InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hogosha Tantei ❯ The end is the beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hogosha Tantei
This is my first story. It's for my English class, but I think that I'll be able to get updates out pretty regularly. This is gonna be a Kur/Kag. I was gonna go with Hiei and Kurama, but I think that in order to get a decent grade on this, my teacher needs to remain unscarred. So enjoy and of course R/R.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. I do however own various plushies and other things.
Chapter 1: The end is always the beginning…
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Sengoku Jidai - InuYasha's Forest
A young woman stumbled down a path, holding the hand of a young kitsune, who in turn was carrying an injured twin tailed neko youkai. Wrinkling his nose slightly he glanced at the trail of blood that his adoptive mother was leaving behind them. The young woman shifted slightly to ease the weight of the weapons that she carried, a staff and boomerang were strapped to her back, while she carried three swords at her side. Her knee length hair swayed slightly with her movement, allowing the silver strands mixed with the raven black to catch the light and shine brightly in contrast. Scanning her surroundings warily her gold flecked cerulean eyes were slightly glazed from pain, exhaustion and blood loss. Reaching a well situated in the middle of the forest she motioned for the kit to sit down while she rummaged through a bag that she had carried with her.
Removing a small compact from the bag, she opened it and began to speak into it,
“Koenma-sama, Shippo and I are leaving the Sengoku Jidai. We're going to need some help getting to Reikai, I don't think that I have enough energy left to open a portal.”
“Kagome-sama, I'll send someone now to help you to Reikai. Would you like me to inform your brothers that you're coming home, or would you prefer to do so yourself?”
“If you would let them know, it would save me a lot of time and trouble. See you shortly.”
Closing the compact with a sigh, she shoved it into her bag and held her hand out to the young one beside her. “Let's go Shippo, there's nothing here for us any longer.”
Nodding his head in agreement he grimaced at the small pool of blood that had formed at her feet. Looking up to see his mother smiling gently at him, he returned the smile and grasped her hand. Taking one last look around they jumped into the well and were enveloped in the well's soft blue light.
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Sunset Shrine
Opening her eyes as the blue light dissipated, she looked up to see the familiar ceiling of the well house. Shaking her head she tried to clear the blackness that was creeping on the edges of her vision. Releasing her kit's hand, she leaned against the side of the well, and slowly slid down to the ground. Closing her eyes she spoke quietly to her son,
“Shippo, I need you to go outside onto the Shrine's grounds and wait for Koenma's men. I'm too tired to make it up out of the well by myself, so you need to get someone to help me okay?”
“Alright okaa-san, I promise that I'll wait until they come. I'll be back soon.”
Clutching Kirara to him tightly he jumped out of the well and raced outside of the well house. Watching her son leave, Kagome closed her eyes and finally gave into the welcoming blackness.
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“Ogre! I need you to tell Botan to gather Yusuke and Kurama. There's someone that I need them to retrieve from the Sunset Shrine. I also need a messenger sent to Sesshomaru-sama, we need to inform him of his little sister's arrival.”
“Um, Koenma sir, aren't Kurama and Yusuke retired?” The blue ogre asked nervously.
“I know they're retired! Just get Botan to grab them and take them to the Sunset Shrine! Do not let Botan leave without them! The girl they're retrieving is important! Am I clear Ogre?!” Koenma yelled furiously.
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Sunset Shrine
Pacing in front of the Goshinboku, Shippo ignored the calming feeling coming from the tree as he muttered, “Okaa-san's hurt bad, Koenma's people need to hurry up! I don't know what's taking them so long.” Sensing a portal opening he whipped his head in the direction of the portal falling into a defensive stance. Sniffing the air cautiously a grin crossed his face as he began to run towards the figures stepping out of the portal.
“Oji-san! Okaa-san's hurt and she needs help, and she told me to stay here and wait for you, so I did, but I'm worried about her, there was so much blood, and she was so tired…(a/n Shippo is running all of his words together but I really didn't want to write it all together and then translate.)
A young man with black hair and brown eyes interrupted Shippo asking,
“Where is she?”
“She's still at the bottom of the well.”
“Alright kid wait here and I'll go get her for you.”
This said, the young man began to run off in the direction of the well house. Sighing with relief Shippo turned his attention to the two standing quietly. He recognized the young woman with blue hair, the male however he did not. Looking him over he took in his silky red locks, and emerald eyes. What confused him was that his scent was like that of a kitsune. Tilting his head quizzically he asked,
“Are you a kitsune? Cause you look human.”
Chuckling slightly the man in question leaned down to answer Shippo…
Sprinting to the well house he nearly broke the door in his haste to enter. Jumping down into the well he kneeled next to the unconscious woman. Clenching his fists tightly at his side as he was hit with the overwhelming scent of her blood, he gently shook her awake. Lightly rubbing her eyes she took in her surroundings blearily. Blinking several times she managed to focus her vision, and turned to the person beside her. Grinning at the young man beside her, she whispered, “Hey Onii-san.”
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Chapter one is now ever. I already have chapter 2 and part of 3 done. I just need to get around to typing them, which should be rather soon. Until then adios! ~SilverCrescentMiko
Okaa-san: Mother
Oji-san: Uncle
Neko: Cat
Youkai: Demon
Miko: Priestess