InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Reverence ❯ A City Divided ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Story: Reverence
Author: Beautiful Dreamer1
Chapter: A City Divided Summary: Power and prestige are the only things that matter, and your duty to the ones that love you.
Warning: Shounen-ai. SessSasuIta. Mega Crossovers IYNaruto/Others.
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Sesshomaru heard the loud footsteps of his brother as he walked into the dining room. The eldest heir didn’t have to peer over his newspaper to tell that InuYasha was already sniffing the breakfast food like some primitive dog. “You should feel ashamed, little brother.” Sesshomaru said without putting down the finical section of the daily newspaper.


“What the hell are you talking about now?” Inu Yasha balled his fingers. Each morning the two brothers went into one of two routines, they either insult each other or ignore the other completely.


“Koumaku Regional High School… To mix with humans by choice is degrading.” Sesshomaru spoke as if it was the most obvious thing.


“Shut up! Going to Koumaku isn’t any worse than Fumijita High.”


“Hm. Only a half-breed would praise a second-rate school.”


“Why you…” InuYasha growled.


“InuYasha, what is troubling you so early in the morning?’ The gentle tone of InuYasha’s mother drifted into the two brothers’ ears. ‘Are you worried about going to your new school?” Izayoi plastered on her motherly concerned face.


“It’s nothing important.” InuYasha huffed. His quick-tempered was curbed by with woman’s presence. The mother and son got their plates and sat down at the table.


Izayoi bowed her head towards InuTaisho’s eldest son and began to speak wittily about the day she gone to the market and saw a tiny elfish woman pulling a giant by the ear. Sesshomaru half-listened to the conversation as Inu Yasha grumbled something about a friend of his, Kaga or Kagami something, had done that to him. Izayoi chuckled softly and teased her son that the girl must like him. InuYasha enthusiastically denied that they didn’t have any kind of feelings for each other, which made his mother laugh harder. Sesshomaru’s scowl hidden behind his paper made barrier at how humans were easily amused at the silliest things. Since Inu Taisho already left for a meeting that morning, there was no reason to acknowledge the woman.


The chimes from the grandfather clock sounded through the lower levels of the mansion, signaled it was time to leave. Sesshomaru folded the morning paper and placed it on the table. Grabbing his school bag, he kept by the door, he went out the house.


“Goodbye, Sesshomaru.” Izayoi said. Sesshomaru didn’t respond. InuYasha silently fumed as gulped down the last piece of his meal. “Goodbye, Mother. See ya this afternoon.”


“Have a good day, Inu Yasha.” Izayoi hurriedly got up from her seat and planted a kiss on her son’s cheek.

Following his half brother down the walk, InuYasha noted the disgustingly display of Jaken’s admiration as he waited impatiently by the gate of the estate. InuYashu couldn’t say that the small toad like demon was Sesshomaru’s friend because no one could be friend to arrogant, selfish, cold hearted brother. Sesshomaru just used him, dismissing Jaken as if he no more than a servant. Yet, having the status of a servant didn’t stop the little imp from talking. Of course, Sesshomaru could shut him up with just a word but he became costumed to hearing Jaken babble endlessly about nothing important. If weren’t for the fact that they were taken the subway to school, they wouldn’t be anywhere near them.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~
On those rare occasions when the family sat down to eat, his father usually talked about work or family duties. Fugaku was the head of the Uchiha family, the chief of police and owner of various businesses. Sitting on the opposite side of Fugaku was Sasuke older brother Itachi. Itachi was the embodiment of all hope and pride in the Uchiha. The sun rose and set on the most powerful heir to date. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Itachi would enter Seijirou Academy, the number one school in the district. As for the mother, Mikoto kept quiet and only spoke in the appropriate spots. She would barely touch her plate. Sometimes, Sasuke wonder if she was even alive because she easily faded into the forth ground scenery, whenever she wasn’t hosting parties or socializing with the family’s business associates. However, Sasuke could say he was apart of the background scenery. Giggling, laughing and joking come naturally to children but at a young age, Fugaku Uchiha frowned upon such childishness. There was pressure on Sasuke – and he could feel the disapproving eyes and an expectance for greater things.


To win the approval of his father, Sasuke redoubled his efforts; determined never to make any mistakes that would cause his family shame. Sasuke studiously examined each scroll authorize by Fugaku to make himself stronger and pass the entrance exam to Seijirou Academy. Only the best of the best (humans) went to Seijirou and three-fourth of the Uchiha clan attended. Yet, he managed to flunk the last half of the exam, a memory he didn’t want to remember. His failure made Fagaku so mad that he forbade Sasuke from wearing the Uchiha crest.


