InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Captain's Prize ❯ Problems with the plan. ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any other characters in the story.
Chapter 14
Inuyasha was the first to wake, looking over at her, he could see the moonlight rays lighting her body. She looked like an angel, lying next to him in bed. He could not help himself, running his fingers gently over her goose bumped body reacted just by his feathered touch.
Kagome moaned in her sleep, while he continued molesting her body, slowly turning her head from side to side, leisurely awaking, from her slumber, figuring out who was touching her. “Inuyasha!” She spoke above a whisper. Feeling a pair of lips enchanting hers, her hands reached around his neck gently rubbing his soft ears. Rolling her over on to him, she straddled him, suddenly she felt modest about her new position.
Giving a small chuckle, while hearing her gasp, he did not hesitate to remove her arms, only to uncover her hidden chest. A bright smile adorned his face, perturbing a glimmer of a fang smiling up at her “ Is my vixen shy? No reason to be shy, love your are perfection, a goddess of Venus herself, come my love I want to worship you all over again.”
He positioned himself under her and placed his hardness between her legs. She could feel him slowly entering her, loving the deepness that now penetrated her. A pair of hands around her waist urging her to grind in the direction he was moving. Quickening her pace, she arched her back in pleasure; a spectacular feeling he now bestowed upon her glimmering body.
Her erect nipples stood out in the silhouette of her moonlit body. He slowly sat up with her still wrapped around his waist, helping her reposition her legs. He began to kiss her, gently at first, then turning the kiss into something more primal. Raking his claws gently over her breasts while her hands kneaded into his long silver mane. Tracing her erect nipples she let out another moan. Then his hands left her breasts and placed them over her ass, cupping each cheek.
He moved with her his thrusts went into her like a shock of lightning. She could not breathe, while her breasts bounced up and down as her body rocked with his hard fast strokes, as she rocked with him. Her body began to tense up releasing her climax, helping her along Inuyasha grazed his claw over her mark. “Inuyasha!” She screamed, still trying to keep up with his deep driving force.
He could feel her clasp his manhood with her orgasm, dragging him deeper into her very being. He shivered with peer pleasure in her tightness, while he embedded his seed. Sweat dripped down their bodies, while heavy pants, where desperately trying to cool their hot skin down. His hands traced her sweat-beaded face, gently bringing her down to his lips. Returning his kiss, he moved her sweat filled hair out of her face.
“I love you Kagome.”
“I love you too, ” she replied, as they cuddled, while falling asleep.
Naraku saw his two men outside his window. He looked around, but nobody else was out this late evening. A white sheet wrapped tightly around the body of Rin. With careful preparation, he tossed her out of his window, too be caught by two men. The two men looked up at their captain, “What should we do with the body captain?” One of the men asked.
“I do not care what you do with the body, just get rid of it; make sure nobody can find her. Or it will be you to follow in her footsteps,” he demanded.
“Yes Captain,” they said in unison, turning there back on their captain and heading towards the beach.
“I cannot believe we have to bury the body, where not the ones who killed her, Bankotsu said. Lifting his arm up to wipe away the sweat, that beaded his forehead. He continued digging up the soft sand, where they would lay her body.
“ I cannot help but agree with you Bankotsu, but we have orders and you know what he will do too us, if we do not oblige.” Musou stated, digging a little bit faster.
“For once I will agree with you there,” Bankotsu chuckled.
The darkness was ending as the sun's rays blanketed over the white beach. The two men had finished their task and the young girl gone. “I do not think anyone would find her here,” Bankotsu spoke up.
“You are probably right, probably when they do find her she will be mere bones after the crabs get done with her,” Musou smirked, before they descended back to their inn, the first thing they needed to do was loose their shovels in the vast ocean.
Inuyasha woke nuzzling his nose in her raven hair, smelling her very essence, “Sleep some more my love, I will be back for you,” he whispered in her ear.
Even though she was still sleeping subconsciously, she heard him. “Ok, goodnight,” she responded, slapping her hand around her ear; trying to hit whatever was tickling her.
Inuyasha slowly got out of bed and yawned, while stretching his arms out. Walking over to the bathroom, he took some time to clean himself before his morning chores. His thoughts came back to his mate and he found himself yearning for her again. “Not now!” He tried to tell himself with an agitated growl. He thought about his fight with Naraku, trying hard to ease his urge. “ I cannot think about this now, Fuck. She needs her rest, we have a long ride ahead of us.” He thought, while scrubbing his hair. He decided the best remedy for the situation was to poor ice cold water on himself.
