InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kami Help Me High School ❯ First Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey! It's me again! I warn you: this story is going to be somewhat insane, so if you don't like chaos, read the story anyway because I want to get some more reviews! Well, on to the fanfic!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the animes and mangas that I'm about to use, oh, but if I did…*gains evil look onto face*
Chapter 1
First Day
The vice principal, Kiako, groggily opened the door to her office. She groaned when she saw Shigure and Kagura coming through the door. They were relatives, so they came to work together.
Today was the opening day for Kami Help Me High School and Kiako was dreading it. The school would probably have over five thousand students, and they would all be bugging her!
“HI Kiako!” Akira chirped in her ear, making her jump about a foot in the air.
“Sorry, did I scare you?” He said, after watching Kiako leap towards the ceiling.
“Yes you scared me. Akira! How many times do I have to tell you- do not sneak up on me in the morning!” Kiako scolded.
“Sorry Kiako.” He said, hanging his head sadly.
“Its ok, just make sure you don't do it again.” She said, sighing.
“Gotcha!” he said happily, then bounced away.
“Hey Kiako.” Kayo said as she came up behind her, holding several papers.
“What's that?” Kiako asked the principal warily, knowing paperwork when she saw it.
“Actually, its not what you think it is. This is the records for some of the students that will be coming to our new school.” She said, as if she read Kiako's mind.
“Ugh, do we have to open?” Kiako moaned, filling through the papers Kayo had handed her.
“Cheer up, it'll be fine!” Kayo said.
“It'll be chaos!” Kiako replied, glaring at Shigure who was flirting with Mahiru, the Orchestra Teacher. He caught the look then continued on his merry way.
“The Orchestra room is ready! When will the new students get here?” Mahiru asked.
“They will be here in about 15 minutes.” Kayo answered.
“Goddanmit, Sesshomaru! Is it your job to drive me insane?!”
“No, it's my job to be the dean of this school, you just happen to be a side effect.”
Two white haired dog demons came into view, bickering like the brothers they were.
“Hey Sessh, hey Inu.” Kiako said, calling them buy the nicknames she had given them. The only reason she got away with it was because she was vice principal. But they got mad at her anyway.
“Will you stop calling us that?! It's so annoying!” Inuyasha yelled, shaking his fist at her.
“Would you like it better if I called you fluffy and mongrel? No? Then I'll keep calling you Sessh and Inu.” Kiako said, walking towards the door.
She swung the door open to find teachers and school employees scuttling across the courtyard and school grounds like bugs, rushing to do last minute chores so they could impress their students.
“WERE IS HE?!” a roar came from the science room area. Just then, Sango, a very angry Sango, mind you, came bursting through the door, her head swinging from side to side, looking for her prey. No doubt it was Miroku.
“Help me!” Miroku squeaked, hiding behind Kiako.
“I don't think so. You're the one she's after, and I'm not gonna stand in her way.” Kiako said. “Hey Sango, he's over here!”
Miroku didn't stop to see if his fellow science teacher was coming after him. He new she was, and he ran for his sad little life.
“Do I want to know?” Kohaku asked, watching his older sister chase after her boyfriend.
“Probably not.” Kiako answered. “You wouldn't think they were a couple, would ya?”
“Nope. He probably rubbed her ass again. You know how perverted he can be.” Kohaku said, shaking his head at their stupidity.
“Anyway, I was just going to ask you if you have seen Bankotsu. I asked him to get more wooden swords for our swordplay class and he's been gone for twelve minutes.”
“Oh, ya! I saw him talking to Uou-chan, I think she sent him on an errand.” Kiako replied.
“Yes, I was o an errand, now help me!” an angry male voice came from behind them. They turned around to see a ruffled Bankotsu holding several wooden swords and a large amount of first aid kits.
“What's all this for?” Kiako asked, surprised at the number of first aid kits. He had to of had like forty!
“The wooden swords are for our classes, the first aid kits Uotani.” (Uou-chan; only a select few are aloud to call her that, though (by the way, she's the hand-to-hand combat teacher) “She wants them for when her students get hurt, which she's sure they will, so I decided we needed some to, but now I cant carry it all and you better catch this before it…” The large lode tipped to one side, and, trying to re-balance, Bankotsu accidentally dropped some of the materials. Right on top of Kiako and Kohaku. “Falls.” Bankotsu finished.
As Kiako and Kohaku tried to free themselves from the large sticks and boxes filled with Band-Aids, yet another teacher had to have a problem. And who do they come to? Well the vice principal, of course!
Rin charged up, carrying a huge bundle of paints and brushes (her being the art teacher and all).
“Kiako, the easels haven't arrived yet and I need them for my class!” Rin wailed, panic stricken.
“The deliverers said that they would get them here as soon as possible, are you going to be painting today? No. So you don't need them just yet. Now calm down, everything will be all right.” Kiako tried to calm the crazed teacher, praying more things wouldn't go wrong. The kids would be there in about three minutes!!
Kiako returned to the office, looking for Kayo. She needed someone to complain to!
“Kayo! There you are! Do you now that we have several teachers on edge, way to many things that haven't been done yet, provisions that haven't arrived yet, students coming, and at least twelve classrooms that aren't ready?! I swear, if I hear one more thing that's gone wrong, I'm gonna kill somebody.” Kiako said, obviously stressed.
“The school is new, what do you expect? We are doing fine, and 3…2…1...the students are here!” Kayo cried out as the first bus pulled up.
“Stations, everyone!” Yelled Shigure, getting up from his comfortable chair so he could meet the new teens that were bound to drive everyone there insane.
“OK, ALL STUDENTS REPORT TO THE CAFITERIA! I REPEAT! ALL STUDENTS REPORT TO THE CAFATERIA!” Sesshomaru's voice boomed over the intercom, and he had to repeat himself several times, to make sure everyone new where to go. There were also many teachers guiding the teens to the cafeteria, praying to their gods that this would run smoothly.
“Welcome to Kami Help Me High School!” Kayo and Kiako said in union into the microphone.
Thousands of rebellious people stared up at them, wondering what would happen at this crazy new school of theirs. They didn't have to wait long to find out that there new school needed a shrink.
“Ok, is everybody here? Good. Has everyone got a map of the school? Good. Dose anyone know what homeroom they're in? Didn't think so. Ok, Lets do this, each teacher will come up and tell their name and the students in their homeroom. Got it? Good. But first, you need to know who the basic people are. I am Kiako, your vice principal. If you see me, you're in a lot of trouble. This is Kayo, your principal. If you see her, you're in a whole hell of a lot of trouble. This is Sesshomaru, your dean. Your better off dead if you see him.” Kiako finished, then waved for the first of the teachers to come up.
“Ok, everybody with their homeroom class? Good. Move out!” Kayo yelled.
And so starts the first day at Kami Help Me High.
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Hey! Hope you like! Please review! My friend Kayo and I came up with this story together, so I'm giving her credit, she can't yell at me. This chapy was kinda slow, but it will get better I promise! See ya soon!