InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's Anime Interview! ❯ Joey Interview (Yu-Gi-Oh) ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclamer: I do not and will not ever own any of the characters in this fan fiction. I do own Kisa and thats it.
Host: Hello, my name is Kisa, the host of Anime Interview! I interview anime characters
from all over the world. When people tell me to interview an anime character, I do it
with a smile! My first guest here is Joey! Please welcome, Joey to the

Joey: *walks out*

Kisa: Hello Joey! What show are you from?

Joey: Yu-Gi-Oh.

Kisa: Well your calm, many people that come here aren't calm.

Joey: Maybe they don't like you.

Kisa: ;_; what makes you say that?

Joey: Because you seem like a very immature person.

Kisa: Shut up Joey! You don't know me!!

Joey: Sure don't, and I don't wish to either.

Kisa: Listen here you fool! I'll kill you!

Joey: Then do it!

Kisa: Fine! *looks away*

Joey: Your not killing meeee!!

Kisa: Shut up! It was just a threat! >.<

Joey: Ok.

Kisa: Boy, your annoying!

Joey: Good for me!!!

Kisa: O.o and stupid...

Joey: Cool!

Kisa: O.O Please stop.

Joey: Noooo!!!

Kisa: >.< STOP!

Joey: Nooooooo!

Kisa: >_< Snop it now!!

Joey: Snop it?

Kisa: >o< Shut up!!

Joey: Make me!

Kisa: >_< That is it!!! *grabs Joey's arms*

Joey: W-wait.... what are you doing?!?

Kisa: This! *grabs a sword and points it to his arms*

Joey: O.O OK OK!!! I GIVE!!!

Kisa: Hah! Thats what I thought...your scared!

Joey: Of a sword thats going to cut my arms off YEA! *is pissed*

Kisa: Uh, it's rubber. *bends it*

Joey: 0_0...


Joey: -_-' *walks away*

Kisa: Hey! I didn't even get to ask you a question!

Joey: Oh well!

Kisa: *_* Joey.... just one question.... hellooo??

Joey: *walks out of the door*

Kisa: >.< Fine then! Be that way! Pussy face! *throws a rock out the window*

Kagome: Owww!! Who threw that??!!

Kisa: ^_^ Tee hee! Thank you for watching Anime Interview. I'm your host Kisa, interviewing anime characters from all over the world, doing it with a smile! See ya next time!

~Curtons Closed~