InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sacred Touch ❯ Sacred Touch ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sacred Touch
By: Snickie
They had been running, the mission had gone wrong, all wrong. The group was separated and they all fled, hoping to meet up in Reikai. Hiei had found the portal first and jumped inside, his body was bruised and there were multiple lacerations along his body. Yusuke and Kuwabara were second. They too were in horrible shape and as humans it made their body completely weak and useless. To their horror, they had to close the portal as demons were coming toward it. They couldn't believe it. Kurama had not made it, he wasn't even in the field and they couldn't feel his aura anymore.
He wasn't dead. Kurama was just captured and shoved into one of the dungeon cells. The bounds that held him had cut off any signs of his aura and it had cut off his strength. He sat in the cell, unconscious, his head hung in defeat. His body was bruised and beaten but thankfully, it wasn't used. Youko had come out to fight to help his human counterpart but that's what they were waiting for and had attacked him mercilessly. Now he could just wait, wait for whatever they were going to do to him. He just hoped his friends made it out safely and alive. For the next five weeks, Kurama prayed and hoped that he would be rescued and taken from this hell.
Kagome had been having dreams about a young man, who had been captured. He was calling out for help but nobody could hear him. That was all she had thought it was, a really bad dream. Then she had sensed a shard before she felt a blast of power in the opposite direction. She followed the power flare and ignored the shard. Inuyasha was furious as usual but she didn't care, something about the blast was wrong. Someone was hurt, someone who didn't belong in this era like her.
“Go find the shard on your own then, or find them with Kikyo though I doubt you'd be able to. The jewels hate being near her presence Inuyasha but please feel free to try. If not you can always follow her into hell, it would make things easier.” Kagome said with an eerie calmness.
Inuyasha glared at her but didn't say anything. They had traveled another mile before Kagome shielded their aura and their scents. There were hundreds of demons around, scouting the land. Kagome narrowed her eyes, there he was. She shuttered and tried to get a grip on herself. The poor man was being tortured. She refused to let him suffer. She refused to let him go insane.
“Kagome-chan come back here!” Sango shouted.
They rushed and lent her a helping hand. They were going to battle the demons so that she could enter their fortress safely. Sango and Miroku hoped that she knew what she was doing but they trusted her instincts seeing as it got them out of all the trouble Inuyasha had put them in. They looked over at Inuyasha; he was furious and took his anger out on the demons surrounding them. It wasn't just that she had decided to ditch the shard but she had just told him that she wouldn't care if he went into hell with Kikyo, not that they would blame her. He was so greedy and only thought about himself, it was good that Kagome moved on and found that she could find someone so much better. They knew that Kagome would explain herself, she always did.
Kurama wanted it to stop. There was only so much a person could take and he couldn't take much more. He was just about to give up and let darkness and hopefully death consume him when he felt something strange, something he had felt before in his world. Kurama fought to keep his eyes open as he saw the door being shattered. There he saw her, a young girl with an arrow poised to kill his tormentor, his captor. He had seen her before but he couldn't figure out where just yet. Although he had been having dreams as well, never being able to see the person except for their eyes and feeling their power. He knew nothing of this person and believed that it was just because he was so desperate to get saved.
“Let him go.” Kagome said.
Kurama's captor just smirked.
“I rather not human, can't you see I'm playing? I'm having a lot of fun with him.” The demon said.
Kurama yelled in pain as the demon dug his claws into his already busted up shoulder and grabbed his abused manhood. He looked at Kagome with eyes that tore at her soul. She looked at him with determination and kindness.
“I gave you a chance. Now you shall die!” Kagome said as she released her arrow.
The demon screamed in pain and anger as he was purified. He looked at her one more time before his body burst into dust. She was about to run to the man until she someone slapped her. Kagome flew to the ground and groaned. That had hurt. She opened her eyes to see several demons making their way to the whimpering boy. Kagome refused to let him suffer any longer. The man cried out when they touched his body and Kagome grew angry. Her body began to glow as she stared at the demons.
Kurama could feel her power. He thought it was over when she was knocked away from him. He lost all hope, she was just a young miko and against these demons…it wasn't much. Kurama cried out when they started to touch his body, he knew what they wanted to do and it sickened him. That was when he felt it, the power radiating off of the young miko. She was furious; he could feel it and it just amazed him. He watched as the demons attacked her and were purified to dust.
Kagome immediately ran to the young man and brushed his bangs back. She cried out as she looked over his body. It was bruised and torn, used and tired. Kagome took off her miko haori as well as her hakama and put it on him after she picked his locks. Kagome held him up as she tied her shirt upon him and put her pants on him. She had changed into her old school uniform. She would rather look like a slut than have the young man escape naked with his body open to any attacks.
“I'm Higurashi, Kagome. I'm going to protect you.” Kagome whispered. “You're safe now.”
Kurama looked at her and nodded. He couldn't do anything else but that and he couldn't believe that she was that girl her eyes were the same. She was so warm and so kind. Her clothing smelt so good and her touch was so soft. He willed his body to move with her, watching in morbid fascination as the demons that charged at them were purified as soon as they came two feet from them. He looked over at her; she was sweating and putting a strain on herself. The girl, this miko, was using everything she had to protect him. He, for the first time in weeks, felt safe.
“KAGOME!” several people called out.
Kurama whimpered as they came closer and Kagome held him tighter, strengthening her barrier and looking at her friends with a sorrowful look. Inuyasha who did not understand charged at them, wanting nothing more than to kill the man dressed in Kagome's clothing and touching her. He ran straight into her barrier and had a nice shock before being tossed away. They all looked at her, waiting for an explanation but got nothing more than a shake of her head. The group seemed to understand and nodded. Kagome called to Kirara and asked if they could ride her.
It was a hassle at first, Kurama was scared, terrified. He didn't know these people and his mind was in such turmoil that he couldn't take it. Kagome had immediately gotten on Kirara and held Kurama, letting his body lie against her as she brushed his bangs. Being able to now fully concentrate on him, she could use her holy powers to heal his wounds, physical wounds. She had no idea how to heal his mental and emotional wounds yet. When they got to the village, Kirara immediately went to Kagome's hut to drop off her riders. She could smell his fear and feel his energy fluctuate because of the stress.
“Come. This is my home, you'll stay here okay?” Kagome said softly.
Kurama nodded and walked inside. It was a medium sized hut and was filled with her belongings. He sighed when he lay on her futon and fell asleep thanks to her scent, her touch and her voice. He slept deeply knowing that she was with him, keeping him safe, watching over him and taking care of him. Kurama was happy and safe.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha growled.
“What?” She answered.
Inuyasha bared his teeth at her and she just rolled her eyes.
“Let down your barrier!” Inuyasha demanded.
She shook her head. After seeing how he reacted to them the first time, she refused to let him go through that again. They would talk from the opposite sides because she would do none less. Kagome was determined to getting her patient back to health and figuring out what exactly happened.
“I can't and I won't. He's in pain and he's hurting. You all saw his reaction to you, he's terrified.” Kagome said.
“I don't care about that wuss. If he can't be man enough…” Inuyasha started to say.
“He's been tortured Inuyasha. You wouldn't last half the time he probably had to last. You can't even last long when Kikyo comes over much less when we run out of ramen, so who are you to say what he is or is not!” Kagome scolded.
Inuyasha growled at her.
“Sango and Miroku, I need you to deliver herbs to me as well fresh meat, fish and fruits. I'll probably be here for quite some time and I also need you to bring me the local herbs and fresh water please. Shippo, you can come inside. He's a kitsune like you so you can probably help him. Inuyasha if you do anything to cause trouble. You will not like the consequences.” Kagome threatened.
