InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

I do claim rights to any original characters in this chapter.

A/N: thank you all for your continued support, sorry this chapter has taken so long to write but, as many of you know my father has now been in and out of medical facilities since Feb. of this year. He has been transfered to another hospital over the weekend and will be undergoing open heart surgery because of the bacterial infection has grown on to his heart, the surgery will occur this week. So once again I am unable to promise a date as to when the next chapter will be but, fear not I am still writing. This chapter contains a Miroku and Sango lemon, if you are uncomfortable with that it is contained in a marked flashback scene. The clean version, rated M, can be read at http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net(slash)s(slash)2276808(slash )1(slash) and the NC-17 version can be read at http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)mediaminer(dot)org(slash)fanfic(slash)view_st( dot)php(slash)85554. Now, I am pleased to announce ON With The Show!!!
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Walking towards Sesshoumaru's home Inuyasha brushed his hand against Kagome's, unsure after his comment to her request. He still could feel his face flushed slightly as be berated himself for his stupidity. 'Baka, baka, baka. Sleep right, hee, hee. Ugh....maybe she's right...Miroku has rubbed off on me.' Inuyasha chanced a glance at Kagome as he once again brushed up against her arm.

Kagome tried to hold her smile in as Inuyasha once again brushed against her. 'I guess I can't hold that comment against him. I probably caught him off guard.' Taking a chance to look at Inuyasha through her bangs, Kagome noticed he still was flushed from his earlier embarrassment. 'Okay, so he hasn't changed that much.' Kagome remembered all the times in the past when she had tried to be affectionate with him. 'He was always shy. I don't think many people were ever affectionate with him.' That thought troubled her a great deal. She remembered a time long ago after they had help Jijenji, a hanyou like Inuyasha, who had been accused of killing humans. After they had cleared Jijenji's name by exposing the true demon's that were killing the village humans and were on their way back to their friends Inuyasha had told her that he never had fit in anywhere or friends in the past. ' He did say no one else ever accepted him like I did. That means after I left, was he was alone again excepted for our friends?' Looking up at him, Kagome caught his gaze. Smiling she grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers. 'If I can help it, I won't let you be alone again Inuyasha.'

Catching Kagome's gaze Inuyasha was surprised when she smiled and took his hand. Smiling back he continued onward to his brother's house. 'Okay, this is nice....I just got to forget everything Miroku has ever told me.' Inuyasha decided.

Inuyasha began to consider Kagome's request. 'It's not like we didn't share rooms in the past. She just wants to be near me and if I am honest I want to be near her too. She just caught me off guard, that's all.' He assured himself. 'I wonder if before we fall asleep if we could share some more kisses?' Inuyasha gulped, trying to swallow the sudden lump that formed in his throat from the thought of sharing more kisses with Kagome in his bedroom. 'Oh that's it.' Inuyasha cursed himself. 'Trying to forget everything Miroku has ever told you then you go thinking about kissing her in the bedroom...swift...Kami, is it just me or is it hot out here?'

Having finally reached the house Inuyasha pushed the door open only to bump into one of the servants mopping the foyer. "Sorry...didn't hit you did I?" Inuyasha asked the shocked maid sitting on the floor with a pan of soapy water and a sponge. Bowing as best she could from her position the unconcealed tanuki youkai mumbled her apologies for being in the way. The maid placed her forehead on the floor and Kagome noticed she was visibly shaken from encountering them.

Sighing Inuyasha lead the way tip toeing through the foyer. Before Kagome could ask about the servant they entered the main hall of the house and were over run by unconcealed youkai and hanyou factotums. All seemed at a loss, fumbling over themselves, in regards to Inuyasha. From the group of domestics an adult kitsune hanyou was the first to approach them. Leading the rest the kitsune hanyou bowed deeply to them. Inuyasha rolled his eyes at the lot, then slightly incline his head to nod to them as a group. The servants lowed their eyes in respect to him and seemed to be awaiting for instructions. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other Inuyasha finally realized they were waiting on him, 'how could I forget.' Finding his voice Inuyasha spoke to the kitsune hanyou he recognized from when he still lived in his brother's house. "Reka, has my brother retired for the evening?"

The kitsune hanyou named Reka stepped forward and bowed to him. She was of small statue only a little over five foot. She appeared very human in looks. Reka had redish orange hair, similar to Shippou's. Also like Shippou she sported a fox tail and like Inuyasha she had animal ears on top of her head. Reka continued to advert her eyes from Inuyasha's and Kagome's in respect and she bowed just as deeply as the rest but, unlike the rest she seemed to have no real fear of Inuyasha and Kagome could only wonder why the difference.

