InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ The Well's Obsession ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
She would be angry with it again. It would have side if it actually had a mouth to sigh with that is. She had been angry when it had first let her go through, though if it had known that she'd have fallen in love with the half-breed it certainly never sent her there first. Last yes, first no. She was it's and no one else's. A gift yes that would settle her down. It scanned the worlds that it would be sending to her for one of her new charges. Ah the girl. The fire bird. It pulled her from beneath the dark man as the building crumbled around the two. It tossed the man outside and dropped the girl into it's depths. That should appaise its Champion. If not, it could always tempt the woman again. Kun-loon stood above the well, looking down at the girl in it. The necklace around her neck allowed her to remain uneffected by the energy it poured out, much like the rest of their family. She turned and called for the boy and old man to pull its gift out. They would deliver her to it's Champion. The older woman told them to place her in its Champion's room and it wished for the ability to purr. Everything was going according to plan.