InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Perfect Life ❯ The yu yu gang and our relationship ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I went into my house through the back door and was greeted by my two dogs, dragon, wolf, and kitsune. My two dogs guard my house and the other three help me in battle but I decided to keep them home this time. The first dog was a tan English Mastiff named Cougar and the other one was a black Lab named Panther. They are both about a year old. My dragon's name is Inferno, my wolf's name is Nightmare and my kitsune's name is Shani. They are all males.
Inferno is black with ruby red eyes and he has flames on the side of his body. He has black spikes with red tips going all the way from the top of his head to the end of his tail and he has two black wings with icicle designs all over them. His claws and fangs are white and very sharp. His tail is so sharp that even you touch it the lightest you can you still get a nice deep cut. I found out the hard way not to touch it.
Nightmare was black with blue streaks and had black eyes with blue specks. He had the symbol of water on his right side and the symbol of lightning on his left side. He had four tails. One was black with a blue tip, one was blue with a black tip, one was black with blue streaks and one was blue with black streaks. His ears were black with a blue tip. His claws were black and his fangs were white. They were both very sharp.
Shani was black with silver streaks and he had black eyes with silver specks. He had the symbol of wind on his right side and the symbol of earth on his right side. He also had four tails. One was black with a silver tip, one was silver with a black tip, one was silver with black streaks and one was black with silver streaks. His claws were silver and his fangs were white. They were both so sharp that they could rip through anything.
“Hey guys. How have you been? Did you miss me?” I said to them and they barked/purred/roared. I laughed. I only show emotions to family and people who have earned it.
*Your boyfriend came by lady Kagome* Inferno said to me telepathically. “He did? What did he want?” I asked curiously. I told him that I would be gone for a few months.
*He said something about the toddler wanting to see you as soon as you got back here* Inferno said to me. “Ok. I guess I'll call Botan than.” I said and called Botan and told her to make a portal to Spirit world. I never did say how I meant them.
I was coming home from the feudal era for a break. It had been two months since I started training with my father. Four boys met me outside the well house.
The first one was 6.1 and looked about 19 years old. He had his hair slicked back with gel and he had brown eyes. He had a green school uniform on.
The second one was 6.2 and also looked about 19 years old. He had orange hair and blue eyes. He had a blue school uniform on.
The third one was 6.3 and looked about 20 years old. He had long red hair and green eyes. He had a red school uniform on.
The fourth one was 6.0 and also looked 20 years old. He had black spiked up hair with a white star in front of it and he had beautiful ruby red eyes. He had black pants and he had a black cloak on with a blue tank top on under it. His cloak was open a bit so you could see it. He had a white headband covering his jagon eye and yes I know what that is.
“Who are you and why are you here?” I asked them coldly. “We're here to take you to our boss.” The one in the green said. I put my hand on the hilt of my sword. I had mastered sword and some hand-to-hand styles already. I also mastered telepathically. I had a sword on my right side.
It was the sword that I had when Naraku killed my family. The sword that I first described to you. “So your boss told you to come and take me to him? Two questions. One: what if I don't want to come? And Two: What the hell are your names?” I asked. I was not about to be kidnapped.
“Miss Kagome we only wish for your answer and my name is Kurama, the one in the green is Yusuke, the one in the blue is Kuwabara, and the one in the black is Hiei.” Kurama said. “Ok. I'll only come if I can leave when ever I want.” I said. I was not about to go anywhere unless I could leave when I wish.
“Fine you can leave when you want.” Yusuke said to me. *Are you coming or not, onna* someone said in my head. I looked at Hiei and saw that his forehead was glowing a bit. *Yeah I'm coming but I have one more request. Stay the fuck out of my mine but what really bothers me is how the fuck you got in here in the first place* I said to him.
*I just wanted to talk to you onna so your mind let me do so* he said. * Ok and one more thing I have a name so use it Hiei. My name is Ka-go-me. Got it* I said to him and he nodded his head lightly. “Are you coming or not?” Yusuke asked getting annoyed.
“Yeah I'm comin'.” I said to him and he called somebody on his communicator. The next thing I know there is a portal in front of me and everybody except Hiei and me walk through it. “So why don't you talk verbally to people?” I asked him.
“Because I don't like to.” He said. “Ok. What kind of demon are you?” I asked and alls he did was go through the portal and I was about to leave until his hand went on the collar of my shirt and pulled me through.
“Why did you try to leave?” Kurama asked. “Well if you're stupid enough to leave me by myself without any of you there to make sure I go through than why should I stick around?” I asked. It was a good answer after all they were stupid to do that. “Good point.” Kurama said. “So who am I here to see?” I asked.