"Yes Lord Inuyasha...the Great Lord has retired for the evening along with your other companions as well. Forgive us, we thought all had retired or we would have waited before begining our daily cleaning of the estate. Do you and your lady require anything? If you will instuct me on where you wish to sit with your lady I will have it prepared for you immediately."
Shaking his head Inuyasha replied. "No Reka, we will be retiring as well. Go on with your work." Taking Kagome's arm to lead her to the stairs Inuyasha stopped before taking to the stairs. "Reka."
The kitsune hanyou servant ran to Inuyasha bowing and seemed ready to do his bidding. "Yes my Lord Inuyasha."
Without turning around, Inuyasha looked over his shoulder at Reka. "My brother's retired for the evening. Cut out the lord shit...this is me, remember?" Inuyasha reminded her smirking.
For the first time since they entered the house someone looked Inuyasha in the eyes. Smiling sweetly at the Taiyoukai Lord of the Americas Reka eyes twinkled with the same kind like admiration Kagome remembered seeing in Shippou's. "Sure thing Inu nii-chan." Reka replied with a great amount of feeling in her words only to mischievously stick her tongue out at him.
Inuyasha barked out a laugh and shooed Reka away with the flick of his wrist as he resumed his trek up the stairs with his hand on Kagome's elbow.

"What was that all about?" Kagome asked as Inuyasha lead them up the stairs and away from the bustleing servants that now seemed in an even bigger uproar then before.
Inuyasha sighed, he had hoped that after they had all saw him outside with Mankee in the common area the other evening that he wouldn't have to deal with any of the pomp and circumstance that was his brothers home. "Sorry about all this Kagome, I had hoped the servants wouldn't act that way towards me after the party Mankee threw but, I guess they just can't forget who Sesshoumaru made me."
"Made you?"
"I'm no real lord Kagome, not like Sesshoumaru is. I tried to tell him I'd never be the regal aristocrat he is but, he insisted I was the best choice for Taiyoukai of the Americas. His own sons are leaders in this part of the world and he wanted someone he could trust in the Americas, so that left me."
"I guess you don't have servants then huh?"
"We do have employees. There are youkais, hanyous and even humans that work for us. I just don't treat them like serfs. I tried to explain to Sesshoumaru it isn't the Feudal Era any more and you shouldn't treat others that way but, he is set in his ways and so are those who still consider themselves as retainers to our family. I just can't see treating someone like their lives are less important then mine. Just cause they work for us doesn't make them under us. I guess I really do belong in the Americas, cause this way of thinking just isn't me."
Kagome smiled, Inuyasha in the past had never treated anyone different just because of their social standing. 'Even during Sengoku Jidai he'd wasn't prejudice, he'd tell you to piss off no matter who you were. No, that about him hasn't changed.' Wrapping her arms around his arm Kagome gave him a quick reassuring hug. "Don't worry about it, I sure if you keep treating them as equals they will realize how you feel. That kitsune hanyou came around easily enough."
Inuyasha nodded, "that's Reka. Her family has been in service to Sesshoumaru for a long time. I remember when her mother birthed her. She was just a small kit when Sesshoumaru named me Taiyoukai of the Americas but, I remember her playing in the gardens."
"I think she remembers you as well, Inu nii-chan." Kagome said teasingly.
"Kagome..does it bother you to know others are that familar with me?"
Stopping at the top of the stairs Kagome released her hold on Inuyasha arm to pull him around to face her. "Familar? How do you mean?"
"I..I continued to make new friends after you were gone. It's not that our friends weren't enough, it's just after you showed me it was alright to try...that not everyone would turn away from me cause I'm hanyou....after you were gone, it made me feel less lonely to have people around who needed me. It's not like I forgot you..."
'Is he apologizing for having friends?' Kagome stared at Inuyasha like he had suddenly grown another head. "Inuyasha, I'm glad to find out you made other friends after the jewel took me away. While I was with you that was one of the things I wanted for you. I wanted you to not be lonely and I wanted you to have good times, to smile and enjoy life. It actually makes me feel better to know you didn't sit around alone waiting for my time to come."
'She doesn't mind....of course she doesn't baka, Kagome never wanted me to feel bad. That was Kikyou's resurrected self that had wanted me to suffer not Kagome.' Inuyasha reminded himself. "Thanks, I'm glad your alright with that. No one else was ever anything but, just a friend. I was waiting for you when it came to...courting." Inuyasha replied hiding under his bangs as he blushed.
Kagome blushed also as the floor suddenly became interesting to her. 'He sure has a habit of making me blush.' Soon Inuyasha took her hand and lead her to his room. Standing outside of the bedroom Inuyasha was using Kagome begain to get nervous about staying, it wasn't that she didn't trust him but, his reaction had made her wonder if she was on the verge of pushing him past his limits. 'He seems to want to take things so slow between us.' She was brought out of her thoughts by Inuyasha's voice.
"Kagome...are you sure?"
"Inuyasha, I just want to be near you...I mean your leaving in the morning, right? Who knows when I'll see you again." Kagome looked at the his feet. 'Is my request that inappropriate?' Sighing Kagome figured she should give him away out. "It's alright if you'd rather I sleep else where, I mean I'm sure I'd probably keep you awake talking. You know how I am."
"No.." Inuyasha took a step towards her, putting his hands on her upper arms and rubbing slightly. "Your more then welcome to stay with me...I just wanted to make sure you felt comfortable doing so."
Kagome looked up gazing into his eyes and placed her hands on his chest. "Well I do, I just don't want to be to forward."

