evil comes out one of those wells? There could be more wells.”
Miroku added, “Let us get you back to the village. Kaede could have some ideas on how to seal that particular well.”
At Kaede's home.
“Kagome, it seems I can help you with your problem.” Kaede meditated while Kagome felt the wolf leaving her body. “It is done child.”
“That was fast.”
“Yes, Kagome have to choose between these worlds or choose your own world.”
“I can not leave my mom, grandfather or brother.”
Kaede new just what to say, “Bring them here.” Kaede seemed to come up with a conclusion very fast: too fast.
Kagome though about this solution but decided to give it a try. She leaves the others and jumped down the well.
Twenty minutes later….
Kagome felt the voice of her mother echo in her mine. “You are not my daughter.” The voice haunted Kagome as she swiftly ran from the old shrine and into the even older well. The well gave her a new purpose in life. Her new purpose would lead to being with her friends in the Feudal area.
Her mind flashed back to twenty minutes before...
Souta smiled as Kagome gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Sister, eww. That is gross.”
Kagome just smiled at him. Than, when nothing wise crept into her mind, she announced, “I miss you every day when I am gone.”
“You did not have to kiss me.” Kagome smiled, as she walked calmly down to the kitchen. It had been three weeks since she had seen her brother. Then, she heard the cheery voice of her mother singing outside. Kagome could not resist telling her mother how much she missed her.
Kagome's feelings changed to confusion when her mother entered the house. “Kagome, you are home?”
The question was more of a statement instead of a question.
“Yes, mother, I have good news.”
“What is your news? Are you are staying in that time and place? I love you, but I can not keep you. You do not belong here, Kagome. Leave! You are no longer my daughter! You are not my daughter.” Her mother took a knife from the counter and raised it to her throat. “You have already made your choice. I can not stand you! Stay out of this time. I love you, but you must go. You are not my daughter, anymore. Souta and I are moving, don't come looking for us.” What Kagome did not see was her mother starting to cry. Her mother wanted to be chosen over the Feudal area. If only, her mother could change time itself. Her mother cried as she sank to the floor.
Kagome's eyes began to tear as she remembered her mother's words. She did not even get to tell her mother the good news. Her face burned from all the tears streaming down her face.
As Kagome passed thought the well she gave one last glance to the old well and to her old home. The exit did not last long as an exit, but an entrance into the feudal realm. The voice of her mother hunted her. “You are not my daughter.”
Inuyasha looked surprised as her stared at Kagome. “Kagome, I thought you where going to bring back you mother.” Tears begin to form, again. Her eyes looked very blood-shot. “What is going on? Where is your brother?”
“They are not coming Inuyasha. I am staying, here.”
Kagome's mom watched as Kagome left this area. She glanced over at the book on the kitchen table.
Fables: Delightful Tales of the Assassin Miko, Kagome. By K.H.
Tohru watched as her companions interacted. What exactly was a Sith anyway? She did not feel any different then she had felt as a human. Her mind tried to think of something to say but nothing came out.
She did not belong in this world. This people did not even know who she was but wanted to know. Where was all the other Sith? Was she the last one?
Then, there was talk about Jedi. A Jedi had a light saber. That she knew to be true. However, Darth Vader did have a light saber but told her that he was not a Jedi. Could she be a Jedi? She could not tell Vader what she was but she could not tell a Jedi from a normal person. Vader told her, if she did not know what a Jedi was and her mind did not reflect the pattern of a Jedi she must not be a Jedi. Nice logic.
Tohru did ask about the Jedi but not many had seen one. The storm troopers where cloned after the wars and where not allowed to go on missions like that.
Vader said they where to be hunted down and killed. Tohru did not want to kill anything. She remember handing around the humans but they where busy trying to find out why an alien was on Lord Vader ship.
“I am special that is why.” Tohru told them this often and they gave her special jobs. The most special of jobs was being put on this ice planet. Yes, this job was not part of there love for her.
Now she stood before some of the people she had seen before when she first entered Vader's ship. Tohru wanted off and found Han.
“Hey, how long were you on that trash can in the sky?”
“Excuse me?”
“What you deaf?”
She hollered back. “I will come to you.”
She moved closer to him so that they could talk like normal, whatever. “I am not sure. This lady just dropped me off.”
“Why are you even on that rock?”
“My guess is to get captured.”
“I am sorry that I could not save you that day.” Han drew closer.
“Well as long as I am not a Jedi, I was safe.”
“Yes, I bet it was hard for you. They gave you a uniform and everything.”
“They said they would help me find a way home. Vader said he would locate my planet eventually.”
“Good luck with that.”
“Don't be so cynical. I will find my home one day. I have friends who love me. They will not give up. I will see them again.”
“Ok, calm down I believe you.”
Tohru went back to the room that she was found in to sleep.
“You are not to stay here young lady. My daughter has forced you to go to this world against your will. You are to go back to your human form.”
The lady walked as Tohru fallowed. “Where am I going?”
End of dream.
As the she awoke she felt stronger. Her mind raced with fighting moves old and new. She recognized her surroundings at the Somas and cried.
Men walked into her room. “Your back! Oh, Tohru, your back!” They hugged her. At that moment she could not be happier.
The end.