InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Bishie Crisis ❯ A New World ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Bishie Crisis

A/N- I thought I'd type one more chapter just incase I can't tomorrow. I'm so happy right now because I have 9 fanfictions all together! To clear up some things, most of the prologue was based on real life since I made this fic so 3 of my good friends and I can keep in touch, so a good way to do that is put memories in it. Enjoy the fic!

Disclaimer- I only own myself, the fic, plot, idea, a character I made for this chapter and nothing else unless I'm forgetting something.

Summary- Why were Katsumi, Kitsune, Koneko, and Ookami sent away from their home? Who is their boss this time? And where are they now?

Chapter 1- A New World

Everyone tried to walk back to Kitsune's basement, but the more they tried the more forceful the push from behind them pushed them. Koneko seemed to be the only one who knew what to do about this.

"Guys, just let yourself get pushed to wherever we're going and we'll get there faster." Everyone decided to take the advice and to their surprise they were at their destination.

This place was different then the first time they went through this. None of the four girls were very surprised about what this was, but they were surprised about how they got to their destination. Instead of falling to the ground they were pulled into the wall and then pushed by a gravitational force to get to the other side.

The room they were in wasn't dark like the last one. No, this room was colorful and bright. Ookami noticed that everyone was starting to float.

"Why is everyone floating?"

"Maybe this room has gravity." Katsumi suggested.

"It seems like it." Koneko replied to the suggestion.

They all watched as Kitsune was swimming in the air poking the hundreds of colors in the room. After watching for a few minutes they all exchanged glances and then did as Kitsune did.

"I like this place better then Naraku's underground layer." Katsumi stated.

"Yeah, me too," Kitsune said, "It's pretty!"

"Why do you think we're here?" Ookami asked.

"I can answer that." A manly voice was heard. The girls started looking around when they fell to the ground.

"Ouch." Katsumi said.

Koneko looked up to see a man removing his hand from a button. That button must turn the gravity on and off. She thought to herself. The man walked towards them. He was tall and muscular, and had black hair and midnight black eyes. He wore a black kimono with dragon designs on it. With it he wore white odori tobi socks and zori zandal sandals.

"Follow me please." The four girls got up and followed the man.

As he stepped in front of the mechanical doors he started talking, "My name is Tamahashi Mitsuya. I will explain everything to you once we get to the den."

"Yes Tamahashi!" They all said.

"You will call me nothing, BUT Mitsuya-san." He turned around, "Is that understood?"

The four bowed, "Yes Mitsuya-san."

They all continued walking in silence as they passed screens after screens. There were thousands of them. Each screen was filled with something and that something was an anime, but something was missing. In every one of those screens something was missing and you could sense it.

The screens disappeared and the small group found themselves in a lobby, where a large chandelier hung from the ceiling. They scurried across it the room and up a flight of stairs. Tamahashi Mitsuya stopped in front of a French door. The four girls stared in astonishment. The room seemed to be the size of a story in a house. It was filled with bookshelves, couches, a desk, chairs, and a flat screen TV. Tamahashi led them to the couches and sat them down. He then went to the desk that was in front of the couch.

"This place is big." Koneko managed to say as she looked around the den.

"Yeah…" Katsumi, Kitsune, and Ookami all said in amazement.

"It's almost like a dream home." Kitsune said, "Do you have pocky?" Tamahashi snapped his fingers and a box of pocky appeared in each girl's hands.

Tamahashi watched Kitsune and Katsumi stuff the pocky into their mouths, "Let's get down to business, shall we?" They all nodded.

"I, Tamahashi Mitsuya, am your boss." Just as he was about to continue someone interrupted him.

"Boss," Koneko asked.

"Yes, please let me finish and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the end." The fell silent, "You have been sent here by my good friend Aya Miyazaki. I sent her to give me some people who can help save this world. You see, I am the original rule of the Anime World, but Naraku attacked me and he somehow managed to take over the Anime World which leaves it in grave danger. Naraku is a rival of mine and a very dangerous man...."