Suddenly the door acrossed the hall opened and a tired looking Shippou looked out at them. "If it wouldn't be to forward, I'd like to suggest you both go in that room and shut up already...I swear with you two, it's the blind leading the blind. Good night!" With that Shippou shut his door and headed back to bed, a satisfying smirk on his face. "I might be a brat oyaji but, this brat isn't going to let you pass up on this opportunity."

Blinking Inuyasha reached out and opened his bedroom door with the other hand he gestured open handedly for Kagome to enter. Clearing her throat Kagome took Inuyasha's invitation and went in followed closely by Inuyasha shutting the door. Turning around to face him Kagome was shock to she him shaking his head and chuckling. "He sure told us didn't he?"
"I guess so. I just remembered my stuff is in Sango's room."
"That's okay...I'll find you something to wear of mine. I mean if that's okay with you."
"Yes, that's fine....I wouldn't want us to need to wake up Shippou again for such a simple decision."
Smirking Inuyasha went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of black cotton shorts and one of his plain red pocket tee shirt for her, as well as grabbing a pair of sleeping pants and a black tank top for himself. As he turned around Kagome saw his offerings she began to laugh. "What is that?"
"Those...pants!" Kagome sputtered while laughing.
"Don't like my pants?" He asked playfully taking a good look at the pants he had grabbed. Laying the other clothes down on the bed Inuyasha held up the red printed sleeping pants for her inspection. They were red soft cotton material pants with pictures of little silver candies on them. The candies had flags that read 'this kiss is for you'. The pants had been a gift from Shippou last Valentine's Day. Shippou had gotten everyone gifts saying that the holiday wasn't just for lover's but, for everyone you loved. Of course the kitsune's idea of gifts were always silly but, it had made for a nice change.

Having explained them the Kagome, Inuyasha proceeded to enter the bathroom so he could model them for her. Exiting the bathroom Inuyasha found Kagome had moved to sit on the end of the bed, attempted to be as macho as possibly while Kagome snickered from her place on the bed Inuyasha struted over to her. Stopping in front of her Inuyasha leaned over placing his hands on either side of her on the bed and asked, "want one of my kisses?" As he waggled his eyebrows at her. Kagome fell back onto the bed holding her stomach laughing. It had not been the reaction he had hoped for but, he had to admit it did relieve the tension they had before entering the room. Moving to sit by her on the bed he joined her in the hilarity of the moment.

Finally getting control of her laughter Kagome moved off the bed to change leaving Inuyasha on the bed to wait. Sighing Inuyasha laid back, as he waited for her to change he found his thoughts wandering to things Miroku had talked to him about that were suppose to happen between men and women in the bedroom. Inuyasha smiled thinking of his pervert friend and the long talks they shared. His mind went back to the first real talk they had.

Flashback one year after Kagome's loss, the night after Miroku and Sango becoming husband and wife

Kaeda's hut which was usually full, was missing two tonight and soon would be lacking a total of four companion. It had been a wonderful day in the village. With Inuyasha's help Miroku had recently finished the hut that Sango and he would share as husband and wife. Today had been the cermony of their joining. Kohaku and Kirara would also be living with them but, for the night they were still staying with Kaeda so Kohaku's sister and new brother could spend the night alone.

