InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Forgotten Uchiha ❯ Chapter Three: I guess This Is Goodbye ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or Naruto
Last Time:
When they reached the training area, Kagome sat down and started to meditate. Curious as to what Kagome was doing Naruto asked her what she was doing.
Meditating.” was Kagome's answer.
Pushing for more information Naruto asked the purpose of meditating. Briefly explaining that it helped her control her chakra, Naruto decided to try to join her in meditating.
After meditating for an hour, they both did a few basic exercises. During their small practice session, Jiraiya suddenly appeared slightly starling Naruto.
So, it seems the rumors are true for once.” Jiraiya said, standing on top on a tree branch, eying Kagome, then turning his gaze to Naruto. “Have you come to an answer Naruto?”
Yes I have, and I've decided to take you up on your offer.” Naruto answered, looking Jiraiya straight in the eye with a fierce determination.
Chapter Three: I Guess This Is Goodbye
Naruto sighed as he walked through the streets of Konoha. Jiraiya had told him that they were leaving tomorrow morning, so he had decided to pay his old sensei, Iruka, a visit at the academy. When he finally got there, he saw that Iruka was lecturing Konohamaru. Deciding to help his friend out, Naruto transformed into the hokage's assistant, Kotetsu. Newly transformed into Kotetsu, Naruto barged into Iurka's classroom.
Surprised at the sight of the chunin, Iruka asked Kotetsu why he was here. Naruto answering that the hokage wished to see him, stood behind Iruka as he finished dealing with Konohamaru and the class. Feeling bored, Naruto started to mimic Iruka earning a few laughs out of the class.
Wondering what was so funny, Iruka turned around and saw, Kotetu mimicking him? After a few moments of confusion, Iruka figured out who it really was. Angry Iruka bonked Naruto on the head, making him transform back.
“Naruto! What are you doing?” Iruka yelled at the blond shinobi.

“I just wanted to come by and ask you something. Sheesh!” Naruto answered crossing his arms.
“Well, what is so important that you had to disrupt class?” Iruka yelled.
“I just wanted to know if you wanted to go get a bag of ramen.” Naurto said, quickly adding “My treat.”
“You disrupted my class over... Wait; did you just say your treat?” Iruka asked, now knowing that something had to be wrong, Naruto never offered to pay for ramen. “Sure let's go” Iruka finished, walking off with Naruto, completely forgetting about the class.
When they reached the ramen stand, they quickly ordered their ramen and just waited there quietly until it was done. Receiving their ramen, they both ate in silence and when they finished eating Iruka asked, “Is there anything wrong Naruto?”
“Well you see Iruka - sensei, Jiraiya has recently asked me to go training with him, and I've accepted his offer.” Naruto said, starring at his empty ramen bowl.
“Oh. How long will you be gone?” Iruka asked looking at Naruto.
“About three years.” Naruto quietly replied.
“When do you leave?” Iruka asked.
“Tomorrow” Naruto answered.
“I'm going to miss you Naruto. Good luck on your training.” Iruka said after a small moment of silence, putting his arm around Naruto. “Come on; let's go get some ice cream”
Smiling at the older ninja, Naruto and Iruka set off to get some ice cream.
“So, you're telling me that Naruto and Sasuke had this best friend/rival thing going on between them?” Kagome said unbelievingly “And that he was also very aloof and indifferent, and power hungry”
“Basically” Kakashi answered, momentarily looking up from his book.
Sighing Kagome's thought began to revolve around Naruto and Sasuke. She just couldn't believe at how much Sasuke had changed. Maybe Naruto could help her get the old Sasuke back, but first she had to know more about what really happened at the Valley of End. Grumbling, Kagome set off to go find Naruto.
When she found him, he was eating a popsicle and walking with an older looking ninja who had a scar across of his face. Quickly catching up Kagome called out “Hey Naruto.”
“Oh, hey Kagome.” Naruto said, slightly surprised by Kagome's sudden appearance. Remembering Iruka, Naruto introduced them to each other.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Iruka.” Kagome said, bowing.
“Likewise.” Iruka replied also bowing.
“So, Naruto are you ready for tomorrow?” Kagome asked, turning her attention to Naruto.
“I still need to pack.” Naruto answered, stuffing his face with the rest of his popsicle.
“How about we go do that before you forget?” Iruka offered, hoping to spend some more time with Naruto before he left.
