InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Youkia Mom ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Hello may I speak to Kurama?" Yusuke looked at where a tense Kurama sat; the fox had obviously heard the feminine voice, if not the words.
"Who's calling?" he heard the pause and a light yell in the background.
"Tell him Kags will arrive at four and to have my room clean or he's in more trouble then he can handle. Thanks bye" he heard the dial tone in his ear and hung the phone up. He looked up and saw Kurama's questioning look.
"Some gal called herself 'Kags'. Left a message, want it?" Kurama's eyes got really big.
"Kags? Holy shit you guys cannot be here when she arrives. First tell me her message then please leave and inform the others to stay away for a while." Yusuke looked puzzled but nodded.
"She said she'd arrive at four and to have her room clean or you're in some kind of trouble. Just who is she Kurama?" Kurama shook his head and Yusuke left to tell Koenma and his other fellow spirit detective that Kurama's was off limits for a while.
~Fox who is she?~ Kurama looked up at me and sighed.
"My half-sister and...”
*My okaa-san* Youko cut in. To say I was surprised was an understatement.