Sango and Miroku nodded, they knew what people went through. They had seen a few, some lost their minds and killed themselves. Some cut themselves off and died in pain. They knew that Kagome would refuse to allow this man to do so and would help her in any way they could. Looking at Inuyasha they shook their heads, such a selfish person he was.
“Of course Kagome-chan. Just call us if you need anything.” Sango said.
Kagome nodded and shut her door. Shippo sat in the kitchen with her. He watched as she made soup, his favorite. He loved her cooking and would love to help her take care of her new friend. He knew how much a kitsune would be affected. They hated being locked away and hated staying in one area. Usually one would kill himself or herself before they were captured. That's how his mother died. She was being captured so she ended her life. Shippo was too small to really remember her but his father had spoken to him of her. It was a dreadful memory but it was all he had of her.
He was shot out of his thoughts when the young man started to scream. Kagome immediately ran to him, trying to sooth him in any way that she could. He watched from the doorway. His mother was so kind to others and to him. She had adopted him in both the human form from her time and in the demon form.
“Shipp-chan can you get me some pain killers and a cold towel?” Kagome asked.
Shippo nodded and ran out. He looked back one more time, his mother was holding the young man against her chest as he hugged her, his face buried in her breast. He pitied the man and ran as fast as he could to get the medicine.
“Shhh. Its okay, you're safe now, nobody is going to hurt you.” Kagome said.
She sat next to him as she held him. There were so many thoughts running through her head like what happened and how did he get here. She laid him back down and was going to get a chair when his hand stopped her. She smiled and sat back down on the bed, gasping when he tugged her down to him. Kagome let it go; he was scared and probably needed comfort so she gave it to him. Holding him, letting him use her shoulder as a pillow. If she could help him in any way, she would do it in a heartbeat.
“Mama?” Shippo called out.
“It's okay baby. You can just put those on the table.” Kagome said.
Shippo nodded.
“Is he going to be okay mama?” Shippo asked.
“I don't know baby. I just don't know.” Kagome said sadly.
Shippo looked at him then back at his mama.
“He's a kitsune. We hate being cornered or caged. We have a fear of it, an unnatural fear. Our spirits can't handle being in situations where we can't escape. Most kitsunes would rather kill themselves then be captured and most kill themselves if they ever escape because it drives us insane. My mama did that. She was captured but she escaped only to kill herself several days later.” Shippo said.
Kagome looked at her son as he brushed away the tears. She called him to her and let him rest against her other side. She was confused and didn't know what to do. She didn't even know the young man's name. She had spoken to Kaede about this, telling her about the dreams and about the feeling she had when she got closer to him. She always told her about the pulsing feeling she had gotten when she touched him. Kagome had thought that it was her miko powers trying to ease all of the man's pain but she didn't know for sure. Kaede said that it could just be that, that she had felt such a strong connection that it hurt her as well that the young man she had rescued was in pain.
Six weeks had passed and they still couldn't find Kurama. They went back to their last mission to find something horrible. Every single demon was killed. They went into the room that Kurama's energy was last located. It was a mess, his clothes were in tatters around the room and his blood was on the ground and on the cuffs that held him both against the wall and on the table. Hiei said that they must have tortured and raped him; his semen and the semen of other demons were on the table as well. They had hope though, strong miko energy was located in the room and it mixed with Kurama's energy, surrounding his energy. Kuwabara had said that the energy was shielding Kurama's energy, protecting it.
Now that they knew he was alive, they would have to wait, wait until he healed and returned to them. Hiei didn't think that he would but they had a hope. Yusuke had told Kurama's mother that their last mission had gone wrong and asked that she forgive them for not being able to help Kurama. She had forgiven them and told them to give her any information about her son's whereabouts.
“Mama! He's awake now.” Shippo shouted.
Kagome was in the hot spring and told Shippo to call her when the young man awoke. She hurriedly put on her sleeping yukata and walked out and toward her home. Kagome could tell that Inuyasha was watching her but was glad that because of her strengthened power, he couldn't watch her bathe. She walked into her home and toward the young man. He sitting there just waiting for her, waiting for her touch is what she found out. It seemed to relax him and ease his fear.
“What's your name?” Kagome said.
Kurama looked at her. She was so kind to him, staying up with him when he woke up screaming, laying down with him every night and feeding him, even keeping him company when he would bathe, she wouldn't watch him but she was close enough so that he could feel her aura. Her voice was always soft. He had only heard her yell at the supposedly monk for his indecent touches and when that half demon would insult her or him. It made him smile when she would “sit” him. Cheap entertainment.
“I'm Minamino, Suuichi.” Kurama said.
Kagome smiled.
“Is that what you're usually called? And who… why is there a fox huddled in your soul?” Kagome asked.
Kurama looked at her in shock before he blushed because of his stupidity. She was a miko so of course she could see his other half.
“I'm called Kurama and the other soul is Youko, Kurama.” Kurama said.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Kurama. You may stay here as long as you like, I leave for my home in two weeks so I can take you with me.” Kagome said.
Kurama was confused.
“You're home? But isn't this your home?” He asked.
Kagome just smiled at him.
“Yes and no. This is my home when I am in this era. Like you I'm from the future.” Kagome said.
Kurama just nodded.
“I want you to meet someone. He's been very worried about you.” Kagome said.
Kurama looked at her and nodded, grabbing her hand and gripping it.
“Shippo-chan.” Kagome called out.

Shippo immediately came into to room and stood in front of his mother and the young man. Shippo liked him. He was a kitsune and lived in his mother's time. When he got better he could protect her when he couldn't be with her, sometimes Shippo couldn't go with his mother because it was just best to help Kaede-sama and Sango.
“Hi. I'm Shippo.” He said.
Kurama smiled at the little kit. Youko had calmed down immensely at the sight of a small kitsune child. He thought it was one of Kagome's human friends.
“Hello Shippo. I am Kurama.” He answered.
“How come you were in that place?” Shippo asked.
Kurama immediately tensed and started to shake a little. He couldn't answer him just yet, the memories were still fresh and he hadn't come to grasp it all yet.
“Shippo-chan that is not a question you shall ask. Kurama will tell me when the time is right. You should go play with your friends.” Kagome said.
“Yes mama. Bye Kurama. I'll see you later.” Shippo said before he ran toward the village.
Kagome gently pushed him down onto the bed and smiled as she brushed his bangs. She walked out of the room to get his lunch and came back in to see him sitting up again. She smiled at him, it would take a while for him to get over his capture but she was sure that everything would be okay.
“Are you hungry?” Kagome asked.
Kurama was about to say no when his stomach growled. He glared at it accusingly before he heard Kagome laugh. She had such a sweet sounding laugh, just like her voice. Sometimes that was all it took to drive away the nightmares, her voice. He groped around at night to make sure she was sleeping next to him and sometimes…well most times, he could feel the kit sleeping against him or on the other side of Kagome.
“Yes, I guess I am.” Kurama said.
She smiled at him and sat on the bed, between the hashi she held some fish. It made her feel needed, taking care of Kurama and Shippo. She was happy that he was okay, or getting there. It made her wonder though, just how was he keeping his nightmares at bay? She knew that he wouldn't sleep unless she was sleeping next to him and she could feel him tighten his grip on her during the night but she let it go. They talked while she fed him. It was amazing that they were so much alike. Kurama told her about his duties as a spirit detective and she told him about her duties here, as the protector of the Shikon no Tama. She answered his questions and quelled his curiosity and he taught her about Kitsunes and their customs. He also helped her with the herbs, helping them and healing them so that they grew stronger and healthier. It amazed her and she found that no matter how many times she had seen it, it always brought her spirits up, especially when he would spring up roses and orchids.