"We know."

Tamahashi looked over at Katsumi and gave her a warning look, "If he continues controlling this world and if someone doesn't stop him soon, the Anime World will be destroyed and there will be no such thing as anime anywhere on Earth. Naraku is starting to change shows and people on Earth are already losing interest in anime, which I always thought was highly impossible. We would like you four to help us."

"Couldn't you save it yourself though?" Koneko started.

"And you know what the people like…if you're the one that made it." Ookami added.

"So we could just go back home and you could fix this easily." Katsumi said.

"What if our favorite bishies are in danger? Like Duo and Kurama?!"

"That's exactly it." Tamahashi looked at Kitsune, "Naraku is planning to take the most famous bishies out of the show and we don't know how we could stop him. Aya heard you've stopped Naraku before and we thought you could help.

"Then we'll do it." Koneko and Ookami both said at once.

"Are we in the Anime World now?" Katsumi asked.

"Yes." He then spotted Aya, "Aya, can you please bring these girls to their rooms?"

"Yes Mitsuya-san." She bowed down and waved for the girls to follow her.

Aya led the two girls straight down the halls where two doors were on one wall and two more doors were on the opposite sides. The woman stopped in front of them and then turned around to face the girls, "These will be your rooms. There's some clothes laid out on the bed. Mitsuya-san would like you to meet him in the dining room tomorrow morning. Someone will be here to lead you there."

The four girls bowed and then went into their rooms. Each room had a hot tub, a king sized bed, a porch (that had French doors), a TV, a bathroom, and a chandelier hanging on the ceiling. The only difference was the colors.

Katsumi walked into her room. The walls were painted black with a full moon and stars all over it to make it look as if it were night time. The soft fabrics of the curtains were white and the blankets and sheets of the bed were white as well. The carpet on the floor was also white. She slowly changed into the red pajamas she had found on the bed.

Katsumi's POV

I can't believe we're going through this again. I love this place a lot better than the other place. The people seem so nice here and I actually feel welcomed. I hope we can help the Anime World like we helped Earth.

Kitsune's room, which was once again next to Katsumi's, was many different shades of blue. Her carpet was a light blue, just like her curtains and bed sheets and the walls were a slightly darker shade of blue and the wall had painted sand at the bottom, like a beach. Her pajamas were blue and black.

Kitsune's POV

I love this place! I wonder if you can get a never ending supply of pocky and candy! What I like about this place is that all the people are so nice and I feel welcoming. The others probably do too. I'm glad I'm not the only one here and I hope we do just as good as last time.

Koneko's room was like Kitsune's except hers had darker shades of blue than her. The walls were a midnight blue and there was a sunset painted on it, the curtains, sheets, and carpet were a dark blue, and the pajamas she got were blue-green.

Koneko's POV
Are we going to have to do something like this for the rest of our lives? Ever since the first time our lives have been like adventures. I kind of like it, even if there is a lot of danger involved, but at least Katsumi, Kitsune, Ookami, and I all get to stay together. I think everyone likes this place than the last one. It feels…nicer, cozier, welcome, and there could be a thousand more words to describe. I really like helping the people.

Ookami's room was just like the rest. The carpet, sheets, and curtains were all a forest green color. The walls were different shades of green since a forest had been painted on the walls. It made Ookami feel like a wolf living in the woods or forest. Her pajamas that she had just slipped on were shades of gray and white.

Ookami's POV

I love my room and this place. I want to help the Anime World out. I don't want to know what it would be like if there was no anime and if it was never created in the first place. I couldn't imagine it if I tried. Tomorrow is the day we start and I hope we do even better than last time.

The four girls all met out in the hall and told each other goodnight before heading into their own beds to sleep. The next day would be when their adventure started.

A/N- I thought I wouldn't finish tonight, but I did and I'm really happy! I loved typing this chapter and I really hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed typing it. I made up the two characters Tamahashi Mitsuya and Aya Miyazaki because I couldn't think anime characters that I could use. Please R&R and Thankies for reading!