InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kami Help Me High School ❯ Why Me? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi!!!!!!!!!!! Me again. I love writing this story! Its so much fun! Well, anyway, enough with my ramblings and more of the reading! Enjoy!
Chapter 2
Why Me?
Ayame, the geography teacher, turned on the TV as her homeroom class settled down. The students were already forming groups.
A young boy with black hair sat beside a rather short kid with a huge dictionary, just talking about random things. According to her computer, their names were Yoh and Morty, two exchange students from Rockroad High. Beside Yoh sat a cross looking orange-haired girl with a black bandana. That was Anna; she had come from Rockroad High as well.
At the other side of the room, a squirrel demon named Maureene chattered away to a silent little mouse demon, who, according to Maureene, was named Kellyanna.
Ayame shook her head and turned back to her TV, switching to the right channel as the teens chatted.
As the TV came on, what sounded like two high-pitched voices rang out “Kami Help Me High! Kami Help Me High!”
Oh, yeah, give me a headache first thing in the morning! Ayame thought angrily, glaring at the TV as the screen switched from red to a scene with the two principals, a black-haired twenty year old guy named Shigure, a sweet young nurse named Kagura, and the librarian, a short, green-haired, four-eyed (glasses) fox demon named Misoka.
Kayo started the morning announcements by chirping a happy “Hello, and welcome to Kami Help Me High!” She continued on with the news, but Ayame kinda tuned out as she rested in her rolly chair.
“Ok, first of all, you are not allowed into the office without a pass.” Kiako started immediately, “Second of all, if you skip class, we will know, and you will be sent to the dean. Third of all, please, no fighting! We really don't want to have to convince the janitor that he needs to clean up blood again.”
“On a lighter note, if you are in chorus, this is important. Yamabuki Sensei (Akira), your teacher, is also the cook, so if you have his class close to lunch, he wont be there. Instead, either Kiako Sensei or another teacher will be there to go on with your lesson.” Kayo continued.
“Now our librarian would like to say a few words.” Kiako said.
“Yes well, I'm here to tell you the basic rules of the library.” Misoka started.
30 minutes later (I don't want to bore you to death with his long lecture, You would stop reading!)
“Wake up danmit!” Ayame yelled. Many of her students had fallen asleep to Misoka's voice as he went on about his books. One of the many students had been Yoh, no surprise there. He seemed to be a slacker.
“And now some news from our nurse, Kagura.” In a room a few doors down from Ayame, The other Kagura (from Inuyasha), growled at the TV. She hated the fact that the nurse had the same name as her. One of the students was brave enough to ask the language arts teacher what was wrong.
“Are you ok Kagura Sensei?” Jenny, a small panda demon, asked timidly.
“I'm fine, get back to your seat!” Kagura snarled. Jenny quickly returned to her desk.
Suddenly two voices interrupted the nurse's speech as they sang `Peanut Butter Jelly Time!' over the intercom. They continued to sing until an angry “Get away from my desk!” was heard, then several crashing noises, a few thumps, and several yells came before a wave of silence.
“And that will be all for this morning's announcements.” Kayo said, smiling sweetly to the camera. Then simple plan started up for the fest of homeroom.
~In Sesshomaru's Office~
“Don't ever do that again!” Sesshomaru scolded, cracking his claws angrily.
“Calm down Sessho, they were just having a little fun.” Kiako said, smirking at how simple things like sneaking into his office and lying made Sesshomaru fire up.
”Yes, but they still need to be punished.” Kayo pointed out.
The two girls who were being scolded were still sitting on the wooden chairs that Sesshomaru had by his desk. Their names were Michelle and Molly. Michelle and Molly were determined to become famous troublemakers in this school, even if it meant getting in trouble a few times.
Michelle was a coyote demon, with dark brown hair and gold-rimmed glasses that stuck to her nose as if glued to the spot.
Molly was a weasel demon with dark brown hair and glasses like those of her companion. She was loud, energetic, and just a little screwed up in the head.
They had been friends for as long as they could remember, and had been troublemakers even longer.
Michelle shivered at the thought of being sent to detention. Legend has it, that some of the kids that go in there, never come out.
“Cold?” Kiako asked, and then snapped her fingers, a flame appearing above them. She then went over to the fireplace behind Sesshomaru's desk and lit the logs so that soft shadows leapt across the room.
You see, the three school leaders, Kayo, Kiako, and Sesshomaru, had three of the special elemental powers. They used them to help them run the school. Kayo was ice, Sesshomaru was water, and Kiako was fire (no duh!).
“Ok, detention for both of them, till 3rd period, and notes home. Sound good?” Kiako asked.
“Sounds good to me.” Kayo agreed, nodding to Sesshomaru, who picked both girls up by their collars and carried them off to the detention room, were Naraku waited for his next victims.
“But I don't wanna go to detention! I want to stay and annoy you, beany! Mwahahahahahaha!!!” Molly said, laughing hysterically.
“Oh, really?” Sesshomaru asked coldly, glaring at the weasel that was trying to squirm out of his grasp.
He walked down a flight of stairs that lead to a dark, dungeon-like room that was Naraku's domain. He threw Michelle into the black room and carried Molly away as she continued to laugh like a madman.
“Molly!” Michelle cried as the door slammed shut. A lone candle floated toward her and she scrambled away, scared out of her wits, until the girl who was holding the candle came into view.
“Hi.” The brown-haired girl with the candle said dully. “Follow me. My name's Inu-Kitsune, by the way. But you can call me Kit for short. How long you gonna be here?”
“Uh, I'm Michelle, and I guess I'll be here till 3rd period.” Michelle answered, still nervous and shaky.
“Kay. Just follow me, Naraku leaves me to handle all the students, so you'll be fine.” Kit said, and started off to the dark area beyond the candle's light. Michelle had no choice, so she reluctantly followed.
~Back with Sesshomaru and Molly~
Sesshomaru was trying to ignore the cackling that came from the insane little demon he still had in his grasp. He quickly strode into his office and flipped a switch on his desk. His desk flipped up to reveal a small dungeon that he usually used for Hatsuharu, when he went black. It was supposedly soundproof, but that was yet to be known. He dropped the chattering girl into the hole and pushed the button again so the desk would flip closed.
He was still amazed at how well their plan had worked. The two had started a fight between Bankotsu and Inuyasha and while Sesshomaru was trying to stop the two from literally killing each other, they had sneaked into his office! Usually Kayo would have frozen both Inuyasha and Bankotsu so they couldn't kill each other, but she was doing the announcements, so it was his job.
Sesshomaru sighed, shaking his head. What the hell is wrong with this school? He thought, rubbing his temples. Suddenly he heard a crash. Why me?
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^_^ Done! Weird, huh? Oh well. See ya next chapter!
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