The current inhabitants in Kaeda's hut were settling down for the night except for one. By the door Inuyasha paced, his inu ears twitching. "Why the fuck are they so loud? what are they doing over there?"
Leaning up from her spot Kaeda shook her head at the inu hanyou. 'Still so young and naive for one who has seen as much.' She thought musingly. "Inuyasha, settle down child. They are simply consummating their union." The old miko explained.
Squatting Inuyasha placing his his fist on the ground between his legs Inuyasha tapped his foot nervously as more nioses reached his ears. He silently cursed his enhanced hearing "Damn, Kaeda are you sure he's not hurting her?"
"I promise Inuyasha, Sango is fine.."
Suddenly Kaeda was cut off by the sound of Sango yelling, "Miroku!" SLAP.
"From the sounds of it, it isn't ane-ue we need to worry about being hurt." Kohaku supplied sitting up as Kirara walked over to nudge her head on the boys arm purring. Reaching over Kohaku patted Kirara's head.
Sitting up from his sleeping spot Shippou asked. "Inuyasha, why did you insist they build their hut so close if you were going to be bothered by them?"
"How was I suppose to know they'd be so noisy?" Inuyasha angrily asked shaking his fist. Dropping his fist back to the ground he quietly added. "I just wanted them close so I could protect them." Inuyasha forced his ears closer to his head in hopes to drowned out the moaning sounds he could hear. Unable to stand listening to sounds he did not understand as they intensified Inuyasha shot up and threw his hands into the air in defeat storming out of the hut. "Ugh...I give up...I'm going to sleep in the forest!"
Shippou sleeply moved to follow only to be stopped by Kaeda. "Let him be Shippou."
"But, Kaeda shouldn't I go to make sure he'll be alright?" Shippou asked looking at the swinging mat infront of the door.
"Nay child, Inuyasha will be fine."

Making his way to the Goshinbuko tree Inuyasha jumped into its branches to settle down for the night. "Feh, noisy bastards...what were they doing in there?" Inuyasha asked his forest.
His repy was only the night sounds and the wind in the trees. Settling down Inuyasha tried to imagine what they could have been doing.
He had no idea what consummating was. How was he suppose to, his only companionship he had after he lost his mother had been Myogua, that had been on again off again. Then he had heard of the Shikon No Tama and meet Kikyou. She had been the only human since his mother to be willing to be social with him but, even she had kept a distance between them. They had hugged only once before her death and his sealing to the tree he now dozed in. It wasn't until after her resurrection as one of the undead that she kissed him. 'That had been a shock. I guess she didn't have to worry about me tainting her since she was dead.' Inuyasha bitterly thought.

It wasn't he hated Kikyou. He had forgiven her for sealing him to the tree when he found out the truth behind the incident. He just couldn't hold a gudge against her after learning what Naraku had done. After dealing with Naraku's twisted ways Inuyasha understood how easy it was to be fooled by the evil hanyou. Naraku certainly did have a knack for making others do and think just what he wanted them to. Naraku had seen them all as playthings for his demented pleasure and like a child had played with them as if they were meaningless. "Bastard got what he deserved." Inuyasha remarked. No he had no hate for anyone but, Naraku.

Inuyasha still carried in his heart the memories of his companionship he shared with Kikyou before Naraku. Huffing Inuyasha rubbed his back against Goshinboku's trunk. No what made him bitter was the time he now knew he had wasted not understanding his own feelings, his feelings towards Kikyou and Kagome.

Kagome had came into his life and changed everything. She had not only freed him from the spell Kikyou place on him but, showed him that life could hold a place for him with all the things he had wished for. With Kagome at his side he found true friends and what it was to be accepted for who you were. Not judged because of who your parents were or what you looked like.

After Kikyou found her peace and returned to the world of the dead with Onigumo's heart he had figured out that was what he had wanted for Kikyou all along. For her to once again be at peace and not suffering in a world were she no longer belonged in. "She is at peace, that's what mattered...besides that bastard Naraku's death."

Inuyasha only wished he would have known he could have known what would happen in the end. "I would have made sure to treasure the time Kagome and I had together more, if I had known." He had figured out before the final battle that he never wanted to be parted from Kagome while his only want was to help Kikyou find peace. "Not like my wants mattered." He grudgingly said. In the end the cursed jewel he had hoped would grant his dreams turned out to only grant nightmares, as it took away the one person he dreamed to always be with him. Finally in the cradling branches of Goshinbuko sleep found him.

As morning came Inuyasha woke just as the sun was preparing to peek over the horizon. Leaning over to look at he base of Gosinboku for a moment he seen Kagome's ghost smiling up at him. "Good morning." He whispered to her as her vision faded from sight. Sighing he jumped down heading for the clearing that housed the Bone Gobbling Well. "Might as well try it." He said knowing he would soon need to return to the village to start drinking his potion to calm his raging youkai blood that had began to whisper it's desires to see his own blood spill from him.