“You are here to see me. You are Kagome Higurashi Guardian Of the Shikon No Tama and the Ruler of the North, correct?” A baby asked. Wait stop rewind play. A baby talked. A baby just said that. What the Fuck? I though babies couldn't even walk let alone talk. I than saw Hiei smirk. He must have read my mind.
Oh well. If hes reading my mind now I guess he'll know that I think he's very cute. I saw his cheeks tint a little red and I grinned but I quickly covered it with my emotionless mask. It's not that I don't trust them well actually I don't trust them after all I've only known them for about four hours now.
It's just that unless they prove themselves I don't find them worthy of seeing my emotions except maybe Mr. Cutie. Hiei's cheeks became a little redder but you really couldn't see it unless you are a demon. “Yeah that's me. Now tell me are you talking or is there a ventriloquist here somewhere because last time I checked babies couldn't talk.” I said.
Yusuke and Kuwabara bursted out laughing, Kurama chuckled and Hiei just smirked. The baby had fell over. “No I can talk. I am Koenma Prince of Spirit World.” Koenma said to me.
“Ok. What do you want with me?” I asked. “I want you to become a spirit detective. It's someone who saves the human world from demon and goes on missions and things like that.” He said. “Now why would I want to save humans from demons if I am a demon?” I asked him.
“Because if you do you will have help collected shards of the jewel.” He said. “I'm listening.” “My Spirit detectives will be your team and they will help you collect the Shikon.” He said to me. “Fine but I'm not going shard hunting for another three months.” I said to them.
“Ok than they will go with you than.” Koenma said. “Wait what jewel?” Yusuke asked. “Ok let me tell you everything that has happened to me since I was 16. It all started when<insert story>.” I told them everything but left out a few details.
Not important ones though. Well actually I left the part out that I was training with my father. But it's not like they need to know that. “Ok. Well since we're exchanging stories I guess I should tell you mine. Well it all started when<insert story>.” He told us every mission he had gone on and gave us details about what happened.
“So if you don't mind me asking. Why aren't you going shard hunting for a three months?” Koenma asked me. I don't see how it's any of his business but I guess I have no choice but to answer him since he is my new boss. Weird.
I never thought I'd have a person who is younger than me for a boss. Let alone a baby. All eyes had turned to me. “Umm.. I have to train.” I said to him and all of them looked at me with shock. Well everyone except Hiei but his eyes held a hint of shock.
“You're training still? Why though? You're as strong as us maybe even stronger.” Yusuke said. It is true I am stronger than most of them but only in certain things for now. It's mainly Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei you have to watch out for. Kuwabara is just weak but he is helpful sometimes and I emphasize sometimes.
“Well I know how to control my demon and miko powers but I only mastered swords, daggers, bow and arrow and some hand-to-hand style not all of them. I have a month of training left than he'll let me go.” I said to them.
“Who's training you?” Koenma asked. Oh, great there all going to think I'm crazy when I say my dad but oh, well I don't really care what they think.
*Onna who is training you* I heard Hiei ask me.
Why would he care? If you ask me though I heard jealousy in his voice. I don't know how he could be jealous if he doesn't know the person whose training me and if he doesn't even know me. He only knows my past and that's it really.
He is cute though. Bad mind. Stop thinking that. He's not your type. Well actually he is. Hot, nice body, built, a demon and well he may not show emotions but who cares. Really who does? I don't. I don't show emotions too so I think it's a perfect match. If only I can see what he's thinking. Probably denying that he likes me but oh well. Let's see if he denies it when he gets to know me.
*My father is and for the last time I have a name. It's ka-go-me* I said to him. *Ok Kagome* he said back to me and finally said my name.
“Oh, my father is training me in the past.” I said. “Oh, So what kind of demon are you?” Koenma said to me. “A fire and ice apparition.” I said to them. I saw Hiei stiffen when I said that. Why though?
*Hiei you ok* I asked him. * How are you a fire and ice apparition* he asked me. How am I a fire and ice apparition how else could I be one? *My dad is a fire apparition and my mother is an ice maiden. Why* I said to him and his eyes widened a bit.
*I wanted to know because my parents were the same kind demon as yours were* he said to me. It almost sounded soft. Almost is the key word. “Oh so you are forbidden than?” Koenma said to me.
What the hell? What kind of stupid question is that? Why the hell would he ask me that? It's not like I care but still. Doesn't he care how I feel about being hearing that? Apparently not.
