InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Enter the Witch and the Miko ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi, y'all. Just in case someone thinks that they've seen this before, they probably have. This is also posted at, but I'm still the same person, so I don't think that counts as plagiarism. Anyway, welcome to Enter the Witch and the Miko.
Running. She'd been running for what seemed like hours. The rain, though it weakened her power, would also make it more difficult for them to follow her. They wouldn't think that she would travel in the rain; they thought she would hole up somewhere and wait it out. As much as she wanted to, her life would be forfeit if she did. And so she kept running. Running from her old life. Running… from them. She had trusted them; apparently, it was the wrong decision. It may be her last decision. Maybe it wasn't their fault. After all, they have to follow orders, and they were ordered to hunt you. They may not like it, but there isn't a whole lot they can do. No! She shook her head angrily. They had no problem shooting at me. Their eyes… She shuddered as she splashed through growing puddles. In their eyes there was no compassion or mercy. She had become just a target to them.
Her shoulder throbbed painfully as she thought about what had happened. One of their shots had hit its mark. Another reason she blessed the rain. As long as it fell, it would hide what blood still leaked through. She managed to stem most of the flow, but some still got through the makeshift bandage. Her eyes narrowed as the rain fell harder, thought it was not for that reason. Her tears mixed with the rain as she remembered why she was wet, hurt, and running. Maybe to run forever. Always running…
It was another normal day at the office. Michael was at the computer, typing like his fingers were competing in the Olympics, looking for more active witches to hunt. Sakaki, the rookie, was watching Michael while leaning against the wall. Doujima was being her lazy self, sitting in a chair slightly behind Michael's, her arms around the backrest and watching Michael's fast fingers. Ms. Karasuma was talking quietly with their boss, Chief Kosaka, about something. And then there was Amon. At the moment, their dark leader was in a private conference with Zaizen, the man who ran the place, the main boss that everyone answered to.
When the day was done, not much had changed. Almost everyone was still doing the same thing they'd done at the beginning of the day. As everyone filed out of the office, she glanced at the closed door to Zaizen's private office. He and Amon were still talking. She didn't think anything of it, as it wasn't the first time that happened.
As she started walking to where she lived, she decided to stop at Harry's Place first to pick up some food so Nagira didn't have to cook. She smiled to herself as she remembered the last time he tried to cook. The key word was tried. He almost burned the house down with them in it!
After picking up the food, she started the walk to Nagira's home. Five minutes later, she walked through the door and into the house. It was more like a big apartment, but it was a place to call home.
“Nagira, I'm back with dinner,” she called. The sound of something heavy being dropped was heard right before Nagira himself appeared as if by magic in a chair at the table, looking at her expectantly. Smiling, she set the food on the table and sat across from him. They talked as they began to eat; or rather, Nagira complained about his day while she provided a sympathetic ear.
When the finished eating, and Nagira had blown off enough steam, she cleared the table and got ready for bed. She knelt down by the mat where she slept, said her prayers, and got under the blankets. Her last thought before sleep overcame her was Maybe tonight I'll be able to sleep the night through.
But her wish didn't come true, as it almost never does. Ten minutes after she fell asleep, according to her clock, Nagira was shaking her awake and speaking in a worried voice.
“C'mon, you have to leave. Apparently someone told Zaizen that you were a witch. Right now the other hunters are on their way to get you.”
Since she was still half asleep, the news went right over her head, and she only stared at him blankly. He growled in frustration and, grabbing her shoulders, shook her. “Think of the Orbo! That's what's coming right now!”
The image of the sick green color of the liquid that brought down witches woke her up. She began to shake, terror coursing through her body.
“Wh-what d-do I do?” she asked, her voice trembling.
“Run. There's no time to pack anything, and it would be too heavy anyway. Take the phone and call me in two or three days time.”
“Wait, Nagira,” she said as she pulled a sweater over her head and pushed her toward the top of the stairs. “How do you know all this? And how do you know I'll even be alive in two days?”