The two weeks had passed and they were setting out to go back to her home. Kagome kept the barrier around both her and Kurama. Shippo was staying with Sango and Miroku. Inuyasha was trying to get Kurama, who just stood next to Kagome, his arm around her waist as she used her power to open the well portal. He was amazed, such power and such control. He had a feeling that it wasn't always like this, that most of the times…she almost killed herself using them.
“We'll be back sometime Inuyasha. Probably in a month or two,” Kagome said. “If you don't piss me off.” She muttered under her breath.
She and Kurama jumped into the well and to the modern world. Kurama sighed when they landed on the other side. He jumped out with Kagome glued to his hips and stood so close that if he were any closer, he would be on top of her as he watched her seal up the well once again. He was not ready to see people or to be with anyone other than Kagome, Shippo was on the other side so he could only be with Kagome. They walked to her front door and stopped. There was a letter saying that her family had gone on an emergency trip, her aunty was having her twins and her grandma wasn't doing very well. Kagome just sighed and unlocked the door.
“Come inside Kurama. I'm sure that you're going to be spending your time in this house.” Kagome said.
Kurama nodded. He couldn't believe that he was older than she was, she acted much more mature than he would have thought. She was only sixteen while he was eighteen. She was home schooled while he was a senior at Sarayashiki.
“Am I correct that you're going to sleep in my room with me?” Kagome asked.
Kurama nodded. He couldn't sleep without her, he found that out the hard way and she had to spend almost two hours calming him down. It was not something he wanted to go through again.
“I'm going to make dinner, you should call your mother and tell her what's going on. I will accompany you to school and you shall accompany me to training.” Kagome said softly.
Kurama nodded and grabbed the phone. He had no idea what he would say to her. Would she toss him aside? His thoughts were cut off when Kagome held his hand. He immediately hugged her, taking in her warmth and her guidance. He gasped when she nuzzled her head against his neck and under his chin. She probably had no idea what that meant but he would take it anyway.
“I'm here for you. Go ahead and call her.” Kagome whispered.
He dialed the number and waited for his mother to pick up. Kagome was hugging him, giving him the support his so desperately needed.
“Moshi moshi, Minamino residence.” His mother said.
“Hello mother.” Kurama said softly.
“Suuichi?” His mother cried out. “Where are you? Come home.”
“I don't want to mother. Something happened on my last mission and I'm trying to heal from it. I'm safe so you don't have to worry. I'm at the Higurashi shrine if you want to come here.” Kurama said.
“Who's taking care of you? May I speak to him?” His mother said.
“Of course mother. You can talk to her.” Kurama said.
Kurama handed the phone to Kagome and stayed in her embrace, his head in the crook of her neck as she spoke. She could feel his hot tears against her skin and gently bent her head to his neck to kiss him as well.
“Hello? This is Higurashi, Kagome.” She said.
“Hello Miss Higurashi. I am Suuichi's mother, Shiori. Is my son okay?” Shiori asked.
Kagome smiled and held Kurama tighter.
“He's fine Mrs. Minamino.” Kagome said.
“Miss Higurashi. How old are you?” Shiori asked.
“I am sixteen Mrs. Minamino. I know you are worried but please don't. Suuichi-san is perfectly fine here. He feels safe. I am a doctor if that is what you're wondering about.” Kagome said.
“I thank you but I wish my son to be home with me not with an adolescent teenager.” Shiori said.
“I don't think that is wise Mrs. Minamino.” Kagome said.
“You may not think that but he is my son and I will do what I believe is good for him. I shall be there in an hour.” Shiori said.
Kagome sighed and dropped the phone. She knew that Kurama had heard every word and started to whimper. How would this be okay? How would he be okay? He couldn't sleep without her near him. He wasn't strong enough yet.
“It's okay Kurama. If anything you can call me and I'll be there as fast as I can. I can see how she would worry, you are her son and she hasn't seen you for such a long time. Plus I am only sixteen, two years younger than you are. She must have certain thoughts.” Kagome said.
“I can call you anytime?” Kurama asked softly.
Kagome pulled him back and looked at him. She smiled and nodded to him.
“Anytime. Day or night. I know where your school is, you have any fears call and I'll come down and stay with you the entire time.” Kagome said softly.
Kurama nodded. He fingered the clothing on the table, the same clothing that protected him when she helped him escape and when she healed his physical wounds. He knew this wasn't going to work and that the nightmares were going to come tonight but if he could call her at any time, maybe he could try it. He felt so helpless, unable to stand on his own and unable to drive the nightmares away by himself.
In an hour, his mother had come. Kagome and his mother spent some time talking, Kagome trying to tell her that this wasn't the best idea but his mother wouldn't hear it. Later, Yusuke, Hiei and Kuwabara came with Botan. Kurama had stayed by Kagome, again so close that if he were any closer, he would be on top of her. She took it all in stride. In his arms, he gripped the miko garbs. Kagome's essence was tied into the clothing so that it would protect him.
She walked them out and sighed, trying to make Kurama understand that she would be here for him when he needed it. He didn't want to go, he didn't want to leave…he was terrified. She stood there when he dropped to his knees, hugging her waist and burying his head into her stomach. She wrapped her arms around his body.
“Come on Suuichi. The faster I get you home, the faster you can get better.” Shiori said.
Hiei knew what the fox was going through, he could feel it. Youko was screaming and crying for Kagome. Suuichi was falling apart. Hiei stood back with Kagome and watched as she collapsed when Kurama was out of sight, her fist balling in anger and frustration.
“I'll watch him. If anything I'll bring you to him.” Hiei said.
Kagome looked at him.
“You can talk to me through telepathy right?” Kagome asked.
“Then call me that way. If your scent is on my body, it won't do Youko any good. Just tell me and I'll come.” Kagome said.
“Thank you.” Yusuke said.
Kagome looked at him.
“For what?” Kagome asked.
“You saved him and protected him.” Yusuke said.
Kagome nodded.
“Don't force him to talk; it'll only break him down. Let him rest and heal on his own time. Tell your boss this. If he tries to force Kurama into another mission or anything he's not ready to. I'll purify him and destroy all he's worked for. Him and his father.” Kagome said.
Yusuke nodded knowing she was serious. It would be funny to watch Koenma hide in fear from her. He wouldn't cross the line as well, not with Kurama like this and not when a miko was involved. He had demon blood and from the history lessons they were forced to take, he knew exactly how dangerous and powerful they were.
“Suuichi you need to talk to me. What happened to you?” Shiori asked. “I can help you Suuichi. Just tell me what happened. I'm your mother you don't have to be afraid. I am here to help you.”
Kurama was hyperventilating. She was in his space and asking him, demanding him. He needed Kagome. Kurama gripped onto Kagome's miko garbs, keeping them away from his mother and ran into his room. Slamming the door and locking it. He curled himself into his bed and wrapped himself in her clothing. He could feel Hiei but didn't open the window, he just cried in his bed. The memories came back to haunt him and he screamed for Kagome.
“Kagome!” Hiei shouted in her mind.
Kagome immediately jumped into her car and raced down to the Minamino residence. She knocked on the door and rushed into the house without even stating her business. Shiori and her new husband rushed after her. She stood in front of Kurama's room and knocked on the door. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Botan, Keiko and Hiei stood in front of Kurama's parents.
“Suuichi? It's me. Open the door. I'm here now.” Kagome said.