“Yup that's me.” I said to them. “Ok. I'll have somebody stay with you until you go so incase we get a mission you know what it is, ok?” Koenma said to me and I nodded. What harm can come from having one of them stay at my house? “Ok good. Hiei will come with you and stay with you until you go back to the past.” Koenma said and I saw a grin on Hiei's face before he replaced it with an emotionless mask.
*Happy that you're coming over Hiei* I asked him. *Very* he said to me and I could feel my cheeks heating up if only a little. *And why is that* I asked him. I had an idea why he was very happy. Let's see what the reasons could be. We're both single, we're both demons, we both like each other and we're all alone in my house.
I can even guess what he wants to do. You should be able to get the picture and if you can't than I feel bad for you. Not that I would do that just yet with him. He a fire demon just like me so things are defiantly going to heat up. One way or another things are going to heat up.
*You'll see* he said. “Ok can we leave now?” I asked Koenma. I could only imagine why I wanted to get home. “Oh, yes you and Hiei can leave.” Koenma said and he made Botan make a portal to the inside of my mansion. Wait who's Botan? Shit I forgot to ask. Oh, well I'll just ask Hiei. We stepped through the portal and we're in my living room.
“Umm… Hiei?” I said to him and he turned around to look at me, which was a bad idea. We cam face to face with our nose touching. “Who is Botan?” I asked despite the fact that our faces were so close. “Grim Reaper.” He said. I could see his eyes and they had a hint of lust in them. Not sure which lust though. (Like blood lust or the other lust).
“Oh.” Was my smart reply. One of the last things I thought he would do is lean down but the very last thing I thought he'd do is kiss me. I was shocked beyond belief. I mean we only knew each other for four hours.
I guess it was love at first sight. Not that I'm complaining. After a second I respond. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gave to him. As he deepened the kiss I hooked my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We broke apart a few moments later for air. After all we had to breath. I was actually enjoying it so I didn't want to break apart but we could always do it again.
“You know you may not move your lips much but you are a great kisser.” I said to him. He pulled me closer to him and whispered “Your not bad yourself” in my ear. That had started our relationship. We got to know more about each other during the week. We were close enough that you could call us boyfriend and girlfriend.
`Flashback Ended'
She made a portal and I stepped through it. Everyone was there. All eyes were on me. “Umm... Hi.” I said. “Nice for you to join us Kagome.” Koenma said. “Ok.” I said. I'm a little confused as to why were here. I went to stand next to Hiei since he was leaning on the wall. *Whats going on* I asked him. *I have no clue* he said to me.
“So why are we here?” I asked him. “I was waiting for someone to ask that. Well anyway Naraku is going to change the future if you don't kill him in the past.” Koenma said and I was shocked. “What do you mean he's going to change the future? I killed him when he was here. How is he going to change it?” I asked him.
“He will keep growing until he is stronger and if he does come to live until this time I'm afraid that he will kill you before you go to the past just to make sure he has the jewel.” Koenma said.
“That won't happen.” Hiei said to him. “We'll go back today. Meet me at the well house at six. It will give you an hour to get ready. Ok with everybody?” I asked them and they nodded. Botan made a portal to each one of our houses and we steeped through to our houses. Everyone except Hiei that is. He came with me.
“So what did you do while I was gone?” I asked him while packing things that we need into my backpack. “Nothing really. Just killed demons that escaped from Demon world.” Hiei said. “The usually than.” I said and he nodded.
“So did you master everything you were learning?” he asked me and I nodded. “Yeah it took less time thought.” I said. “How long was it suppose to take?” he asked me. “Six months all together.” I said. “You must be pretty good if you finished in half the time.” He said.
“I guess.” I said to him. “I wonder how Inuyasha is going to react when I say that we have our new team mates joining us.” I said to him. “It doesn't matter what he says.” He said. “Yeah not to mention what hes going to say when he finds out that you and I are together. He's goin to kill both you and me.” I said.
“Who cares what he thinks? I don't. Do you?” he asked me. I know the true meaning behind those words. He's asking me if I'm ashamed of being with me. How he can ask that I don't know.
“Of course I don't care what he or anybody else thinks about us Hiei. If they don't like that were together than they could go to hell.” I said and he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Good.” He said and he leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head so it would deepen the kiss. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip and I gave him entrance to my mouth. I pulled back and he looked at me annoyed. “We have to get ready to go to the past Hiei.” I said to him. “Fine but we are picking up were we left off later.” He said. “Ok. Let's just get ready now.” I said and went up stairs to get ready.