Back in the village Miroku and Sango surprised everyone by being up early and coming to Kaeda's to share some of the food from their wedding feast they had saved for breakfast. Walking in giggling they were stopped by an angry looking kit preparing to leave with Inuyasha's pouch he used to housed his potion's ingredients in. "Where is Inuyasha?" Sango asked looking around.
Crossing his arms over his chest in a very Inuyasha pose Shippou spoke first. "Keh, you two drove him away last night."
"What?" Sango asked wide eyed.
"That's right, he was bothered by all the noises you two were making." Shippou glared at Miroku more then Sango. "He was worried you were hurting Sango, so he went to sleep in the forest so he wouldn't have to listen."
"Hurting Sango? I would never hurt Sango.....we were only, "
Whipping around to face her husband Sango narrowed her eyes at him and warned, "Miroku."
Placing his hands out in front of him in a surrendering position he continued. "I was only going to say we were consummating our marriage, my darling."
Nodding once that he had said the right thing Sango turned back to the occupants of the hut. "Were we really that noisy Kaeda?"
"Nay, child...but, Inuyasha does have very sensitive hearing and he did seem bothered by what he heard." The elderly priestess explained busily dividing the food up for everyone.
Sighing Miroku took the pouch from Shippou and a bowl of water that had been warming by the fire. "I'll be Inuyasha and I some food." Heading to the forest Miroku called to his friend. Having no luck locating the missing hanyou Miroku began checking all the normal places Inuyasha frequented until he ended up at the clearing housing the well. There Miroku found Inuyasha sitting with his legs crossed and arms folded over the well lip, starring into the depth's of the well. Smiling Miroku began advancing until he heard his friend talking to the well. Hiding in hearing distance Miroku listened.
"You should have heard them. They were making all these strange noises...I could have swore he was hurting her but, Kaeda just kept saying they were consummating their union...whatever that fuck that means. Hell Kagome, my mother died when I was still young, younger then Shippou was when we saved him from the Thunder Brothers. No one took me in, until Kikyou I didn't have anyone but, Myogua. That all changed when you revived me and we made all our friends. I know what it is to get married and I know you get pups after that but, that's it. I wish you were'd explain it wouldn't you? You always explained everything to me." Sighing Inuyasha laid his head sideways on his arms. It had always been Kagome who explained things to him. They would hid and watch Miroku and Sango, Kagome would explain about mood and atmosphere women needed as well as pointing out all the things Miroku did wrong when it came to Sango. The things he did know about women Inuyasha learned from Kagome.

'Oh so my brash hanyou friend is truly naive when it comes to the ways of the world is he?' Miroku smiled as he thought back to the time when he first joined with Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou. Inuyasha had been caught by Kagome with the newly resurrected Kikyou and had almost been dragged to hell.

Miroku had asked Inuyasha what Kagome had witnessed and Inuyasha had replied, "the same thing that happens when your with a women." Miroku had been shocked thinking of some of the things he had tried with women. When Miroku had expressed his shock especially when the hanyou had seemed so upset when he took liberties with the ladies Inuyasha had replied. "Want to explain what you do with women."
Miroku had been amused when he later learned the undead priestess had simply kissed Inuyasha.

Shaking away the memory Miroku approached Inuyasha calling out to him. "Inuyasha, there you are. We are preparing to have breakfast and I have brought your potion. Would you like me to make some for you?"
"Sure, if you want." Inuyasha replied as Miroku took a seat by his friend. Leaning over slyly sniffing Inuyasha could detect Sango's scent all over Miroku. "What were you two doing last night? You didn't hurt her did you?" Inuyasha growled as Miroku handed him a cup of his potion.
Running his hand over his face to hide his smirk, Miroku finally spoke. "No my friend on the contrary, I gave Sango much pleasure last night." This time Miroku could not hide his lecherous grin as he thought back to his beautiful wife. Her hair faned out around her as she laid bare as the day she was born. Her eyes heavy with pleasure and her skin glowing in the moon light from the sheen of sweat she wore from their activities as he went to her to make himself one with her.
Miroku was snaped out of his memories by Inuyasha waving his hand in his face. "Hey bouzo! You in there? I asked what were you doing?"
"Tell me Inuyasha what do you know of consummating one's union my friend?" Miroku asked taking the empty cup and refilling it with more potion and handing it to his friend.
Inuyasha sat in a lotus position and took the cup back sipping it. He looked at his friend thoughtfully and replied. "Not a damn thing...I don't even know what that word means..Kagome, she always..."
"Lady Kagome was a wealth of knowledge for us all, was she not?" Miroku asked.
Inuyasha looked down at his cup in his hands and nodded his agreement, knocking back another cup of potion and handing it to be refilled once again.
Filling the cup Miroku continued. "Very well....please my friend, I don't pretend to be as knowledgable as Lady Kagome but, feel free to ask me anything anytime and I will try to help if I'm able." Miroku told Inuyasha laying a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "Now, means to complete the marriage ritual by joining the man and wife's body by coupling. Do you understand?"
"Uh, coupling?"
Sighing Miroku wondered just how naive Inuyasha was. "You know it takes a father and mother to make a baby, right?"
"Of course! I'm not stupid you know!"
"Of course not...well do you know how they make a child?"
"Coupling...a man place's him self inside the women.."
Inuyasha jumped to his feet, knocking his cup of potion over in the process. "Inside! That's what you did to Sango?" Inuyasha pointing an accussing clawed finger in Miroku's face. "You said you didn't hurt her!"
Miroku put his hands out in front of him trying to calm his friend. "I swear Inuyasha, I did not harm her. You only place your manhood with in the women."
Shoving his hands inside his haori and sitting down in the lotus position again Inuyasha admitted. "You've lost me."
"Very well, let me explain..." Miroku recounted the night of passion Sango and he had shared.

