InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's Anime Interview! ❯ Sesshoumaru Interview (Inu) ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclamer: I do not and will not ever own any of Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha. I do own Kisa so ha!
Host: *country accent* Hello, my name is Amy, the sub host of Anime Interview. I am the sub host subbing for... for... for...uh... Kisa... uh.. yea... and I do it with a smile! My guest here today is Sesshoumaru! Please welcome, Sesshoumaru to the studio!
*Sesshoumaru walks out as crickets chirp*
Amy: Hiiiii....
Sesshoumaru: O_O Um.. no... *walks off stage*
Kisa: >.< *Punches Amy's lights out*
Ki sa: Sorry about that! Now lets get this show on the road! Hello, my name is Kisa, the host of Anime Interview! I interview anime characters from all over the world. When people tell me to interview an anime character, I do it with a smile! My guest here is Sesshoumaru! Please welcome, him to the studio!
*Sesshoumaru walks out as people clap*
Sesshoumaru: Uh...
Kisa: Hi and welcome!
Sesshoumaru: Hi... *sits down*
Kisa: Aren't we shy. Well, first question... does anyone actually watch your show?
Yugi: Um... yes?
Kisa: Wrong!
Yugi: Hey! We have viewers!
Kisa: Heh... heh.. oookay.. whaaaatever. Can I call you fluffy?
Sesshoumaru: Um.. No..
Kisa: What about... armless wonder!
Sesshoumaru: No...
Kisa: Ok then. Name this song, *starts singing* Ol' mc donald had a farm e-i-e-i-o and on his farm he had a fluffy e-i-e-i-o with a grrr grrr... here and a ahhh! ahh! there.. here an ah! there a grr.. everywhere a grr ahhh! ol' mc donald had a farm.. e-i-e-i-ooooo.
Sesshoumaru: Grr...
Kisa: AH!
Sesshoumaru: Grrr...
Kisa: Ahh!
Sesshoumaru: *barks*
Kisa: Ah- uh... ehem...
*everyone gets quiet*
Sesshoumaru: What?
Kisa: *Gasp* You ARE a dog.
Sesshoumaru: *gasp* You ARE slow.
Kisa: You just now figured that out?
Sesshoumaru: Yes...
Kisa: O.o
Sesshoumaru:... I mean NO!!
Kisa: Suuuuuuure and dogs fly!
Sesshoumaru: No they don't.
Kisa: Yea huh...
Sesshoumaru: Nuh huh..
Kisa: Want proof?
Sesshoumaru: Yes.
Kisa: Ok. *Kicks Sesshoumaru's butt and he flies off the stage*
Sesshoumaru: O_O AHH! *flies to the ground* UMPF.
Kisa: What did i tell ya ladies and gentlemen, dog DO fly.
Sesshoumaru: No they DO not.
Kisa: But I just prooved it! You want me to give you more proof?!
Sesshoumaru: No! No!! *cries like a baby*
Kisa: O_O ok ok... sheesh..
Sesshoumaru: ^_^ Yay!!
Kisa: O________O... Riiiiiiight.. back to the show.
Sesshoumaru: Yea... ehem...
Kisa: Is it true, you like the song "Bye Bye Bye" by "N*sync" and you booty dance to it with Rin?
Sesshoumaru: NO!
Kisa: Is it true, your brother lends you Kagome's body on the weekend?
Sesshoumaru: Um.. Well.... heh.. heh... *looks around* NO!!
Kisa: o_o Um... nevermind... Is it true you pay Rin to give you pleasure?
Sesshoumaru: Yes.
Sesshoumaru: What?
Kisa: You pay her to give you pleasure?!
Sesshoumaru: O_O No, i thought you said, you give pay back to get your pleasure!
Kisa: Um.. no... would I ask you that?
Sesshoumaru: *shrugs* I dunno.
Kisa: You wanna snow cone?
Sesshoumaru: I guess..
Kisa: Yellow or red?
Sesshoumaru: Yellow.
Kisa: Ok... *runs behind the curtons with a blender*
Sesshoumaru: Hm?
Kisa: *Walks out* Ok here is your snow cone! ^_^
Sesshoumaru: Thanks.... *lick*... mmmm.. *lick*... whats in it?
Kisa: My secret.
Sesshoumaru: Taste like salt water.
Kisa: Tee hee. All I can say is that it is 100% sugar free. ^__^
Sesshoumaru: Do wha-... O_O *spits it out*
Kisa: It's my pee pee cone surprise!
Sesshoumaru: GAH! THATS SICK!
Kisa: He he... thank you for watching Anime Interview. I'm your host Kisa, interviewing anime characters from all over the world, doing it with a smile! See ya next time!
~Curtons Closed~

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