“Well, I'll catch you guys later. I'm gonna go see what Kakashi's up to.” Kagome said, taking off knowing that they wanted some times for themselves.
“What's wrong Sasuke?” somebody asked, standing in the shadows, watching the youngest Uchiha.
“Nothing.” Was Sasuke's short reply.
Trying to get his thoughts together, Sasuke thought about what had just happened. He had woken up from a dead sleep, sweating and panting. Wondering why that happened, Sasuke began to feel like something had happened in Konoha.
“So, it seems she is finally awake.” Itachi thought sitting in a high tree and eating rice ball. It had been a long time since he had seen his little sister and strangely enough, he missed her. Getting Itachi, jumped down from the tree and thought it was time to pay Konoha another visit.
“What's up with you and those books you always seem to be reading Kakashi?” Kagome asked, trying to take the book out of Kakashi's hands. When he didn't reply Kagome devised a plan to get his attention away from his book.
First looking to see what the book was called Kagome said, “The new Makeout Paradise book is on sale now.” As if she were reading a poster or flyer.
In a flash Kakashi had dropped his book and raced off to the nearest bookstore. In hopes of getting the new Makeout Paradise, book.
Smirking at her petty victory, Kagome picked up the book and started to read. And with each sentence she read, the redder her face would get. She never noticed when Kakashi had returned with a disappointed look on his face.
“Can I have my book back now?” Kakashi asked, looking over Kagome's shoulder and at his precious book.
Looking up at Kakashi, Kagome slammed the book shut and screamed pervert, as she threw the book at his head. Her face now redder than a tomato.
Catching the book, Kakashi automatically resumed reading. Annoyed at the copy - nin, Kagome decided to just ditch Kakashi and go look for something to keep her occupied for the time being.
Walking in the crowed streets, Kagome came across a flower shop and opted to check it out. Browsing through the flowers Kagome decided it was time to go pay her respect to her family. Buying two - dozes roses, Kagome made the solemn walk to the Uchiha District.
Finally closing his book, Kakashi went in search of Kagome, since he had been assigned to keep a close eye on her. Walking through the streets, he noticed Ino sweeping the outside of the flower shop. Stopping by, he asked her if she had seen Kagome.
“I haven't personally, but my mom told me that she came in here earlier and brought some roses.” Ino said, putting down her broom to water a few of the outside plants.
Without so much as a thank you, Kakashi took off again, this time knowing where Kagome would be. When Kakashi reached his destination, he saw that Kagome had laid the roses at the base of her family's shrine and that Kagome herself was looking at the tombstone with her family's name on it.
“I miss both of you, mother, and father. Even though you would always favor Itachi over Sasuke and myself, I still miss you dad. And even when you said that all I was good for was being married off, I still love you. I know that you never wanted me to become a ninja, but I just hope now that you are somewhat proud of me from wherever you are now.” Stopping for a second to wipe her tears Kagome continued, “I promise you this; I will get Sasuke back and find out why Itachi did this to you.” Kagome finished now crying harder.
Seeing her cry, Kakashi then went to Kagome's side, and tried to soothe her by muttering comforting words and just holding her while she cried.
“Thanks for treating up to the ramen Iruka.” Kagome thanked. After the whole crying scene in the Uchiha District, Kakashi and Kagome had met up with Naruto and Iruka, who had decided to treat them to a farewell dinner. So, now here they were wondering the streets.
“Hey Naruto, I heard Hinata had something for you before you leave.” Iruka said, just now remembering the message he was to have given Naruto earlier.
“I guess this is goodbye then.” Naruto said, suddenly finding his feet very interesting.
“No, not goodbye, after all you will be back soon. In fact you will be an even stronger ninja than when you left.” Iruka softly replied. Before he lost his nerve, Naruto gave Iruka a quick hug and took off.
“Is that you, Kagome?” a voice called out, instantly catching everybody' attention who were still present. Instantly, Kagome froze at the sound of the voice that she had not heard in a very long time.
“So it seems our little Uchiha prodigy has finally awaken.” A sinister voice said, almost mockingly. “Kagura I want you to keep an eyed on her and Orochimaru make sure Sasuke stays away from her and I'll deal with Itachi.:
An: Sorry this took me a while to come out with. I had to rewrite this chapter three times, sorry if it's a bit rushed. And thanks to all those who reviewed :D