Miroku left nothing out as he told Inuyasha about the wonderful experience Sango and he had shared. Miroku told of the gentle kisses, the caressing touches he placed on her body and she to him. How she had timidly wrapped her hand around his manhood and lightly spueezed and lovingly stroked him. How he touched her breast, not only with his hands but, his mouth as well. Then how he gently touched the mound of her womenhood. Parting her and caressing to prepare her for their love making.
How she arched her back and moaned his name as she found completion for the first time from his attention. Then while Sango was relaxed and slick with from her own nectar he had crawled up her body. Gently and slowly he had entered her, slowly pulling him self out only to gently push back into her going in a bit further each time until he had completely joined with her as one.
Miroku explained about her viginal barrier and that breaking it had caused her some discomfort but, that discomfort was soon gone and she clung to him as they rode through their passion. Then at the end they consummated their joining when Miroku gave her the gift of his seed.
Sighing Miroku returned his gaze to his friend only to find a very red faced Inuyasha starring at the ground, his mouth slightly ajar and he was slowly and delibertly blinking.
"Do you understand now my friend?" Miroku asked.
Looking up to face his friend Inuyasha squirmed as he pictured Kagome and he in those thoughts instead of Miroku and Sango. "Is it just me or is it really hot all of a sudden?"

End flashback

Inuyasha shook his head. 'So much for forgetting everything that lecher ever told me.' He thought chuckling under his breath. Finally Kagome came back in dressed in his shirt and shorts. "Those clothes have never looked so good before." Turning away shyly Kagome blushed at his words.

Inuyasha had rolled to his side his bottom leg straight and his top leg cocked up slightly laying over the other. His head supported by his hand. Patting the bed Inuyasha suggested. "Leave the bathroom light on. Just crack the door, then you can see with the bedroom light off."
Doing as he asked Kagome switched off the bedroom light then made her way to Inuyasha on the bed.
Moving the covers and rolling under them Inuyasha held the covers up for Kagome. Crawling in Kagome laid down on her back as Inuyasha placed the covers over her pulling them to her chest. Snuggling closer Inuyasha laid down using his arm as a pillow. "This is like those times you let me sleep on your bed."
"Yes but, this time there's actually room for me too." Kagome answered snuggling closer.
Soon Inuyasha sleeply wrapped his arm around Kagome and pulled her to him. Kagome had already succumbed to sleep and Inuyasha quickly followed lulled by her scent and the warm of their combined body heat.

Morning came all to soon to suit Inuyasha. Knowing what had to happen today and the mess awaiting him he knew that hiding in bed with Kagome wasn't an option. Inuyasha opened his eyes to see Kagome had rolled to her side during the night and was now snuggled with her back into his chest. Unwrapping his arms from around her form he gently brushed the hair from her face. Leaning in Inuyasha kissed the top of her head breathing in her scent, closing his eyes he whispered. "Good morning." Fearfully he opened one eye to see she was still there. 'Thank all the kamis, its really her.'

Reluctantly he rolled from bed, leaving Kagome to sleep, to prepare for the day. First he grabbed his own clothes for the trip home. A pair of button fly jeans, a button up grey silk shirt with blue flames printed on it, his mocassins and ties for his hair. Packing everything else up he laid his clothes for the day in the bathroom on his way out to Miroku and Sango's.

Stopping at Shippou's room Inuyasha knocked. "Oi, time to get up runt." Lingering only long enough to hear Shippou roll out of bed he continued on his way. Coming to the room Miroku and Sango was sharing Inuyasha knocked lightly and waited. Soon Miroku was at the door.
"Here's my stuff, give me Kagome's bag."
Taking the bag and exchanging it for Kagome's, Miroku asked. "So were did our dear Kagome sleep last night? You still look tired, is it because you two weren't sleeping?"
Taking Kagome's bag Inuyasha balled up his fist and bopped his friend on the head. "Mind your own damn business. I'm not you, I can control myself. Get ready we have to return today." Turning around on the ball of his feet Inuyasha went back to his room leaving a dazed Miroku on the floor in the hall.