“For the first question, I have my sources in the STN-J, and for the second question, I know you. You'll do what you have to in order to keep alive. Now,” he stopped for a second at the foot of the stairs he just hustled her down. “They'll probably keep an eye on me for as long as they're looking for you. I'll try to help as best I can, but don't count on it.”
“Don't worry about me; worry about yourself. I can run, but you have to stay here. You might even be in more danger than me.”
“I'll miss you, but we'll be in touch in two or three days. Take care of yourself, and stay out of trouble.” Nagira gave her a quick hug, and pushed her out the back door.
She sneaked along the dark roads, wishing she had gotten a little more sleep. She wasn't tired at the moment, but that was because adrenaline was pushing back the tiredness. Uh-oh. The houses were gone, and the park was ahead. It was more of a woods area that extended for 15 miles before opening into the outskirts of Tokyo. This would be a perfect place to hide from her former comrades, but it could also work the other way around. Oh, well. She would have to chance it. Cautiously, she crept towards her goal, making sure she didn't step on anything that would snap. When she was 30 yards away, she darted forward, praying she wouldn't be seen.
Big mistake. Bang! The sound of a gunshot, and the sudden agonizing pain in her right shoulder told her one bullet had hit its mark. She stumbled, but caught herself before she fell, and continued running. She could hear them giving chase, but she wouldn't let them catch her. Their voices were coming steadily closer from different directions. I guess this means I'll have to climb a bit, she thought. Wincing at the fiery pain in her arm, she climbed up as best she could, and hid in the darkest parts of the tree, listening and watching the ground below her. After 5 minutes, her pursuers met up not far from her tree. She couldn't see them, but their voices carried just fine.
The first to speak was Amon. “Did any of you see traces of her?” The next voice belonged to Karasuma. “No. It was like she just disappeared.” Then Sakaki decided to join the conversation. “Do you think she outran us? We've never seen how fast she could run.”
Amon again. “No. She's still here; my bullet grazed her, and that will slow her down. She's definitely still here, somewhere close. We have to keep looking.”
“Hey, Mr. Amon, why are we hunting her? What did she do?”
“She's a witch, Sakaki. Witches are dangerous, and must be hunted. That's our job. Do you understand?”
Sigh. “Yes, Mr. Amon.”
She heard their feet taking them away from this area. Slowly, she slithered down the trunk. Still moving slowly, she walked a few steps and listened. The sounds of the nightlife were heard. If there had been anyone around, they would've been silent. She began to move faster, even though her shoulder was aching and bleeding. After 30 minutes of moving quietly, she felt sufficiently far enough away to pick up the pace. She began to run like the hounds of Hades were on her tail.
−End Flashback−
Three hours later, she was still running. It was much slower than the pace she started out with, but it was still pretty fast. However, she was beginning to feel tired. The Orbo bullet was making her feel disoriented. She had lost her sense of direction, and had a feeling she was beginning to walk in circles. The world was starting to spin, and her whole body was in agony. The Orbo had spread, and was trying to take her down. But she would continue to fight it. Or at least, she would try to fight it. The rain that had started 2 hours ago did nothing to help her except keep her conscious and moving.
Just as she was about to collapse, she saw a tree. Now, trees had surrounded her ever since she had fled, but this tree was huge! It also gave her a sense of peace, like it was trying to comfort her, telling her everything would sort out, and things would be set to rights. But for the bullet in her shoulder, she would have believed it.
Just as she reached the base of the trunk, her strength seemed to leave, like she was a puppet and someone had cut her strings. She collapsed against the base, breathing heavily. Dear Lord, she prayed, I know that I am a sinner. Please forgive my sins, as it seems I am to meet you and Saint Peter shortly. As Our Lord did all those centuries ago, Father, to you I commend my spirit. And with that, Robin Sena fell out of consciousness.