InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Cold Heart ❯ The Last Painful Words ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagome only vaguely heard the commotion around her as she lie on the ground, stunned with what had happened. She had now had her first kiss, but it was with a demon. She gasped as she realized what she had just said. A kiss with a demon? Sure, but she had always wanted to be with Inuyasha. Especially kiss him. And he was a demon, even if only half. What would be different?
“Inu...yasha!” Kagome rasped weakly. She wanted him to stop. But how was she supposed to be able to do that? He was completely ignoring everything! She struggled to get herself up, to open her eyes to see her one and only love be tortured by jealousy and hate.
Kiyoshi merely chuckled as he dodged Inuyasha’s blows. “ Inuyasha! You are weak, despite your extreme power boost you’ve gained from your transformation! I guess this is a waste of time. I’ll just kill you and steal your powers now, then, shall I?”
“RAGGGHH!” It was all the Inuyasha could manage to spew out, his mind racing at an extreme pace. It made Kiyoshi laugh even louder.
Kagome stood up, leaning over slightly in an attemt to hold herself up. She took a deep breath and started towards the two demons.
Before she could reach it there, a giant boomerang flew towards Kiyoshi. Definately the Hiraikotsu.
“Kagome!” she heard Sango cry out. Kirara came soaring into the room, but they were both repelled back, a wall seemed to be blocking them!
“No! Kagome!” Sango yelled, and Kagome then saw Miroku rush up behind her.
“There’s a barrier, Kagome. We cannot make it through!” He yelled to Kagome, who had begun to regain her strength.
“Hahahahaha! Of coarse you can’t! My barrier repels all human forms, as well as demons, unless I choose otherwise. And we can’t have to interfering, now can we?” Kiyoshi informed them, his handsome face contorted with a nefarious grin.
Miroku all of a sudden looked thoughtful. “Humans and demons...then...Sango...” Miroku started, but Kagome was not able to hear the rest of what he said, and Inuyasha was flung backwards towards Kagome. She fell over in an effort to dodge him, and watched in sorrow as his body hit the wall. “Inuyasha!” She cried to him. “Please! Please stop this! You can’t win!”
“Catch this, Kagome!” she heard Sango cry from behind the barrier. She looked just in time to see Sango toss Kagome’s sacred arrows, and their bow, through the barrier. Kagome didn’t expect them to go through, and gasped as it did. It soared right towards Kagome and landed a few feet in front of her.
She scrambled up and grabbed the bow and arrows, and positioned herself so she was facing Kiyoshi. “Even if it doesn’t kill him...” She plotted under her breath. She pulled the arrow backwards, and released the arrow. Leaving a beautiful yet powerful trail behind it, it soared in perfect aim at Kiyoshi. He turned around and attempted to block it, but he was too slow. It hit his hand and completely ripped through it. Causing him to lose basically his whole hand in the process. He shrieked furiously.
“You stupid wench! How DARE you do that!? I’ll kill you!” He fumed, absolutely furious at what she had done.
Kagome stepped backwards, and turned to run at Inuyasha’s sword. She picked up the not yet transformed sword, and turned back around to face Kiyoshi.
“Tch. And what do you think you’re going to do with that sword? It’s not like you wield any powers for controlling it. Why, it’s not even transforming now...”
Kagome scoffed at his idiocy. “Honestly, did you really expect me to use this myself? And you act as if I’M stupid? Well, we’ll see, won’t we?” She taunted in a mocking tone.
“Inuyasha!” She called. The demon looked up at her, he was still recovering from the blow to the wall he had been given by Kiyoshi, but was now in his normal half-demon state, and was finally hearing her. “Catch this, will you?”
She tossed his Tetsusaiga toward Inuyasha, and as he stood up, he grabbed the sword with his one hand. A perfect catch!
She grinned at him, then gave Kiyoshi a dirty look. “You’re about to see Inuyasha’s true power when he’s in a right state of mind. It’s the only FAIR way to fight, after all.”
Kiyoshi blinked at her, then looked over a Inuyasha, who now seemed to be glowing. His sword had an extreme amount of power swirling around it, and Kiyoshi gasped as it seemed to change to red.
“Go ahead, Kiyoshi. Attack me,” Inuyasha baited. He outstretched his hand and gestured for Kiyoshi to come closer.
“You’re going to regret that, Inuyasha!” Kiyoshi cried out, dashing towards Inuyasha at a fast pace. “Swirling Sea!” he cried.
Kiyoshi held his hand out to the side of his body, and out of no where, a tornado of water seemed to appear. Kiyoshi stopped running at Inuyasha, and allowed the tornado to get larger. It was soon almost the size of the cave. Kiyoshi then aimed his hands towards Inuyasha, which made the tornado move head on to him. Inuyasha bowed his head slightly, preparing himself as Kiyoshi threw his giant tornado of water at him.
“BACKLASH WAVE!” Inuyasha yelled angrily, and he jumped into the air and swung his sword down, just as the tornado reached him. His sword collided with the tornado, and Inuyasha was pushed back by it. He struggled for a few seconds with it, fearing for an instant that even his backlash wave was not strong enough to take down the demon. But he was finally able to push it back, and as he did, he heard Kiyoshi cry out in horror as he was swept up inside the water, unable to get out of it for a breath.
It was the most dishonorable way for him to die. Kiyoshi-sama, an extremely powerful full demon, taken down by a half-breed. Drowned, for that matter. But he knew there was no way to stop it. And as he finally ran out of time, in his mind he apologized to Inuyasha in his mind.
This wasn’t worth this pain...I am...sorry...”
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