The door immediately flung open and Kurama hugged her, crying. Kagome hugged him back, falling to the ground and pulling Kurama to her. She raked her fingers through his hair as she cooed him, telling him that he had nothing to fear. That those men were gone, destroyed and that she was here for him. Yusuke took a step forward but was stopped by Hiei.
“She erected a barrier.” Hiei whispered. “Don't step forward.”
“Mrs. Minamino.” Kagome said coldly.
Shiori snapped out of her thoughts.
“Yes?” She answered.
“I told you this would happen and you refused to listen to me. Suuichi shall stay at my home until he is comfortable enough to stay here. I shall call you every week to tell you about his progress.” Kagome said in the same tone.
“She told you this and you didn't listen?” Her husband asked.
Shiori looked at him and Kurama's friends.
“I didn't believe her. She's sixteen years old.” Shiori said.
“I may be sixteen years old but I am a doctor. I have my degree in Psychiatry. Age doesn't make a difference if it helps another Mrs. Minamino.” Kagome said coldly.
Yusuke nodded. He understood.
“She might be sixteen years old but Shiori, she was there for Suuichi. He needs her. Look at him.”
“He cried for her you know. You saw it. He broke down when you came to get him.” Yusuke said.
“That should have been enough proof to you.” Botan said.
“Enough. What's done is done, you can't go back to change things so let it go.” Kagome said. “What's more important is Suuichi and healing him. Now if you would excuse me.”
She was carrying two bags worth of clothing as Kurama carried another two. They walked out and into Kagome's car. Hiei had followed them with Yusuke, Kuwabara and Botan in tow. Mrs. Minamino just stared. Her son was really hurting and she just let him down, magnified it. He would never forgive her for it, hell; she doubted that girl would forgive her.
“You shouldn't worry Mrs. Minamino. If I were in your place, if my son was going through this I probably would have done the same thing. It's natural, your motherly intuition called for that.” Kagome said.
Shiori nodded. That was as close as an `Okay, you're forgiven' statement as she was going to get. She looked at her son and sighed. He looked so lost and completely exhausted. It was nice though, to know that he had someone as dedicated as Kagome watching out for him.
“If you're coming with me then please get in the car if not. I'll probably see you later.” Kagome said.
She reached over and buckled Kurama in. She looked at him and nodded, smiling that the glow once again entered his eyes. He was still gripping her clothing really tightly but she was okay with that. Kagome pulled out of the Minamino driveway and made her way home. Kurama was holding her hand as she drove but she didn't care. Yusuke and Kuwabara were arguing in the backseat while Botan was asking questions. Kagome chose which questions to answer and which questions to ignore. Kurama tensed every time Botan leaned forward.
“Botan, please sit back.” Kagome said.
Kurama immediately calmed down. In the next ten minutes, there were about four different fights, thirty questions and several whimpers from Kurama. Kagome pulled into the shrine driveway and sighed. Everyone exited her car and walked to the house. Kurama was touching Kagome in some way, Hiei was watching amused, Botan was somewhat glaring and the two idiots were fighting. Kurama walked with Kagome, trailing her wherever she went.
“I'm going to make dinner, you can go in the den and watch T.V. or play video games. My brother has a wide assortment of games.” Kagome said.
Kurama sat on the countertop as he watched Kagome chop, stir and mix their dinner. He was starting to fall in love with her or was he already in love? He didn't know but he did know that he was thankful for her. She was so attentive to him, making sure he was comfortable, safe and all around happy. He sometimes felt guilty knowing that she had responsibilities and that he was keeping her from doing them but she had told him that it was okay, that he came first.
“Thank you Kagome.” Kurama whispered.
“For what?” She asked.
Kurama looked at her, she heard him?
“For everything.” He said.
Kagome smiled up at him.
“You shouldn't thank me. You're healing all on your own. I'm just giving you the space you need to do so.” Kagome said.
Kurama gave her a smile, a true happy smile. It was the first time that Hiei and Botan had seen him smile since they had last seen him three months ago.
“But you've been there. You saved me and healed me. You let me live with you and your son. You're there for me when I needed you.” Kurama said.
Kagome looked at him.
“You would do the same for me if I were in your position.” Kagome said.
Kurama nodded. He knew that she hated being complimented, it made her feel on the spot and sometimes it was just uncomfortable for her. Her son had said that for over a year, Inuyasha only insulted her so that's what she's used to. Insults.
“Is dinner ready?” Yusuke asked. “I'm hungry and that smells really good.”
Kurama looked up at them and nodded. Everyone sat on the table, waiting for Kagome to bring out the food. She knew that Kurama was still apprehensive around others so she fixed them their plates and Kurama took it into the den while she put the food on the table.
“Aren't you eating with us?” Botan asked.
Kurama shook his head. Good thing Hiei understood. Yusuke and Kuwabara understood but not to the point that Hiei understood. Botan had gotten up when he had walked by them.
“Do you want me to join you?” Botan asked hoping that he would say yes.
“No.” Kurama said before he quickly walked away.
Kagome placed their drinks on the table and told them that when they were finished, to come to them to talk about some things. Especially with the school and with their missions as well as her own mission. She walked away to join Kurama, they sat there talking, remembering the good times with Shippo. Kurama said that he didn't know if he could heal anymore, that he was too scared to go through the memories but Kagome said that she would be right here with him and that they could stop whenever it got too much.
An hour later, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Botan rejoined them. Kagome sat on the couch, with Kurama laying his head on her lap. He looked ready to sleep. Botan looked at Kurama then at Kagome. She wished that she could have been the one who saved Kurama, and then he would be like that with her. Hiei looked at her and glared.
“I understand that Kurama must go to school but I don't think he's ready to go by himself.” Kagome said.
“He won't be by himself. He'll have us.” Botan said.
Yusuke looked at her.
“I don't think that's what she means. You saw how Kurama was when his mother forced him away from Kagome. He's not ready to go without her, not unless you want a reaction like the one he had at home.” Yusuke said.
Kagome nodded. She looked down at Kurama. He was sleeping already which was good. He needs his rest. She stopped raking her fingers through his hair and got a whimper, she smiled gently at him before she resumed the calming motions. Kurama snuggled into her even more, his face against her stomach. Kagome draped one of the blankets over him and looked up at his friends.
“How do you know so much?” Yusuke asked. “You're only sixteen years old. I'm older than you!”
Kagome gave him a small smile.
“Because of my duties, I was home schooled. It's a lot easier and it's faster than going to school and dealing with old annoying teachers who care more about their salaries than their jobs.” Kagome said.
They looked a little confused. It still didn't tell them why she was so smart.
“My mission demanded my schooling as well. I couldn't do both at the same time but because I've accelerated faster, I go to school twice every two weeks.” Kagome said.
“So what grade are you?” Kuwabara asked.
“There are no grades but if you must label it. I am in the 19th grade.” Kagome said.
“You're in college?” Yusuke asked.
Kagome nodded.
“Doing what?” Kuwabara asked.
“I'm majoring in Ancient History and Psychology. During my mission, I meet a lot of people who go through hard times and their minds can't keep up with their everyday lives. Its easier to help them now than it was before.” Kagome said.
Hiei nodded.
“You should put him to bed.” He said.
Kagome looked at him then back down at Kurama.
“I would but if I leave his side, he gets nightmares. It's easier to just stay here and let him sleep then spend an hour or two calming him down.” Kagome said.
Botan scoffed.
“You don't believe me.” Kagome said.
“No I don't. Kurama is stronger than this.” Botan said.
Hiei and Yusuke glared at her. Kuwabara played with the cat to distract himself.