Returning to his room Inuyasha check first to make sure Kagome was still asleep then went to the bathroom to get a shower. He showered and dressed quickly coming out of the bathroom Kagome had woke up and was getting clothes out for herself.

Walking up and wrapping his arms around her Inuyasha asked, "Good morning, sleep well?"
Kagome gasped slightly, still not use to Inuyasha being so open and affectionet. Blushing slightly she replied. "Yes, thanks and you?"
Nuzzling into her neck Inuyasha mumbled, "better then I have in 500-years."
Kagome's neck tingled where Inuyasha was rubbing, sending delightful shivers through her whole body. "You've already showered?"
"Hmmm, yep...I just got to fix my hair."
Turning in his arms to face him Kagome asked. "Fix your hair?"
Inuyasha pulled back, 'how does she manager to look so innocent and yet so desirable at the same time?' Smiling he answered. "You may be use to me having my hair down but, when I work I usually wear my hair up. It's easier since it grew out more after I reached adulthood. I started wearing it in a braid after I became Taiyoukai of the Americas. The Native Americans taught me how to braid it. They accepted me, like you did, so to honor them I wear my hair like this. Do you not like it?"
"Oh no, it looks very nice like that. You just never use to do anything with it. Would you mind if I helped you fix it?"
"No, if you really want to."
"Alright, umm...I don't think I can reach you."
Grabbing up a brush and his ties Inuyasha went to the mirrored closet and sat down in his normal lotus position so Kagome could reach him. Kagome followed and stood behind. Handing the brush over Inuyasha explained how he normally fixed it. Kagome gently brushed out Inuyasha's long silvery mane, been careful around his ears. Having done that she worked on pulling it up, brushing to make sure it was smooth and took one tie from Inuyasha, pulling his hair into a pony tail behind his ears. Brushing the hair out again she went on to seperate it into three sections and worked on braiding it to the end. Having finished braiding his hair Kagome got the last tie from Inuyasha and fastened it to the end. Even though Kagome had started the braid up fairly high on his head the weight of his hair pulled the braid to rest more flat against his back. Reaching forward Kagome brushed out his unruly bangs, which still looked like they had never been touched when she finished. Kagome smiled, happy to have been allowed to help with his hair. Moving to stand Inuyasha turned and gave Kagome a hug. "Thanks, as much as I would prefer to stay in this room with you. I can't, get your shower Kagome. I'll wait for you." Inuyasha whispered sadly releasing her. Kagome missed his arms immediately but, got her clothes and went to get ready.

Breakfast was a solemn and quiet affair for those at the table. The only sounds that could be heard was the sounds of Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha aruging in the next room.
"You wish to take her back to Canada. Why will you not ?" Sesshoumaru's calm voice asked.
"Do you want me to dishonor her family?" Inuyasha's louder irate voice asked. "I've got honor too you know! I want Kagome to want to be with me, the me I am today. Got it!"
"Speak not in foolish terms. You are no different today then you were then. Only older...not any wiser though it would seem."
"Oh you bastard...fuck you and that high horse you rode in on!" Inuyasha insulted back.
"Fool...your miko cares not that you have aged. She accepts you, so be done with it. Mate her and return home with her." Sesshoumaru advised.
Kagome swallowed hard at that comment pushing her food away blushing. The others at the table gave her apologetic looks.
"Shut up, I know Kagome accepts me. Damn it, she was the first one who ever truly accept me since my mother."
All was silent for awhile till Inuyasha spoke again. "Sesshoumaru, you got to understand this isn't Sengoku Jidai any more. You don't just mate right away. Besides I want to build the relationship Kagome and I will have on more then just duty, battles and thrown together alliances from the past. I want to give her more then that. If it means I wait then I wait."
"So be it little brother....this Sesshoumaru will waste no more words with you on the matter."
"I know you don't agree but, do you still support me?"
"This Sesshoumaru makes not foolish choices on whom he supports. Your relationship with the miko is your business and concerns me not. I merely do not want your mind to be here when it should be addressing the issue you must attend to."
"Sesshoumaru, I make no promises where my heart will be but, my mind will be on my duties."
"If you require assistance you may call...and Inuyasha, finish with your duties so you may return soon. Let it not be another 18-years before you return to my home brother."
"I promise."
"Then you should be off, your female needs returned to her family. Assure them they will continue to be protected by our family. I know you are a man of your word, so I will see you again when this issue is concluded."

