InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 38 Shades ❯ Confession ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- See CH 4.

A/N- The beginning is from Sesshomaru's POV. The rest is Kagome.


CH 7- Confession

I held Kagome until she fainted. I think this has been one of the most terrifying days of my life. And all because of Kagome.

I don't understand her. She's so different from anybody else I've met. She means more to me then anybody else. I don't understand how, because I haven't even known her that long. But in my heart, it feels as though I've known her forever. I've tried to be cold and distant with her, like I am with everybody, but I can't. She makes me want to protect her, to keep her safe with every part of my being…

I laid Kagome on the bed, and tried to leave, but I couldn't. My mind was bogged down with all the questions I had.

What was that thing I had seen?? I didn't see it clearly, but I did see the flash of black rush past me. When it passed, me, it had brushed my arm. I don't ever want to feel that again. It was cold, so cold. You could feel the absence of life. And people call me unemotional.

I can't believe that Kagome did what she did. I never thought she would do something like that. I thought she was dead. Oh god, there was so much blood. I think that will haunt me for a while, the sight of her on the floor, her blood splattered all around her.

But why would she go to such measures? What was haunting her so much that she felt she had to die to escape it?

`I wish she would talk to me. I wish I could help her.'

Kagome whimpered in her sleep and twisted. I sat on the bed next to her, staring down at her face. She looked like she was in so much pain, even in her sleep. I yielded to temptation and touched her cheek. I brushed her silky black hair from her face.

`Kagome… You're such a mystery… And I don't think I'll ever solve you.' I moved around on the bed and lay behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I closed my eyes, hoping I wouldn't have nightmares about this night.

It was coming, again. Why wouldn't it leave her alone? Why did it want her? She ran faster. She couldn't tell where she was. There were dark shapes in the background, like trees, or buildings. The place was filled with fog, gray fog.

She wanted to go home. She wanted to be back with him, being held in his arms. She didn't want to be here, with it chasing her.

`We'll chase you forever.'

She looked around, but she didn't see anything. "Who said that?" Her voice was smothered in the fog.

`We said it. You will never escape us. Even if you save those kids. We will make you suffer. Suffer as we did.'

Was that the students? Were they talking to her?

"Come out. Let me see you."

`Are you sure? We're not very pretty.'

"Come out," she said once again, an air of confidence in her voice that she didn't feel.

And it came out. She would have screamed if she hadn't been so stunned.

It was, vaguely human. There was a head, two legs, two arms. But that was it. Its face was… horrific. One of the eyes was missing. The other was red. There was a lump of flesh were the nose would be. One side off the face had been burned off. Gleaming bone shone through. It was dressed in tatters of what had been clothes. There were burn marks showing where the cloth had worn out.

She whimpered. She felt sick. She wanted to leave. She didn't want to see this thing, this monster.

The corners of mutilated lips curled up. It didn't help the view.

`See? Not pretty at all. This is what happens to us. This is what will happen to you, to him.'

"Him? Who?"

`You'll know soon enough.' Suddenly it was right in front of her. She let out a choked scream. The smell was overpowering. It reached out and grabbed her forearms. She tried to get away.

"Let go! Let go of me!"

`No. We'll have you.'

It hauled her up to her toes and smashed it's lips onto hers.

She screamed, but the sound was muffled. It's grip tightened on her arms. She thrashed around. It suddenly dropped her on the ground. It smiled.

She screamed, this time it wasn't muffled or drowned out. She screamed her anger, her disgust, her fright.

"Kagome! Kagome, wake up!" Someone shook me. I jerked awake, still screaming.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, I'm here."

Sesshomaru. He held me tight against him, smoothing a hand over my hair. "It's okay, it's okay," he murmured over and over.

I buried my face against his chest. I cried. I sobbed. I couldn't get that… that thing out of my mind. The feel of its lips against mine. It's smile. I didn't wan to do this anymore. I didn't. But I had to. I couldn't change my mind again. This was the only way I was going to be able to be free from it, to be returned to the normal life I had before moving here. Well, normal for me.

I calmed down, and Sesshomaru held me close, not letting his hold relax. I snuggled up to him, glad for the momentary comfort.

After awhile, Sesshomaru pulled me gently away from him to look into my eyes. "You have to talk to me, Kagome. I won't let you off now. I want you to tell me everything. I won't take `no' for an answer. I'm going to pressure you and nag you until you tell me. If I have to use force, then I will."

My eyes widened. This was a different Sesshomaru then the one I had gotten to know. This was the Sesshomaru people talk about in school, the on that punched one of his teachers.

Even so, I wasn't going to tell him. I couldn't. That thing had said it was coming after me, and him. I have a feeling it might be Sesshomaru, but I don't know why they would want to hurt Sesshomaru. He has nothing to do with this.

`Maybe it's just the fact that he's with me. Guilty by association. But I don't know why they want ME to start with. Damn, this is so confusing.'

Sesshomaru gave me a little shake. "You're not talking. You have to tell me what's happening."

"I can't!" I yelled at him. I was tired of him wanting answers. Didn't he realize it was for his own good? "I won't tell you anything! Let it go, Sesshomaru. It doesn't concern you."

He stared at me. I could tell that he was hurt buy my words. I couldn't help it. If hurting him made him drop the subject, then I would hurt him, no matter how much I don't want to.

"It, whatever it is, made you try to kill yourself. In my eyes, that makes it entirely my concern."