“He is stronger than this. I know he is but at the moment, he is healing.” Kagome said calmly.
Botan just glared at her. She would not understand why Kurama would turn to such a human. She was just as capable, if not more than capable of healing his wounds.
“Botan, I understand that you don't like the situation but I can't tell you that I'm sorry because that would be a lie. Kurama is perfectly safe. I have protected him and has stood by his side in his most darkest times.” Kagome said. “If you still wish to defy me and my methods please leave. I have no tolerance for those who care about themselves more than others.”
Botan got up and walked away. She would not be told off by a human girl who was centuries younger than she was. Botan waited for Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei to follow her but they just stayed and talked story and about Kurama. She huffed and left, not noticing the powerful barrier that guarded the shrine.
“So what happened?” Yusuke asked.
Kagome looked at him.
“I can't tell you. Only Kurama can. Patient confidentiality.” Kagome said. “I would never betray his trust in me.”
Yusuke groaned.
“When do you think he'll be okay?” Kuwabara asked.
“I don't know. That would depend on how hard his fights his nightmares, the demons that haunt him. I can only do so much and I am willing to take as long as he's willing to take. You don't need to worry. I won't abandon him nor would I betray his trust. That is why you must ask Kurama yourself. I don't think it would be wise to do it anytime soon though.” Kagome said.
Kurama moaned and turned over. He opened his eyes and immediately locked his gaze into Kagome's eyes. She was smiling at him and he smiled back. Kurama got up and stretched, his gaze then landing on his friends, Botan wasn't in sight. He was sort of thankful for that, actually he was very thankful. The way she would look at him scared him tremendously. It was like she would attack him, she had the same lust in her eyes as his captors.
“She was being a bitch Kurama. I don't think it's wise to let her come near you or Kagome-sama.” Hiei said.
“Hiei please call me Kagome. No honorifics, not my style. Makes me feel above others or old and I don't like feeling like that besides, you deserve as much respect as myself, even more.” Kagome said.
Hiei smirked at her. She was really nice, he could see why Kurama chose to stay with her and trusted her so much. She allowed him to look into her mind, let his Jagan feed upon her energy but blocked his entrance to what had happened and their time together.
“Why?” Kurama asked.
“She just didn't agree with me Kurama.” Kagome said. “Go take a shower. I'll braid your hair when you come down.”
Kurama looked at her and nodded. He walked up to her room and grabbed some clothes before entering her personal bathroom. He had a lot to think about, a lot to think about. Sure he still had demons hiding in his heart and in his mind, just waiting to let out to torment him. He smiled when the hot water beat down his skin, there was a time when Kagome had to wash his body. He was so embarrassed, as was she but he couldn't, he wasn't healed and he didn't trust anyone other than her. She was so gentle though, her touches were feathery light and she didn't touch him, she caressed him. Kurama grew hard as he thought of her like that. He grunted, as his body grew taunt and ready.
Just his luck but he it didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. She was there for him and she cared for him. The look in her eyes when she looked at him was different from the look she gave other people. It was a look that was mainly for him and he loved it. Kurama gently grasped his stiff manhood and gently stroked it, not like what those in his prison had done. He imagined Kagome kissing his neck, her breath on his skin as her hand brushed against his manhood, gently gripping him. It didn't take him long to release although it was very hard to keep his pleasure silent.
Downstairs, Hiei stiffened as he smelt and heard Kurama. He inwardly smiled; he was healing more than Kagome thought if he could still pleasure himself while thinking of a certain someone. His eyes turned to Kagome. She looked disturbed, like she didn't know what to do or how to help Kurama. She must think of him more than she led everyone to believe.
“Kagome.” Hiei said.
Kagome looked at him.
“Do you…are you having feelings toward Kurama?” Hiei asked.
She looked shocked before passive.
“Depends on your meaning of `having feelings'.” Kagome said.
Hiei smirked, she was good.
“You know what I mean. You spent over three months with him. Helping him and healing him, just being around him. Do you like him? Enough to the point that you could share you body with him?” Hiei asked.
He had no idea why he had the urge to be extremely kind to her or why he was so damn curious. She reminded him of his sister, so caring and kind. So innocent and pure, this is exactly what Yukina was except that she didn't deal with what Kagome had dealt with so it made it easier to open up to her. He noticed that Yusuke and Kuwabara were paying very close attention to her now.
“That is very personal Hiei.” Kagome said. “But yes. I do care for him to that point. I can easily say I love him.”
Yusuke and Kuwabara snapped their heads up to Kagome, they weren't expecting her to answer Hiei's question. They smiled, Kurama could use someone like her in his life. She was kind and caring, sweet and extremely intelligent, calm but fiery.
“I thought so.” Hiei said. “I'm glad. You would do well for the fox; he needs someone like you in his life.”
Yusuke nodded.
“Kurama seemed so lonely, when we first met him and it just grew throughout the years. When I saw how he stayed by you and how you were so open to him especially when he slept in your lap, Miss Kagome, you're something special and you'd be good for our friend.” Kuwabara said.
Kagome smiled and thanked them. Hiei and Yusuke decided then that it was time for them to leave. Kuwabara really wanted to stay with the cat. Kagome decided that she had very little time to play with him and asked Kuwabara to take care of him for her. He beamed at her and hugged the cat.
“By the way, Kuwabara?” Kagome started. “You should tell your girl how you feel. I think she's waiting for you to be open to her.”
Kuwabara smiled and nodded. Hiei looked at Kagome and huffed. He would never say it out loud but he was happy that Kuwabara made his little sister happy. He watched as Yusuke and Kuwabara left for their homes.
“Hiei, you should tell your sister who you are. You're hurting her more than you're doing her good.” Kagome said.
Hiei looked at her.
“I know these things Hiei. I'm not stupid. I know what it's like to just watch your family. I'm doing that with Souta in a sense. I'm never around so it's hard to keep our relationship strong and I know it's putting a strain on him, not knowing who his sister really is. Don't hurt her anymore Hiei.”
Hiei nodded and ran to find his sister. Kagome watched them go; she turned around and saw Kurama standing against the doorway. It was time that they had a talk about what happened, she knew that it would be hard but she would be there for him. She promised herself that she would never betray or abandon him. She wouldn't push him into talking, just get him started and then let him decide how much to share. She had a file for him, wrote down what he does, his habits of nervousness and fear just overall bits of his personality.
Over the weeks, Kurama and Kagome got to know each other even more. Kurama still had nightmares and still woke up in a sheet of sweat when Kagome wasn't near him. His friends had come by everyday to see how he was doing. Many times he had actually shrunk away from Botan, Keiko and his mother's touch. Hiding behind Kagome, holding onto her and begging that they just go back to bed. Then the next day at school was what made it so that Kagome accompanied him in class, not just waiting outside. It was then that they finally understood the velocity of his illness. Botan had apologized to Kagome about her actions and her thoughts as Shiori had apologized for her actions and her doubts. Kagome didn't say anything but she nodded.
Everyone thought that Kurama was doing very well, everyone but Kagome. She knew he was still hiding into himself, that he wasn't being as open as he once was before the incident. Kagome didn't blame him, she would probably be the same if it happened to her but she couldn't be with him at the moment, she had to pick her brother up. Kurama had told her that he thought he was okay and that he could handle today. Kagome trusted him and gave him the space he needed while letting him know that she would come to him if he started feeling overwhelmed.
“Have a good day Kurama.” Kagome whispered to him. “I'll come as soon as possible.”