With that the two returned to the dining room. Noticing Shippou had already raised his concealment spell for the trip home Inuyash raised his as well. Soon a very human looking Inuyasha stood in the dining room. Gathering his friends Inuyasha lead them out of the house to an awaiting limo. Sesshoumaru and Rin followed seeing them off. "The car will take you to the airport after you return your female to her family. Your luggage has already been sent ahead except for the miko's, her's is in the limo." Shessoumaru coolly reported. Rin hugged them all promising to visit Kagome soon.

The ride to the shrine was even quieter then breakfast and it passed quickly. Kagome hugged her friends and they all promised to call.
Taking her hand and backpack Inuyasha lead Kagome up the stairs. Stopping in front of the Goshinbuko, Inuyasha placed Kagome's bag on the ground. Turning to face her, he took her other hand in his as well.
Looking around to make sure no one else was at the shrine Kagome asked. "Inuyasha would you drop your concealment spell. I want to see the real you once more before you have to go."
Nodding Inuyasha raised a hand to his rosery and lowered the spell. Pulling Kagome to him quickly Inuyasha embraced her. Leaning in to nuzzle her hair by her ear, sending shivers through her. Kagome wrapped her arms around his waist and carassed his back through his thin shirt, giving him sensations he had never felt before. Inuyasha felt almost light headed from Kagome's touch. Whispering Inuyasha promised. "We will be together. I promise."

Kagome heart clenched, he was really here with her again, saying things she had never dreamed he would say, returning feelings she had prayed he someday might and now was leaving her for only the kamis knew how long. "Please Inuyasha, I want to go too. I don't care what mama said. I don't want to leave your side again."
"Kagome," Inuyasha placed a gentle kiss on her check. "In the past, I've done break your trust in me. I didn't mean to but, things were so confusing back then. I want to prove myself to you by making new memories of us. Please, don't tempt me to take would be so easy to take you with me. I don't want to be away from you either but, I want to honor you and your family by doing what is right. Please don't make this any harder for me, say you understand."
Kagome was silent for a moment as she thought about what he was asking. She knew how much his honor and his word has always meant to him. "Okay...I'll stay. I guess this way you'll be able to make sure this is what you want."
"Trust me, you are what I want. Are you sure I'm what you want? Will you be able to give me a chance, after how stupid I was back then?"
"Yes," Kagome nodded. "I guess this way you'll have everything taken care of and be ready to make these new memories with me, right?"
Chuckling softly Inuyasha replied. "That's my Kagome. She always finds the good in everything. Give her thorns and she'll find roses." Bringing his hands to her face Inuyasha tilted her head to kiss her lips. At first it was a chaste kiss, barely a whisper of his lips to hers, only for him to return his lips to hers with more pressure. Opening his mouth slightly he gently coaxed her lips to return his growing kiss.
Kagome quickly joined in pressing her lips even more to his deepening the passion between them. Moving her arms up his back, Kagome lovingly continued to stroke his upper back through his shirt.
Finally unable to ignore their bodies demands for air they broke from one another, longingly staring into one another's eyes. Inuyasha was first to find his voice. "See what I find the good in everything you touch. Just look at the love you found in me."
Laying her head on Inuyasha's chest Kagome's heart swelled at his words. 'Oh Inuyasha, how could you ever doubt I would want you?' She wondered trying to melt into him.

All to soon he pulled away, reaching up and replacing his concealment spell, then kissed her on the forehead. Releasing his hold on her once he was certain her legs would hold her he began to walk away from her.
This walk was the hardest thing he had ever done, when he reached the steps Inuyasha turned back to her. Kagome stood with her hands clasped in front of her and her eyes he could see held unshed tears already. Before he descended the stairs he told her. "Don't worry Kagome, no matter where we are or what happens. As long as I live you will have someone who loves you."

With that he desended the steps to the awaiting limo to return to his duties. Though he had promised to keep his mind on the duties that awaited him Inuyasha knew that he had left his heart and soul under the Goshinbuko.

____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

baka: stupid, idiot
Kami: God
youkai: demon, spirit, ghost, magical creature
hanyou: half youkai
tanuki: raccoon dog
kitsune: fox
Taiyoukai: demon lord
Inu nii-chan: dog brother
Sengoku Jidai: feudal era, warlord's era
oyaji: old man
inu: dog
ane-ue: older sister
Goshinbuko: sacred tree of ages
Shinkon No Tama: jewel of 4 souls
Bone Gobbling Well: some have asked about this name, this is the name as translated from Japanese to
English from the web site I use to read the manga from.
bouzo: rude term for a buddhist monk
oi: hey
miko: priestess

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