InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Bishie Crisis ❯ Unwanted Visits ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Bishie Crisis

A/N- TGIF EVERYONE! I'm sorry I haven't updated for the past week, but I'll be updating a few times this weekend. Today was the end of Art so I'm relieved, but next I have Home Ec (sp?), but at least the teacher won't tell you to change everything you did. I just wanted to share my happiness with everyone XD. Chapter won't be as long as Chapter 2…On with chapter 3…

Spatial Monkey- I don't know why it's forbidden…yet, but we'll find out in later chapters. I guess you could call it the singing virus XD…I must get it a lot too. You'll find out who was kidnapped in this chapter.

Kitsune- -cough- It's not Kurama -cough-

Koneko- I've seen a few episodes of Rurouni Kenshin, but none of them have Soujiro, but I can use my secret weapon, but what episodes. is he in?

Disclaimer- I only own: Katsumi, Tamahashi Mitsuya, and Aya and Miaka Miyazaki. Unless I'm forgetting something, I own nothing else.

Summary- -not sure what to say- Who was kidnapped and what other unwanted "surprises" visit the Anime World's Mansion?

Chapter 3- Unwanted Visits

What if it's Kurama?! Out of all animes why did Naraku take a bishie from Yu Yu Hakusho? Those were the thoughts in the girls' heads as they followed the man and sped up the red carpeted stairs.

Tamahashi was sitting at his desk when he saw the four girls flying through the doors. Kitsune was the first to speak, "Who was it? Who was the bishie that was captured?"

"Sit." He said pointing to the couch in front of him.

They did as he did and watched him anxiously. After minutes of silence Katsumi spoke up, "So…who was captured?"

Tamahashi sighed before speaking, "As you all know, a bishie was captured from Yu Yu Hakusho…"

"Who was it?" the group asked in unison.

Tamahashi glared at them before speaking, "I'm afraid that Kurama-san w…"

"KURAMA," Kitsune exclaimed.

"Kitsune, it's ok." Katsumi said, "We'll find him."

"And when we do, everything will be back to normal." Koneko added.

"And when we find him we'll kill Naraku!" Ookami said.

Everyone hugged Kitsune and sat back down on the couch. They waited for Tamahashi to say something when all they received was silence.

"When and where do we start looking for him Tama…Mitsuya-san?" Koneko asked.

"Tomorrow, at dawn," The girls exchanged glances.

"Why can't we start looking now?" Katsumi said.

"If we do it now…we can defeat Naraku early and no more bishies will be captured."

"The guards are at the gate by now…it'll be impossible to get through. At dawn they're not there."

"There has to be a way to sneak in." Ookami replied.

"We have to save Yoko Kurama." Kitsune protested.

"Who knows what they plan to do with him!" Koneko said trying to get Tamahashi to change his mind.

Just then Aya walked into the room. Tamahashi looked at the four girls, "I'll see you at dawn." With that said they all left and headed towards the room. The first room she went into was Katsumi's. She waved everyone to come in as she took something out from under the bed. The four friends only looked at her in wonder.

- - - - -

It was now dinner. The day had gone fast for everyone that was sitting at the long table, especially Aya, Katsumi, Kitsune, Koneko, and Ookami. The five smiled as the remembered their day.


The four girls stood in silence as the watched Aya take something from under Katsumi's bed. It was black and looked as if it had a few pockets. Aya placed it on the bed before going to the closet and picking some clothes out. She started to speak.

"You girls are right. You can't leave at dawn and if you beat Naraku now, he can't get any other bishies." She was now walking out of the closet with a few outfits and placing them into the case.

The four friends all exchanged glances when they realized what Aya was doing, "Right."

"Then I'll help you." Aya was now facing them, "I'll help you get out of here tonight, but they'll be a lot to learn. You all have powers that you don't know you have, which is why I chose you four to defeat Naraku."

They all nodded as Koneko spoke, "I think we should all go pack are things…" Aya shook her head.

"No, you four have fun while I pack for you…today is a day that you need training for the Anime World, so have fun because it won't be fun and games." They all nodded and then walked into the hall.

"Let's go to the game room." Ookami suggested.

"Yeah, there are lots of fun things to do there." Katsumi agreed.

As they walked towards the game room Koneko was thinking about what Aya meant, "What do you think Aya meant about what she said… it won't be fun and games?"

"Maybe it won't be fun to learn them…" Kitsune suggested.

"You wouldn't think the Anime World is that dangerous, would you?" Ookami asked starting to understand what Koneko meant.

"She probably thinks that since it could be hard and frustrating that it won't be fun for us." Katsumi stated.

- - - - -

It had only been half an hour of playing games when Aya walked into the room with a man. The four all dropped what they were doing and followed the two.

"This will be your trainer, Mabuchi Soseki, but you will call him Soseki-sensai."

"Konnichiwa, Soseki-sensai," They said.

"You will be going to the Training Grounds for the afternoon, and then I will speak to you about the magic you'll need to know. " The four stayed silent even though they had an urge to speak.

- - - - -

After their training, which was very hard, Katsumi, Kitsune, Koneko, and Ookami were all in Ookami's room. Aya thought her room would be a great place to learn the magic, since they would be walking through thick forests.

"For our magic here, we don't need our wand, but only imagination." She paused, "Let's think about your suitcases that are in front of you." The girls looked down at the suitcases, "Now imagine that they could fit in the palm of your hand." They did as she said and to their surprise they managed to do it.

"Wouldn't you think magic is…harder than that?" Katsumi asked.

"You have to think…this is the anime world. Anything that seems hard on earth or a movie is easy for us."

"Is that all we need to know?" Koneko asked.

"Pretty much, yes," She looked at the surprised faces," All you have to do is imagine something and it'll come true."

"Cool!" Ookami shouted.

"BUT…there is something you need to know. This magic is dangerous…so be careful. That's why we had you go to the Training Grounds. It wasn't only for your protection but also to defeat any magic you make that comes after you." She started for the door, "Now let's go down to dinner and we'll discuss a plan after we're back."

-Flashback Ends-

Even though the day had been hard, it had still been somewhat fun and everyone seemed happy until Tamahashi spoke. Everyone looked up at the sound of his voice.

"Attention everyone," He looked around the table to make sure all the attention was on him, "This morning I told you all that a bishie from Yu Yu Hakusho was captured. That bishie is…"

"Yoko Kurama…" Kitsune sighed in sadness.

"Kitsune, if you don't stop interrupting me, as well as your little friends," He said looking at Katsumi, Koneko, and Ookami as well, you'll be severely punished!" They were all glaring at Tamahashi as he continued, "Anyway, Kurama-san was captured and Naraku's first victim." He sighed, "But I'd like to announce, that yet another bishie has been captured."

A/N- I was going to type who the bishie was, but then I decided that I'd wait till the next chapter. Also I'm sorry that this chapter wasn't the best chapter in the world, but I hope you like it anyway. I really wanted to get done too, because I haven't updated in a week and I don't want to keep all of you waiting for the next chapter. Please R&R and Thankies for reading!