They were sitting in the car, Kurama looked out his window and shuttered. Everyone would be waiting for him, his return. He looked at Kagome and leaned in toward her, his head buried in her neck. He could tell that Youko was now content, more so than ever. Kurama gave her a small smile and she gave him a kiss on the cheek and nuzzled his neck. He opened the door and looked back at her. His schoolwork was all caught up thanks to the long hours they had and Kagome's need to study. He didn't think anyone could be worse than he was when it came to school but he met his match.
“I can call?” Kurama asked.
“Of course you can. If anything out of the ordinary happens to you, Hiei will call me.” Kagome said.
He gave her another smile and walked onto campus, he met with Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei. He looked at Kagome once more before he walked into the building. Hiei was telling Kagome what was happening and was taking notes. She had picked up her brother and dropped him off at their auntie's house. He was confused on why he couldn't go home but she refused to tell him much, only that someone was in dire need. Souta understood that so he didn't ask any questions and besides, he knew that Kagome would tell him when it was the right time. She didn't leave him in the dark much.
Kurama sighed, so far so good. He wasn't wearing his normal uniform, he was wearing Kagome's miko garbs. It was different than those of the traditional mikos but it was fine. Kurama's fingers played with the edges in a nervous habit. He stiffened when several of his fan girls came up to him, bombarding him with questions. Yusuke and Kuwabara had shooed most of them off with threats and Hiei had stayed by his side the entire time but it wasn't the same. Kagome wasn't here, he even looked around but he knew she wouldn't be here. His mind was playing tricks on him again, making him believe that Kagome had abandoned him even though he knew in his heart that she had not. She didn't yet and probably never would. It just wasn't like her to do that.
“Suuichi-san!” A girl called out.
Kurama stiffened and curled his fingers around the haori. He looked and saw many young girls and even some boys come to him. He shot out of his chair and hurled himself into the corner whimpering. Yusuke and Kuwabara immediately went toward him but didn't stand close enough to invade his space. All the faces of his captors and their touches… it was crawling on his skin. He tried to think of something good, something funny but he couldn't. He saw Kagome's face shimmering in and out of his visions and it helped him enough not to completely break down.
“Suuichi-san! What's wrong?” The sensei asked.
“Step aside sensei.” Yusuke said.
“Suuichi-san!” Everyone started to call out.
“Kagome. Where are you?” Kurama whimpered out.
He shut his eyes and buried his face into his arms, the haori pressed tightly against his cheeks. Kurama started to see, hear and even feel what had happened those months ago in his capture. He started to whimper and softly beg for them to leave him alone. Hiei called for Kagome, telling her that it was an emergency. Looking at Kurama he couldn't believe that the strong and powerful man had been reduced to a whimpering child of course he would have been the same. Hiei was thankful for Kagome, respecting her but not fearing her. Knowing she was a miko and knowing that she respected him, it made him feel wanted and at peace. He could only imagine what Kurama felt when he was with her.
“Suuichi!” Kagome called out. “Suuichi where are you?”
His head shot up and he looked around. Youko could smell her but he couldn't see her. Kagome pushed her way through and between Yusuke and Kuwabara.
“KAGOME!” Kurama cried out. He whispered against her neck. “You came, you're really here.”
Kagome embraced him and sat down in front of him, letting him cry on her shoulder. He shuttered and whimpered, telling her how sorry he was. She didn't say anything other than its okay; you don't have to worry now I'm here and it's not your fault. She looked up when she heard her name being called out. A lot of her friends were still in school and looking at her in wonder.
“Kagome-chan!” Ayumi cried out as she ran toward Kagome.
“Stay away.” Kagome said coldly.
Everyone but Kurama shivered at her tone and stepped away from them. He knew that was her tone to warn others that she was not playing games and that she would use force. She would do whatever she needed to do to protect him, it was that voice that made everything seem more peaceful. Just like in the Sengoku Jidai, when several of the villagers had followed him to his bath. She had punished each and everyone one of them who had taunted and attacked him. It was the only time he feared her. She had yelled and her aura had flared. She had been furious and it showed on her face. Now nobody dared to cross with him in this state.
“Can we just go home?” Kurama asked. “I want to go back to bed. I want to forget.”
Kagome turned her attention to the broken man in her arms and kissed his forehead. She brought his face up and wiped his tears and smiled at him.
“Yes. We can go home now.” Kagome whispered. “Come on, I'm not going to carry you.”
Kurama laughed and stood up with her arms around him. She looked at Yusuke and nodded. She looked at Kurama and waited for him to start breathing normal.
“Yusuke's going to take you to the car.” Kagome said.
Kurama shook his head and tightened his grip on her. Kagome just brushed his hair and looked at the teacher.
“Come with me.” She said coldly.
The sensei nodded and walked out with her. Yusuke had grabbed all of Kurama's belongings and walked out with Kuwabara and Hiei. Botan came running but was stopped by Hiei before she reached Kurama. She pushed Hiei aside and ran to Kurama, touching him.
Kagome tightened her hold on him and brought his face down to her neck. She let her power flow through him, which usually calmed him. Kagome smiled when Youko and Suuichi both calmed down, enough to where they were only whimpering.
“Suuichi, it's okay now. I'm here remember? I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again.” Kagome whispered in his ear.
Hiei was glaring at Botan who looked so scared at the moment. She didn't know Kurama would have such a reaction like that to her. Staring at her fingertips she wondered what really happened and why he would become so afraid. Yusuke filled her in on what happened and she looked so guilty, not trusting Kagome and thinking such thoughts. She could only watch as Kurama broke down even more, she could only watch as he cried on Kagome's shoulder. Yusuke and Kuwabara were let out of school, they drove Kagome's car while she tried to comfort Kurama. Hiei and Kuwabara could only pity Kurama but were glad that someone like Kagome was there for him. He knew though, if there was something wrong, he could go straight to Kagome. She would help him like she helped Kurama.
He buried his head into her chest and whimpered out. All of the taunts, the beatings, all the times they violated his body and mentally tortured him. It came back in a flash and it overwhelmed him to the point that he couldn't stop shaking. He sighed when he felt Kagome's nimble fingers through his hair and her whispering, even though it was nothing, her voice calmed all his fried nerves.
End Flashback
She was still trying though, she was trying to get him to open up, not forcing him but gently pushing him in the right direction. She had stayed up for 48 hours because he had gotten so scared and refused to sleep in fear of the nightmares and because his friends had refused to leave, even with his begging. Kurama was never a few feet from her and it was hard for her to take her baths that she loved so much. It wasn't hard as it was somewhat irritating. Especially after the ordeal with Koenma. He didn't understand just how bad this was. He had tried to force Kurama to go on a mission with the team. He went so far as to encase Kagome in some kind of barrier, pulling Kurama away from her, from his comfort and his safety. She had escaped when Kurama had cried out for her. There was no way that someone would destroy her hard work, torture Kurama anymore. Koenma was now under Kagome's punishment for a very long time.
They went to the park so that Kurama could just spend a day out in the sun and away from the shrine. They had a picnic under a great willow tree on the edge of the park near the small koi pond. He had forgotten his memories and his nightmares and just spent the day with Kagome, only Kagome. Kagome was happy that he was doing better, opening up a lot more and going about his business.
“We should talk.” Kurama said. “I want to feel normal again.”
Kagome nodded and followed him inside. She led him upstairs to her bedroom. It changed since she was last here. Her room was larger, they connected the guest bedroom with hers. They knocked down the wall that stood between the rooms and combined things. Kagome got a larger bed, she had problems staying in her bed when she slept. The room was more spacious now, even with Kurama living with her and with his very interesting need for a garden.
