InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With A Rose ❯ A Cursed Fox ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It All Started With A Rose
Chapter One: A Cursed Fox
I Do Own Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho
Stupid Narrator Annoying Person: A rose is defined as a prickly-stemmed shrubs with showy, often fragrant flowers. Rose are often used as symbols of love so it is understandable that many stories are written around the flower. This is one of those stories and like any good story it begins with four little words. Once Upon A Time there was a handsome prince who was named Kurama. He was very kind and loved by all of his subjects.
“KURAMA! Oh there you are!” Kurama looked up from his rose bushes to see one of his servants Botan. “There is A woman here that would like to meet you!” Botan said in her hyper tone.
“I will be there in a moment.” Kurama said. Botan smiled before returning indoors.
Kurama turned back to the rose bush that he had almost finished and he refused to leave the bush till he was finished. About five minutes later Kurama entered the living room to see a woman sitting on one of the couches. Kurama's head guard Hiei was watching the woman cautiously. Hiei looked over to Kurama and quickly shook his head.
“May I help you?” Kurama asked politely. The woman smiled in a way that only one thought ran through everyone's head. `Great another head case.'
“I want to marry you!” The woman said smiling even more.
“I am sorry but I am not ready to marry anyone.” Kurama said trying not to hurt her feelings.
“That's ok I'll wait!” Several servants groaned. Kurama turned to the door and glared at the servants hiding outside the door. Kurama sighed before slowly turning back towards the woman.
“I am sorry but I do not believe you are the one for me.” Kurama said still trying not to hurt the girl's feelings. The girl's face turned to one of complete rage.
“You think that you are to good for me! Then I curse you! You will become a beast and will stay a beast till someone agrees to marry you. As for your servants I curse them to be unseen. Years will pass, people will live and die, some may even wonder into your little haven but I doubt any one shall fall for a beast.” The woman began to laugh.
Suddenly everyone was taken over by an extreme pain. There worlds faded as the pain slowly over come them. Hours later Kurama slowly rose to his feet. The room was empty it seemed the woman had left after he had fallen, but where were his servants. Kurama searched the house for any of his servants but saw no one. When he walked past one room, he noticed his reflection in passing.
Kurama slowly made his way towards the mirror. He finally looked directly at the mirror causing his eyes to widen. His once red hair had faded to a silvery white. Human ears had been replaced by fox ears, and forest green eyes had changed into golden. Though none of this bothered him at all what else had changed did. He had silvery white hair covered his body and a muzzle of a fox. Kurama's newly grown tail began to beat back and forth.
“How?” Kurama slowly walked outside to his garden to think as his friends silently watched. Unknown to any of them was the fact it would be well over a hundred years before the spell would be broken.
End Chapter.
Well I rewrote my story what do you think. This story is based off of a version of Beauty and the Beast.