InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 20 ways to kill KIKYO ❯ makink sure Kikyo's dead ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Making sure Kikyo's dead.
If you have killed kikyo by squishing her with boulders, throwing sharp pointy things at her and her possibly life less body is still visible, drag it around with no respect or decency whatsoever and when you're ready make a bon fire and burn her body, continue burning her until her body is reduced to a crisp ash, gathering up her ashes into one of those Ziploc bags or containers making sure it won't brake open or anything kick the bag or container around and when your ready dispose of her ashes in a lake and wash the bag or container thoroughly, later burn the bag or container in another bon fire. Clean up any remains from both bon fires and chuck them in another river.
CAUTION: Do not bury any thing used to assure Kikyo's death, you might regret it later on.