“You are normal. We all have demons, yours just tend to break free more than others.” Kagome whispered. “You don't have to talk about this now Kurama.”
Kurama didn't say anything, he just sat on the bed staring at the wall. He sighed, this was harder than he thought it would be. Kurama turned his eyes to Kagome, they were calling to her, begging her to tell him that everything would be okay and that he wasn't alone.
“You aren't alone Kurama. You know that, you know I would never leave you.” Kagome said. “You're hurting, let me help you.”
He pulled Kagome down on the bed with him. He had no idea where to start everything was jumbled up. He was scared but he didn't want to stay afraid, he refused to let the demons overtake his mind. He held Kagome's hand and took a deep breath.
“We were sent on a mission, to destroy the leader of an outlaw group. They wanted to use their power and numbers to destroy the Rekai and take over Ningenkai but every time we went after them, they would move. This last time, they moved to the Sengoku. It should have been an easy one two kind of mission but something went wrong. I still don't know what went wrong, we did everything perfectly, nothing should have gone wrong.” Kurama said in anger.
Kagome just tightened her grip on his hand.
“We were split up. I don't know what happened to everyone else but they surrounded me, I had to call upon Youko to help me. It was what they wanted; they were waiting for me to lease Youko. Even when Youko was out, they defeated him. Everything was blurry though, my head and my body was in so much pain. I remember though, they said that they were going to have fun with me. I panicked, I tried to free myself but the bonds, they were specialized for creatures such as myself.” Kurama said.
Kagome released his hand and wrapped it around his waist. She could tell that he was pushing himself to tell her. Why he was doing so, she didn't know but if he was ready to, she would allow him to release all the anguish he bottled up inside of him.
“They beat me, everyday they would beat me. It was ironic, they fed me and they healed my wounds just so that they could cause me more pain. It wasn't until the second week that they made sexual advances on me.” Kurama said coldly.
Kurama turned to Kagome, he was surprised to see tears rolling down her face. He gently lifted her chin up, her lips looked so tantalizing and delicious. He lowered his lips to her, slowly touching her. He pulled back to look at her, her eyes fluttered open and her cheeks had been painted with a soft pink. She gave him the strength to fight back, against the memories and against the disgust he held against himself. If she could kiss him back then he must not be disgusting, he knew that she didn't pity anyone. He could tell from the three months he lived with her. Once again, his lips descended to her, coaxing her and then lavishing in her warm cavern, relinquishing in her unique taste.
“I tried to escape but the bonds were just too strong. They beat me, cut into my skin just to watch me bleed. They brought Youko out and they raped him, used him and violated him. He fought against them so they beat him as well, then they would use his body again. I tried Kagome. I really tired to escape but I was too weak. They touched me, they violated my body and they entered my mind. They hardly let me sleep and would never beat me or use me until I was unconscious.” Kurama said painfully.
She sat there listening to him. Kagome couldn't dare to think of what he had been through. Hearing someone say what he or she went through and going through it is different, completely different but Botan was correct and she never thought otherwise, he was strong.
“It's okay Kurama. They can't harm you anymore, not with me by your side.” Kagome whispered. “I won't let anyone harm you again.”
Kurama broke down and cried. All the memories and the pain and all the doubts that someone would find him were completely erased from his mind. He felt loved and he felt wanted and cared for. He hugged Kagome tightly against him and buried his head into her neck. Kagome couldn't take all of his weight fell against the bed. She rubbed his back and told him that she was so proud of him that he wasn't alone. Kagome froze when she felt him lavishing kisses upon her neck.
Kurama loved her. After everything he went through, all the times he pushed her away and all the times he took his anger out on her, she didn't abandon him. She stayed by his side, giving him comfort and when he needed it, space. She hadn't pushed him into telling her what had happened or what was wrong, she never invaded his personal space and didn't treat him like a disease or with pity. He breathed in her scent and sighed, she smelled so good and it usually calmed his spirit, both his human and his demon spirit. Kurama gently dropped kisses along her neck, taking note at how she shivered and how her scent spiked.
“I want you.” Kurama growled. He had an unquenchable desire to rule her body, to cherish her body and to own her body as she did his.
Kagome gulped down air. She knew she loved him, more than Inuyasha or anyone else she had met. So was it okay for her to become intimate with him? Kagome closed her eyes and held him tightly, she didn't know. She wanted to but she didn't know how he felt and it would seem wrong to give herself to someone who couldn't or didn't love her back.
“Please Kagome. I want to love you, I want to show you how much I do.” Kurama said. It was so very close to begging.
“I want you too.” Kagome whispered.
Kurama pushed himself up and looked at her, she looked so beautiful. Her skin was flushed and she was breathing deeply, her lips were calling to him but he was focused on her eyes. They were so deep of emotions, so open to him. They told him that she truly did love him and that she would love no other person as she did him. They told her of the devotion she showed and the loyalty that she possessed. Kurama smiled at her and laid his lips against hers.
His hands weren't still either; they trailed up and down her body. His fingers had hooked onto the edge of her shirt and pulling it above her head but never breaking eye contact with her. Kurama held her upper body against his as his fingers attacked her bra. He growled in annoyance that he couldn't figure out how they worked. Youko was irritated, he finally found someone who loved him with his faults and with his tainted hands and body. He slowly let Kagome go, lying her down on the bed and sucked in a breath of air. She was beautiful, laying there under him. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes darkened with passion, her lips were swollen because of his lavish on them. Kurama slowly pulled her bra away from her body, smiling as she shivered.
This would be the first time Kurama had seen a woman, Youko had seen many but this would be the first time he loved one. He had been violated but he never shared his body with another person and he was nervous but he could tell that she was as well. For a woman, it's important. Sex isn't something most women could toss around. Kurama couldn't smell another man on her. He could only smell her purity, himself and her scent. He smiled down at her when she covered herself up, like she was embarrassed.
“You're beautiful.” Kurama whispered.
He gently pried her hands away from her chest and smirked, his lips, tongue and teeth attacking her neck then trailing down her chest. He liked how responsive she was with her high pitched whines, moans and groans, the way her body arched and her hands gripping his shoulders. Especially when his name tore from her throat. This is what he needed, she knew what he needed and she gave it to him. Kurama sighed against her skin and praised her with his body. It was the least he could do for her.
It was amazing, he was amazing, and he made her body felt on fire everywhere. Kurama touched her and she swore that she was flying in every known direction. She remembered what Sango had told her, it's weird at first sharing your body but then you don't think about it. Kagome's eyes widened and she arched her back when Kurama's mouth found it's way to her breast, his teeth nipping at her nipple while his tongue soothed the bite. She quickly unbuttoned his dress shirt and slid it off of his shoulders. She could feel every muscle twitch as she traced her fingertips on his skin. She gave a sudden cry when he drew her breast into his mouth.
So soft, her skin was so soft and warm. He could feel the pounding of her heart and he could hear the sounds of pleasure. Sure he could still hear and see what they did to him but he couldn't feel them anymore. He didn't shutter in disgust anymore, not when Kagome was here, wrapped up in his attentions. She really was something, someone who he put his entire being into, his trust and his safety as well as his body was placed in her hands and she helped him, molded him and repaired all the damage they did. He trailed his hand down her body, tugging her skirt off and tossing it away. He slid down her body, his tongue and his lips laying whispers on her skin. He hooked his fingers into the band of her panties and drew them down her body. While looking her in the eyes, he gave her a leisure lick from the bottom of her sex to the top. He watched in fascination as a strangle cry escaped her lips, the way the tendons in her neck tensed as she threw her head back and her back arched. It was a beautiful sight.