"Why do you care? Why do you care if I die?"

He shook me harder. "Damnit, Kagome! I care! That's it, that's all there is! I care about you, and I'll be damned before I let you kill yourself!"

That almost did me in. He cared about me. I can't remember the last time somebody said something like that to me. But I wouldn't let it take other me. I had to stay strong.

"And that's exactly what will happen if you get any more into this, Sesshomaru. You'll be damned."

"Don't give me that shit! I want a clear answer for once!"

I gave up trying to be calm. I pulled myself out of his arms and stood by the bed. "This is nothing you can solve! You can do nothing for me! You're useless! You can't see the dead, you can't fight them, can you? No, hell no! I can! I'm the only one! Only I can save them! Only I can save myself!"

Sesshomaru stared at me, stunned. I tried to catch my breath. I had told him too much. Way, too much.

"The dead? You can see the dead?"

I refused to answer him. I turned away from him. I walked to the large window in is room. I looked out into the night, but not really seeing anything.

He stood up and stood behind me. I met his eyes in the window. "Tell me, Kagome. Tell me."

I sighed. He wouldn't leave me alone, and I couldn't refuse him forever. I was weak.

"For as long as I can remember, I could see the dead. My earliest memory is of playing with Airu, a child that had gotten shot by her father. I was six. It wasn't until sixth grade I finally realized how different I was. I was blacking out all that year, because my brain couldn't handle the shades talking to me in my mind.

"I was taken to doctors, hospitals. I tried to tell my parents what was wrong, what I could do, but they didn't believe me. I got sent to psychiatrists. I still loved my parents though. I knew it was only because they wanted me to feel better. I had a younger brother, Sota. He died. He was riding his bike home from school one day and a kid high of crack ran him down. My mom started getting sick that year.

"Then we found out that my Dad had cancer. He was so brave through it all. When he died, my mom cracked. She wasn't the same anymore. Then we found out she had a rare disease; I can't remember the name. She's in the hospital now. She had a relapse of her fever that night you found me outside the school."

I stopped and took a deep breath. This was harder then I thought it would be, telling somebody everything about me. Sesshomaru put a hand on my shoulder. I took strength from that small gesture.

"It sounds like something out of a bad drama movie. My dad and bro gets killed the same year, then my mom gets sick. But it's so real.

"During middle school, I helped a lot of shades move on. I'm not exactly sure hoe I helped. All I did was find out the truth about how they died. I have this little ritual I do. I always feel corny doing it. When I first stared doing this, I had no idea what I was doing. There was a little bookstore in our town, you know the one that has witchcraft stuff. I read in a book that you have to do this little ritual to fully have shades move on and be in peace. I don't know if it's true, but I do it anyways.

"It was cool that first year. Helping the shades gave me a sense of purpose. It took my mind off of my family, or rather, lack of one.

"Then the doctors decided that it would be better for my mom to move away from the memories of my dad, my brother. I hated it. I was so depressed back then. I was out of the house all the time. I started getting into fights at school. I was suspended… I don't know how many times. The only reason I wasn't kicked out all together was that the doctors talked to the principal. I was an animal back then. I did drugs. I was drunk all the time.

"Then we moved here, and it wasn't any better. Kids here teased me, still do." I turned to look at Sesshomaru.

"I'm sure you heard rumors about the new chick, the one that was all Gothic and a badass. The one that cussed at her teachers and beat the hell out of one of the cheerleaders."

Sesshomaru grinned a little. "I remember. You were the talk of the school last year. The Preps were scared of you and the rest of the outcasts were in awe of you."

I turned away again. "I don't know why. I'm sure if they knew what I knew, they would be on their knees, thanking god that they weren't me."

Sesshomaru let me brood a minute, then poked me. I looked up at him. "Tell me what happened to your shoulder."

I told him. I told him everything, about it, the whispers, the dream. When I told him about the dream I had that night, he looked horrified.

"Jesus. It tried to- to -"

I shook my head. I knew what it had been trying to do. "No, it wasn't trying to rape me. It was trying to emphasis how powerless I am, to scare me as much as it could."

Sesshomaru shook his head. "I don't know what to think about this."

"You don't believe me?"

"No. I believe you. Somehow, I believe everything you told me. Its just, a little hard to take in. SO that thing that was in the bathroom was the ting that slashed your shoulder?"

"Yeah. But it was different too. This one was black, and it talked to me. The other didn't."

"How're you going to save them, Kagome?" He sat on his bed.

I sat down next to him. He put an arm around my shoulder and I leaned into him. "I have no idea. I have to find more information about Shiro, about the kids."

"This time, I can help you better, since I know everything." He was clearly referring to the incident in the library.


We sat in silence, both lost in our own thoughts. Then, I became aware of a faint beeping.

"Do you hear that?" asked Sesshomaru. He listened for a minute, then nodded. We both got up and walked around the room. Finally, I realized it was coming from my bag. I rushed over and opened it. It was my cell phone. I had two missed calls, and a voice message.

I called my mailbox and listened to the message.

"Ms. Higurashi? This is Doctor Tamari from Sien Hospital. I'm afraid that your mother had a relapse of her fever. She went into a coma this morning, but got worse. Ms. Higurashi, I'm sorry… Your mother is dead,"

The phone slipped out of my hand and crashed to the floor.

Please read and review! (BTW, this is 10 pages! And I wrote it all in one sitting! I'm so proud of myself!