InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Captain's Prize ❯ You will obey ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any other characters in the story.
Chapter 3
Inuyasha went over to relieve Miroku from the helm, “Go rest, I need to think,” he ordered. Miroku started walking away when he heard, “Be back in twenty!”
Miroku nodded and continued towards his destination. Inuyasha always admired his second in command; he was a good seaman, friend, and definitely a ladies' man despite the fact that he was a pirate.
Miroku walked into his quarters and took off his purple sash laying down his weapons next to it. He lay in bed hoping to get some rest before going back out into the hot sun. He tried to close his eyes but they would not shut, by sundown they would reach the Fiji islands.
“Captain will be wanting to stop in Buca to replenish his ship before reaching Kadavu,” he reflected, a smile appeared on his handsome face, for one of his favorite wenches lived in Buca. “Maybe I could convince the Captain to stay a little bit longer, since he is intrigued with our captive,” he pondered while stepping out of the bed and making his way over to the dresser, picking up his purple sash and tying it around his waist. He brushed out any wrinkles in his black pants and white shirt. Looking in the mirror at the finished result, he fixed any loose black strands loose from his ponytail. Smiling at his handsome features, he grabbed his weapons and made his way back to the deck.
Kagome sat in front of the mirror, when she heard a knock at the door. “You may enter.” A tall slender man entered, he had two small dog-ears on the top of his head, and his hair looked like fire itself, she also noticed he had a long fluffy tail, the same color of his hair but at the end there was a white band with a black tip. “He looks like a fox, and those ears are so cute.” She smiled at the very thought and found herself getting out of her chair to run up to the sailor only to touch his ears. The sailor was shocked at her reaction and gave a small growl. Kagome stopped her hands from gripping his ears startled by the growl that came from the young demon. “I'm sorry, I saw your ears, and I wanted to touch them,” she confessed.
When Miroku came back, Inuyasha did not waist any time and headed back to his quarters. He knew Shippo was already in the room and almost entered when he heard the whole conversation about her wanting to touch his ears. The thought of that made him cringe; the only ears she would be touching would be his own.
“ I'm sorry my lady, I didn't mean to startle you.” Shippo said, and started walking over to the captain's desk to set the tray down and turned to walk by the door, when it flung open. “Captain!” Shippo said startled for he knew Inuyasha was already there listening to the prior conversation.
“Thank you Shippo, you may leave us.” Shippo gave a half bow to his captain and proceeded back up to the deck.
“So you wanted to touch his ears,” Inuyasha growled, while approaching her. Kagome backpedaled away, only to be caught by his bed.
“What do you want? Stay away from me,” she demanded, but it was no use, before she could open her mouth to get the last word in, he grabbed her and started passionately kissing her soft lips. She could feel herself drown in the passion of the kiss but her mind was screaming to stop. He did just that and walked over to the tray, next to it was a bottle of rum and two glasses. He poured both of them some rum and walked back over to her and handed her the glass.
“Please have some rum, my love,” he said while giving her a cocky smile.
She took the glass from his hand and splashed the drink into his face. “Need I remind you captain, I'm not your whore? So keep your fucking hands to yourself!” She commanded.
“Captain Naraku. We will be arriving in Kadavu in two days,” his second in command said.
“Very good, in two days I will get the money rightfully owed to me from Inuyasha,” he said with an evil grin and carried on with his work.
Inuyasha was in his demon form, and again, growling loudly, “This bitch needed to be taught some manners!” Kagome was terrified she knew he was a demon pirate and still foolishly fought him. Inuyasha smelt her fear and grinned baring his fangs and extending his claws at her. “You ungrateful Bitch!” Inuyasha growled.
She retorted and said “Me ungrateful? Ha! Do you really think, Captain, if I wanted you to touch me I would be more willing? I love another, I am engaged, and I don't want you. I want to get the hell off this ship and go home!”
Inuyasha laughed, “You forget your place! A captive of my ship, my property, sparing your life, not letting my hungry men touch you, feeding you and letting you sleep in my bed.”
Kagome was shocked. She did not know what to say, but she was still spiteful.
“Well at least you will make a fine price at the slave market,” he snarled, leaving and locking the door behind him.
Kagome was lost, she felt her heart going up in her throat, and her legs became weak letting her fall to the ground. Her hand was up to her mouth while the other one holding her queasy stomach. She felt her eyes burning for the release of tears that suddenly consumed her cheeks. “Am' I going to be sold? Will I never see my family again?” Crying harder, she felt all hope leave her when suddenly his words rang through her head. “Why would he go through all of this if he was planning on selling me in the first place?” While her emotions got the best of her, she wiped her eyes and glared at the bottle of rum, “Yes, a drink would be most comforting right now.”
Inuyasha was staring ahead at the blue ocean and listening to the seagulls above. He had transformed back into a half demon, and let his thoughts and memory consume him. “She does things to me I have never felt before, I have to have her,” growling to himself, “However, she is in love with another. Damn, with whom? What am I going to do about her family? Fuck!” He turned to go back when he noticed a set of shackles; he reached down and picked them up with a sadistic grin.
Kagome was already on her third glass of rum, she felt the heat in her blood, and her vision became blurry. “So much for one glass,” she slurred and wobbled over to the bottle picking it up and sat by the window imbibing some more. On looking out the window, she could see the ocean. Sliding open the window, she let in the fresh ocean air, which comforted her drunken state.
“Who is he?” Inuyasha snorted, also sending her out of her trance.
“Who he is, sir is none of your concern,” Kagome sarcastically hissed trying hard not to slur her words.
Inuyasha laughed once again at her behavior, “Damn she is defiant! And not to mention drunk.” He stalked his way over to her, only to snatch away the half empty bottle bringing it up to his lips and taking a long hard swig.
“You bastard!” She snapped, attempting to snatch back her bottle. The minute she held her arm out, she felt a cold metal clamp around her wrist. “What are you doing?” She questioned fearfully pulling her arm away, but in her state of incoherency she lost her balance and fell backwards while another cold clamp made it around her other wrist.
The shackles on her wrist served only to worsen the injury caused one-day prior. They were black, cold, and heavy. There was a long chain that connected to a middle chain. Gripping the end of the chain was a clawed hand, tightly reminding her of the prison she now faced.
“Stand up!” He commanded, yanking the chain to get her attention. She slowly started getting up, trying to position herself with the nuisance shackles. When he was happy she obliged he began pulling her into a seat in front of his desk.
Her head was down in a defying manner but could still feel the burning of his gaze on her. “Look at me!” He said commanding the situation once again, and she complied. He sat in front of her on his desk looking into those blue eyes once again. His heart melted, but regained himself to his task ahead. He put the chain down next to his leg and began removing the bandanna.
Kagome saw him put her leash down and thought it was a good opportunity to try to escape. She rendered the idea when she realized there was really nowhere to go.
He noticed her looking at the door and suddenly grabbed the binding once again and began shaking it, making a rattling noise,“ Did you plan to escape me again?”
“No captain,” she whispered.
When she looked over into his eyes again, she saw the red bandanna on the side of his leg. She gasped in amazement “He too has dog-ears, but his are white, they look so soft and cute I have to touch them.” She thought, while raising her arms up to cup the two ears on top of his head. He noticed this and grabbed her wrists bringing her up closer to his hard body, before ravaging her mouth again, she gave in and started kissing him back.