“I’m leaving.” Sasuke spoke. The remaining family continued their subtle conversation as if the boy hadn’t spoken at all. Slowly, he departed the house because he was in to hurry to get to the station. Sasuke shuffled through the morning streets towards the subway. Only a handful of people actually appeared in the morning and even less rode the train. The subway was a good mode of transportation if a person didn’t want to deal with traffic. Yet, taken the subway was a gamble. Gangs usually roamed through the subways especially on the Hirodou line. Demons harass humans traveling near the invisible border of the demonic district and the human quarter from mainly one o’clock at night to eight in the morning.


It has been three hundred years after the Anarchic Wars, Tokyo was still a city divided into five distinct boroughs: the demonic district, the celestial region, the human quarter, the spiritual sector, and the neutral zone, which was at the heart of the city. Even though it wasn’t official made by the politicians that ran the city, it was clearly noticeable once a person crossed a certain city line. The war promised peace between the people, yet society didn’t truly change, only put on a politer façade. To prevent another war from occurring, a tournament that happens every two years between the schools is held in the neutral zone. It was law that no businesses or people were allowed to take up residence in the neutral. The only buildings there were the fighting areas and Koumaku Regional High School.


Sasuke leaned against one of the pillars on the underground platform. There was nothing to do but wait for the train to arrive. Within earshot were a group of kids around his age that were aggravatingly loud for the morning or any time in matter of fact. The loudest was a boy with cat like ears, a girl in an incredibly short skirt, a fox creature and a toad. Another boy was sneakily trying to grope another female with a huge boomerang on her back. There were others from a trio of wolf demons that was holding back by his friends.


The noise was really disturbing him. Yet, the person standing before the pillar, ten feet away from his didn’t seem fazed by the annoyance. He looked like a statue because he stood tall and unmoving with a passive expression on his face. Without moving an inch of his head, the statuette like man narrowed his eyes and focused them towards Sasuke.

‘Freak.’ Sasuke mentally thought to himself at the way the stranger’s eyes shifted. A blast of shrieking rail snapped back to the arriving train. Without hesitation, Sasuke proceed onto the train, while the platinum haired stranger got into the car in front of his.


Once inside, Sasuke slumped into the third row of horizontal seats, unaware of the threaten looks from a trio of demons lingering in the back. In a moment, the clanging of metal filled the air as the train started pull away from the station. It would be a good forty-five minute ride until he reached his destination.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
“Please, clam down Kouga.”


“You can’t win against me mutt face!” Kouga yelled.


“Watch and weep you mangy wolf. When we start combat training, I’ll be wiping the floor with your tail.” Inu Yasha retorted.


“Like that would ever happen, dog breath.” Kouga replied with an arrogant air.


“Will you two, cut it out already.” Kagome said with a little sigh at the end.


“Yeah, why do you always fight all the time?” Shippo whined.


“This constant bickering back and forth isn’t going to prove anything.” Sango butted in with a few words of advice.


“I guess that you guys save your breath.” Miroku added.


“Well, none of you are match for lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken screamed at the top of his lungs as ran up to the group of friends.


“What! I can beat anyone, anytime.” Kouga grabbed Jaken’s collar.


“There is no way that creep is better than me.” InuYasha growled.


The current conversation has been longing on for the last ten minutes from the departure time and frankly, Sesshomaru could hardly stay a minute longer. Jaken’s yells for his assistance faded out as he moved to the next car.


S asuke

“Hey , human boy. You seem to be traveling in our car.” One of the demons hissed.


“That means you have to pay a fee.” The leader said as he hit a club against his bare palm.


“Yeah, and then a protection fee.” The other subortanin said.


“Get lost.” Sasuke stared unflinchingly at the three bullies.


“The human rat got some…”


“Out of the way.” Sessshomaru’s curt tone cut the demon’s speech in half.


“Oh, what do you got here? Another human that needs to pay our passenger fee.” The boss smirked with delight.


A slow rise in energy started to come released as Sesshomaru’s normal even tone became slightly harsher. “You dare confuse me for a lowly human?” The leader didn’t have a chance to scream as Sesshomaru flung the demon through the clear-glassed windows of the speeding locomotive. Frighten by the easy defeat of their boss, the two demons retreated into the last car. Calming his fury, Sesshomaru slid into a seat near the back after the two other demons ran towards the next compartment.


Yet, the demon dog could feel the familiar stare of the dark haired boy from the platform. “Stop staring at me, boy.” Sesshomaru was looking out the window instead of directly facing Sasuke.


“I didn’t need your help.” Sasuke muttered.


“I didn’t help you human. They were in my way.” Sesshomaru stated. Sasuke slightly pout as he crossed his arms over belly and directed his attention towards the window. The train continued along its tracks, ignorant of the events unfolding within the heavy of metal, where silence laid steadily between two strangers.


Inspire me to keep writing….
Please read and review.
Flames are welcomed.

If I decide to continue this story, it’ll become a major crossover between many anime series. However those characters will only making minor appearances unless it is important to the plot. So, if you got a request for anyone in an anime/or maybe video game series, tell me the name of the series and characters that you want to appear.
I like this story better than my other story Yubikiri.