After the torturous bath, he came out of the room only to see a naked Kagome. “ God what is she doing to me, I just want to postpone this plan just so I can spend the entire day making love with her again. No, no I cannot think like this, plans are set we have to do this.” He continued arguing with himself. Walking over to Kagome, he pulled the sheet over her body. “Their that should help with my urges.” He groaned. Still standing their staring at her covered body, with a quick sigh, he went over to his side of the bed and continued getting dressed. He walked over to the door, glancing back one last time; he headed towards Miroku's room.
He could hear loud snoring coming from Miroku's room and could not help but laugh. “God I hope that's not Sango.” He said with amusement in his voice. Inuyasha silently knocked on the door. “Good thing Miroku is a light sleeper.” He said to himself, aloud.
Miroku woke up the first knock on the door. Still wrapped up with Sango he carefully moved himself not to disturb her. “I'm coming!” He mumbled, while throwing on his pants. Opening the door, he was not surprised to see Inuyasha. “Good morning, Miroku I hope you slept well?” Inuyasha said giving him a devilish grin. “Yes I did.” Miroku responded. “Good then meet me downstairs in 5 minutes. We have plans if you have not forgotten.” Inuyasha said, not giving time for his shipmate to respond and turned away, and walked down the stairs with a big smile on his face.
Inuyasha quickly assembled his crew together, along with Koga's crew. Each going over the plans while Kagome and Sango were still sleeping upstairs. Koga smelled Kagome's sent on Inuyasha when he saw him earlier this morning. He kept to himself but could not keep the frown from Inuyasha's face. “You better be good to her dog shit!” Koga threatened, helping saddling the horse. Reaching out to Koga's shoulder Inuyasha placed his hand their. “Thank you Koga for being a friend, I will promise you that I would never intentionally hurt her. I love her with all my heart.” Inuyasha said, smiling at the confused wolf. “Oh and wolf, I decided to journey with you and my mate. I will be leaving Miroku in charge while were away, besides that the plans are still the same.” Inuyasha stated. “What! What in the hell are you thinking, what if you get us caught?” Koga yelled, now everyone had tuned in too see the now bickering of the two captains again, hoping no fights were going to break out. Inuyasha laughed. “ Do not worry yourself, wolf I will not get us caught, I do not know about you though.” Inuyasha growled. Koga was furious. “ Listen asshole you already got us caught just by mating with her, you do not think Naraku will not smell this.”
Finally the man thought, heading into town towards the inn, where his master was staying. He quickly dismounted his horse, and headed up the stairs. He knocked on the door. “ You may enter Mukotsu.” Naraku said, behind the door. Mukotsu entered the room giving his captain a bow. “Captain I have news, Inuyasha and your slave are in the next town. I do believe they are heading this way soon.” Mukotsu said cautiously knowing that his captain had a vicious temper. Naraku chuckled. “Very good, go and keep watch.” Naraku said anxiously. “Yes captain.” Mukotsu said, bowing again and turning from the room.
Kagome woke up finding herself alone. She heard some shouting outside and needed to investigate. Kagome jumped out of bed and headed to her trunk, was already packed full of her clothes, ready to board on Koga's ship. She reached in and pulled out a silk nightgown that went down past her feet. She quickly buttoned a matching robe down the front. It was longer than the dress and flowed from behind. Opening the door, she headed downstairs running out the door.
Koga and Inuyasha stopped their fighting as soon as Kagome ran outside. Koga's mouth dropped seeing her in her nightgown. “Watch it wolf.” Inuyasha Said, looking over at his friend. Inuyasha approached Kagome. “What is wrong love?” He said concerned. “ I heard fighting and it woke me up, I just came to see if you two were ok.” She said, looking at the two of them, knowing that they were fighting over her. “Its nothing love, why don't you go back to bed, we have a long ride ahead of us.” Inuyasha said. “Do not presume to tell me it is nothing when I heard most of the fighting outside was about you and I being mates and Naraku will know.” She yelled as she let her feisty behavior kick in. She could not help close her hands into fists now by the side of her waist. Inuyasha's head was down, he knew that he should have waited to make her his mate. “Damn!” he yelled out. “Now what?” He growled looking over at Koga with pleading eyes.
