InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Things Happen For a Reason ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Yuyu Hakusho.
This is my first fiction ever… and I'd I like to point out that I worked hard on this… so please Read and Review… ^-^ By the way, suggest pairings and some for the story as well. Please… in the spirit of Christmas… please Review… ^_^
Okay… so go on… read. ^-^
Things Happen For a Reason
By: Me ^_^
Chapter 1
Kagome was standing on top of the stairs of the Higurashi Shrine. Frozen Ice fell from the night sky…
It has been 3 years… and after all that was said and done, Naraku was defeated… Inuyasha was happily with Kikyo… Sango and Miroku were married… Shippou was with another fox that could take care of him a hundred times better than her and all had magically forgotten about her… literally speaking… there weren't any regrets… and there couldn't be.
It was her wish… there couldn't be any regrets… she made the wish after knowing that she couldn't stay 500 years back… she made the wish after knowing that she can't stay with Inuyasha… she made the wish after knowing… she couldn't take Shippou back in the future… and after she knew… she made the ultimate wish for them to forget about ever meeting her and think that it was all Kikyo in her place.
After all, they couldn't all be sad… they couldn't all have what they wanted… she couldn't have what she wanted… but that was out of the question when the time came… and it did… three years ago. And now… she was a demon… and all she had to remember the good times was Kirara… Sango's demon cat… and she was a great companion.
But the question was; Why was she suddenly thinking of them?
For the past 3 years… she had not been thinking of them that much… until just last month. Kagome looked down… as Kirara jumped on her shoulder and started rubbing her furry face on Kagome's smooth one's. It was Christmas and she had already bought presents a few days ago… but that was not the reason she remembered them… and their adventures together.
Kagome ran her slender fingers through her long silky silver hair that reached pass her waist… then pushed the strands off of her face. She was wearing short black shorts and a white shirt with a black sword imprinted on it. She was wearing a white fluffy over coat with long loose bell sleeves… and a pair of black combat boots that was mere two inches above her ankles.
She was wearing her winter coat… since it was winter. And it was snowing… Kagome took out a small compact mirror out of her coat pocket. She flipped it open… and after seeing her blood red ruby eyes… the image in the mirror changed… into a scene where the snow was thick and there were familiar people around a seemingly familiar fire camp inside a hut…
Kagome smiled a small smile. There they were… the group was complete… along with Sango and Miroku's son and daughter… all that was really missing was her and Kirara… Kagome smiled once more and closed the compact… she placed it back in her pocket. She sighed… It was cold… but for her… it was just a normal day… only with snow all around and there was Christmas Spirit…
She wasn't cold… it was because of her demoness side. What kind? She didn't know… it was complicated. She was a demoness… she had all the attributes… only… she had her miko powers… and more. Kagome snapped her attention to the right as she heard something… Kirara immediately jumped off her shoulder and changed into her bigger form.
“ Who's there?” Kagome asked. She had her family well protected by giving them special necklaces covered with purifying powers that would protect them… not to mention that they were really far away. It was Christmas… but there still could be the possibility that some might try something funny. After a minute… no one came out. She sighed… she was getting a little jumpy.
After three years… she had forgotten how some youkai looked… but that was out of the topic.
Kurama's Home
Kurama was placing the gifts he bought for his mother under the Christmas tree that they made together… his relatives were there too. And every one was partying. Just outside the house full of decorations… was a figure in black, standing up on the tree branch witnessing Kurama's Christmas celebration was none other than Hiei… and upon his left hand was a small box wrapped in an shiny red wrapper tied with a white ribbon.
It was Kurama's Christmas gift for him… it even had a tag that said it was for Hiei and that it was from Kurama. He even said that he would invite him in if it weren't for his family. Hiei had already been to Yusuke and the buffoon's house… and they were also celebrating. Not that he cared… Hiei was someone who always tend to think and be alone… everyone knew that.
Kagome looked up, the moon was shining bright and it seemed very bright for 8pm… she yawned and stretched her arms in a cute way… she then sat on the stoop of the stairs… after brushing the snow off with her hand. She circled her arms around her legs and smiled as Kirara jumped on her knees. The demon cat meowed at her master…
And slowly and gently… Kagome fell on her back and landed on a big and fuzzy Kirara that immediately took place when she was about to fall on the cold snow… Kagome smiled at her demon cat and slowly fell asleep… and not later on, Kirara followed suite. Both demonesses minding their surroundings as they both fell asleep.
About 10:00pm both demonesses were rudely awaken from their sleep… both had jumped a few meters away from their spot before. And there took place large and pointy (mind you) icicles. Kagome held out her right hand to one side and her palm outstretched… then appeared a fairly sized all crystal sword… its handle was also crystal and as well as the blade. It was transparently deadly.
“ Come out, coward.” Kagome spat out loud with narrowed eyes… while Kirara growled, showing off her fangs.
And as they said those words… a demon, a handsome one came out from behind a tree wearing a silvery white haori and a pair of hakama's. Kagome narrowed her eyes in anger despite the handsome face she had noticed. He had short black hair and ice blue eyes to match his power. But though he looked mighty powerful and to mention it again, handsome, he was really a low level demon.
“ What do you want?” She asked, hoping that this demon would answer… unlike the other one a few nights before.
“ I want the shikon… give it to me.” He said, holding out a hand for the asked item. Kagome was slightly taken a back.
“ I'm sorry… but the Shikon disappeared 500 years back. You can't have it anymore.” She retorted.
The demon laughed, much to Kagome's expense. She had tons of questions in her mind at this moment… like, why was the demon laughing at her? How did he know that she had the jewel? And why was he looking for it? Why did he look for the jewel from her? Didn't he know that it disappeared 500 years back? Was the jewel was what the other demon the other night was also looking for? It was enough there were demons in her time… but why did they have to look for the shikon? And why ask it from her?
Just when Kagome was about to ask another question, the demon attacked… attempting to kill her. But of course, she couldn't let him do that to her… so as he was about to swipe at her, Kagome let out a burst of divine miko energy coming out of her outstretched palm… and before the demon could have contact with her, the demon turned to ashes… mixing colors with the crystalline white snow.
Kagome's sword then disappeared… she could feel someone else around… it was the demon that she felt a few times around her… He made no move to be a threat so far… so Kagome made no move to attack…
End Chapter
So how was it?? ^_^ Was it good? Was it bad? Please Review. ^_^ And I think I want this a Kurama and Kagome pairing… or a Hiei and Kagome… what do you think?? Review please…
TTFN ^_^