Wicked, he was doing wicked things to her body. She shivered when she felt his fingers brush against her sex then opened her up to him. Kagome cried out when his hot breath met her skin and his tongue, as he lapped at her. The hot ball within her womb grew larger and hotter. He was doing things to her that just had to be illegal. Kagome couldn't grab a hold on herself. Her grip on her bed sheets grew tighter as his mouth attacked her sex, his tongue flicking against her clit. With another sweep, the hot ball exploded. Thousands of white lights flashed before her eyes as she screamed out her pleasure.
She tasted good and she smelt good. Kurama smirked against her skin when she cried out. He greedily licked up the warm fluid that came rushing at him. He slid up her body and smiled down at her, his hair creating a curtain around their faces. He dipped his head down and caught her lips, coaxing them to open to him and divulged in Kagome's unique taste. They broke apart when the need for air became thick. He smiled down at her and laughed when she blushed. Kurama nodded and lay back.
“I want to please you like you pleased me.” Kagome whispered.
“Okay.” He whispered back.
Kurama watched as she undid his pants, lifting his hips up to help as she pulled them down his legs and toss them by her clothing that was so carelessly tossed aside. He sucked in a breath as her fingers danced around him, curiously wrapping around his length testing the weight and the size. It was different from his prison, she was gentle and caring, while they were ruthless and hateful. He gave a strangled cry when her tongue flicked out to the head of his erection. So gentle, it was the only words that rang through his head, not including Youko's words and or thoughts. A guttered moan exited his throat when she wrapped her lips around him, what her mouth couldn't get, her hands did. Kurama growled and moaned, she was so attentive to his needs, could tell that he wasn't going to last much longer and doubled her efforts.
He pulled Kagome up and flipped them, holding her down on the bed. He looked down at her and brushed her bangs away from her face. He gripped her left thigh and brought it up against his hip. Kurama stared into her eyes as he slowly entered her, he stopped many times for her to get accustomed to his intrusion and his size. It didn't help whatsoever that Kagome was a virgin, tight. Kurama stopped when he felt her virgin barrier and looked into Kagome's eyes. She was flushed, her eyes glowing from the act of consummation.
“I'm sorry.” Kurama said. “This will be the first time I hurt you.”
Kagome nodded and brought his lips down to hers. She sighed when he sank his tongue into her mouth but screamed and writhed in pain when he broke through her barrier. Kagome clenched her eyes and buried her head into the crook of his neck, hot tears streamed down her face. Her arms tightly wrapped around Kurama's body as her legs were locked, pressing him firmly against her. Kurama could feel her, clenching and unclenching him and it was driving him crazy. When he thought he couldn't take anymore, she relaxed.
“It's okay.” Kagome whispered. “You feel good.”
Kurama smiled and gently rocked against her. He really liked how responsive she was. He moved faster, lifted her left leg up to his waist, causing him to go even deeper, pushing against her womb. He looked down at Kagome, she was writhing in pleasure, soft moans and groans escaped from her mouth, harsh breathing and broken parts of his name spilled from them as well. Through the act of making love, Kagome healed all of the wounds that she couldn't do consciously. Youko took over Kurama's body, he wanted to show her that he loved her as well, that he would stay by her side as she stayed by his.
“You're mine.” Youko growled. “I will never hurt you again. The last time.”
Kagome knew that they were mating and that the act of mating with another was either to bond with another or just to relinquish the burning need. She knew the moment she looked up at the golden eyes that this was their bonding. That she would have no other lover and that he would have no other than her.
“Yours.” Kagome whispered.
She let out a strangled moan when he bent down and bit her, above her heart as he released inside of her. Kagome couldn't handle the double assault and released herself as well. Kurama still pumped himself inside of her body, prolonging her orgasm. She kissed and nibbled on his skin. Kagome shook and broke once again, biting him as well, receiving a yelp from the kitsune demon above her. She threw her head back as he rocked himself inside of her once again. She was tired but completely sated and she could tell that he was as well.
Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Botan and Keiko walked up to the Higurashi Shrine. They heard both Kagome scream and Kurama howl. Hiei stopped immediately and held everyone back. It wouldn't be wise to get too close while demons mated, it was like asking for a death wish. After a few minutes they walked to the house and rang the doorbell.
“Hello.” Youko said.
They walked in and sat down, Youko carrying a sleeping Kagome in his arms. She was wearing a silk kimono robe over some clothing he put on her. He threw on his pants and top, not bothering to button it.
“You've mated.” Hiei said.
Youko nodded.
“Congratulations.” Hiei said with a bow.
The others were confused. Botan knew of mating just not what it meant.
“What?” Yusuke asked.
“Mating. In the demon society, it's the same as a human marriage but it states much more than that. Kagome is a miko and I a youkai, our bond is deeper than that of normal mating.” Youko said.
“A soul bond.” Hiei said.
“We, Kurama and I would allow nothing else.” Youko said.
Hiei looked at Youko then at Kagome and his eyes widened. It was there, he could feel it under the soul bonding. A child, Youko sure moves quickly but for some reason, he had a feeling that this wasn't Youko's doing, it was Kurama's doing. What amazed him was how close Kurama had gotten to Kagome after his horrible ordeal with his captors. Hiei looked to Botan, she looked sad but happy. Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at Youko in awe, they had only seen him once and that was at the Dark Tournament and he was very intimidating then, still is but his spirit has calmed.
“She will live as long as you right?” Yusuke asked. “It would suck if she lived the same as us.”
Youko chuckled but it grew to a blown out laugh.
“Even if I hadn't mated with her, she has the blood of a miko. Her power is so strong that she would have lived the same age as me anyway. The aura of a miko, if the power is strong enough, it manipulates the blood. Beside Yusuke, you're a spirit detective and a very good one at that. Koenma wouldn't allow his most prized detective go through such a short lifespan.” Youko said.
Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at each other and whooped.
“Hiei.” Youko said.
Hiei looked at his friend.
“I would like to ask you to create three swords.” Youko said as he stared at his beautiful mate.
“Why would Hiei make three swords? I thought you only used your plants and the Earth? Who would the other two be made for?” Yusuke said.
Youko brushed Kagome's bangs away from her eyes.
“It's not for me. It's for my mate, my kit and my unborn child.” Youko said.
“Unborn child?” Botan asked. “You already have a child?”
Youko didn't even look at the ferry girl. He could smell her desire and it made him sick.
“Yes. My mate has an adopted kit and she is pregnant with mine.” Youko said.
He could smell her disappointment and inwardly smiled. She would never be able to have him, she wasn't worthy of him and he doubted that she would have done the same things Kagome went through. He fingered his mark and smiled at the scent of her arousal. It was true; the mark was sensitive to his touch and only his touch. He grinned at the things he could do with that knowledge.
“Hn.” Hiei said.
Youko gave him a grin before Kurama took over. He smiled down at his mate and hugged her to him, breathing in her scent. He could feel the power flowing between them and he could feel the power of his child. It made him happy, she made him happy and that was all he needed. There weren't those voices anymore, Youko and Suuichi excluded. Kurama was surrounded by her energy, her aura…he was safe and he would do whatever it took to repay her with his love.
“Are you okay Kurama?” Yusuke asked.
Kurama looked at his friends and nodded.
“I am now. I don't hear the voices anymore and I don't feel them either.” Kurama said.
Hiei looked at his friend then down at Kagome. She really was something different and it made him somewhat happy. Happy for his friend but unhappy because now, his friend had someone else to turn to.
“And I lived happily ever after.” Kurama whispered.