Koga just grinned and put his hand on his friends shoulder, in a reassuring gesture. Inuyasha could not help but smile at his arrogant friend. Koga smiled while looking at his friends mate. “This is really not that bad.” Koga chuckled. Inuyasha and Kagome looked at him with confusion in their eyes. “What do you mean not that bad, how the hell am I going to get by Naraku and his fucking nose.” Inuyasha growled. Koga laughed, “Did you not forget that Kaede lives in Kadavu, we will keep Kagome safe there until you end the fight with Naraku.” Koga smirked, watching his friend scowl turn into a huge smile. “Yes, Koga you are right this will work.” He said, then glancing over at his beautiful mate. “Kagome, we will need to leave sooner love, please go and wake miss Sango, hurry and get ready and meet us downstairs for some brunch before we make our haste.” He said ruthful, then kissing her passionately only to leave her with lust filling in her eyes.
Hating to see her leave, but loved watching her go, he continued with his duties. Kagome hurriedly ran up the stairs careful not to trip over her white silk gown. She reached Sango's room and slowly opened the door. Sango was still sleeping, silently making her way over to the oak framed bed, and she gently called out her name. Sango just rolled over oblivious to anything around her. Kagome sighed and then decided to shake her shoulder. Sango woke up and tried to swing at Kagome, she quickly jumped back avoiding the cruel punch that was headed her way. “Damn pervert, haven't you had enough last night.” She yelled then went back to sleep. Kagome was chuckling under her breath; she would need a better tactic to waking her dreamy friend up. She tried again calling he name this time with more force. Sango sprung to life looking around noticing that her lover was not next to her in bed. She turned her head and looked at Kagome. “ Kagome what are you doing here?” Sango asked, stretching her arms above her and giving a good yawn. “Come on sleepy head we need to hurry and get ready we have to leave.” She said pulling her friend out of bed. “Kagome where is Miroku?” She asked, while watching her friend pull out the dresses they had bought the prior day. “ He is outside with Inuyasha.” She said, sporting a smile, which did not go unnoticed by Sango's watchful glare.
The girls were now dressed in their new gowns, they decided to pull up their hair, and so it was off the shoulder. Sango noticed a set of bite marks in her shoulder. “Kagome do you have something you would like to share with me.” She said devilishly, followed by a soft laugh. Kagome blushed. “Well, um you see um, Inuyasha and I well we became mates last night.” She said hastily while her face only got redder. Sango face light up like a lantern. “Oh Kagome I'm so happy for you.” Sango said, approaching her friend to give her a big hug. “I'm sorry to say though we are going to have to hide your mark for a while.” Sango said, and redoing Kagome's hair. Now part of Kagome's hair came spiraling down on her shoulder, that was now hiding her mark. Looking in the mirror she quickly gave Sango a hug. “Oh thank you.” She said, tears filling her eyes.
The men were already downstairs waiting for the ladies to come down. There was plenty of food set on the tables. Inuyasha was the first to get up ready to greet his new mate. Koga could not help but be jealous for his friend. Kagome came down the stairs first she was wearing a sapphire blue dress, it was off the shoulders adorned in black lace, and cascaded down her legs. Her chest constricted heavily up and down due to the tight fitting corset. Inuyasha walked up to her grabbing her hand and firmly kissing her mouth. She could not help but blush, when everyone was watching. Inuyasha smiled and made his way over to the table. Koga approached and bowed to Kagome, then smoothly taking her hands in his and kissing the top on her hand. Kagome smiled and Inuyasha growled protectively over her. “You look stunning, Kagome.” Koga said, seeing the woman that he lost blush. “Thank you Koga.” She replied. Inuyasha could not help but just want to pull her into his arms. “There was no way, she would be going alone with Koga now.” He thought, with a smirk grin.
Miroku's eyes opened wide when he saw Sango coming down in a emerald green dress, it was tight fitting from the top of her upper body down to her waist, then opened up covering her legs and sprawled out on the floor. He quickly ran to her trying to bite his tongue when he noticed that her cleavage was teasing his eyes and that the sexiness of her bare neck was his for the taking. However, he contained himself, entwining his arm under hers he brought her to the table to enjoy their breakfast.