InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 20 ways to kill KIKYO ❯ Making Sure Kikyo's dead part 2 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Making Sure Kikyo's dead part two.
If you have Killed Kikyo by burning by burning and or melting her, you work is fairly cut out for you. First of all when done burning and or melting her Do Not leave her remains behind, again gather them up in a seal proof Ziploc container or bag Kick it around with no decency or respect what so ever and when you're ready dispose of her remains in a river and wash the bag or container thoroughly, later burn the bag or container in another bon fire. Clean up any remains from both bon fires and chuck them in another river.
Caution: do not bury anything, and be sure her remains are burned to a crisp ash for added pleasure.
An: I'm thinking of bringing the story to an end but want to know what you guys think first so R/R.