InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Completely Lost Kagome ❯ Sugar Rush ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"SHIPPO!" Inuyasha shouted at the top of his lungs at the kitsune that was bouncing off the walls...literally. The explanation for this behavior was very simple: uber amounts of sugar. It seemed that the candy Kagome had given him earlier had finally sunken into his bloodstream.

"WHEEEEEE!! THISISSOSOSOMUCHFUN! HEYINUYASHA! DOYATHINKTHATKAGOMEHASANYMORECANDY? IREALYHOPESO!" all this was said impossibly fast, and poor Inuyasha was having a hard time following it.

"OO! Is this some sort of new game?" Kagome exclaimed happily. Inuyasha groaned. Kaede had gone off to help some kid, Miroku was on the outskirts of the village and Sango was there in case Kagome found him. That left the unfortunate hanyou with Shippo, who was hyper, and Kagome, who refused to stop bugging him about his dog ears.

"I'MPLAYINGTHEGAMENOW!" cried Kagome, now speaking as fast as Shippo and giving Inuyasha a headache.

"YAY!GAMESGAMESGAMES!" Shippo shouted in return.

"THAT'S IT!" Inuyasha grabbed Shippo and shoved him in a box. After he put the lid on, he sat on top of it to make sure escape was impossible.

"HEY! Thisisn'tfair! IwantoutrightnowInuyasha!"

"No! You are staying in there until you are calm enough to actually take a breath between sentences." Kagome stared at him, clearly forgetting her excitement of the "game".

"What cha doin'?" she asked innocently.

Inuyasha looked up to the heavens. "Why me?" he questioned who ever was in charge of who got tortured on Earth. After contemplating this, Inuyasha finally became bored and went to sleep. About an hour later, he had a rude awakening.

"DOGGY EARS!" came the cry. Inuyasha was on the ground for the umenth time with Kagome sitting on his back and pulling on his ears.

"KAGOME!" he shouted, though it didn't make much of a difference, because his face was buried in the ground. The girl on top of him wasn't making things much easier for him.

After he managed to get her off him, Inuyasha heard screams coming from outside the hut. (When you have a person yanking on your ears, it becomes hard to hear anything except your own yelps of pain.)

Being the concerned hanyou he is (and not wanting Kagome to tackle him again), Inuyasha went out to see what was going on.

"Why are you hear Sesshoumaru?" were the first words out of Inuyasha's mouth when he saw his half-brother standing there. Kagome came out behind him and caught sight of Jaken.

"SOUTA!" she exclaimed and ran over to him, completely oblivious to the youkai that was giving her a death glare at the moment.

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That's all for now, I've got HW, and I took time out of my schedule to write this for you guys.

Plz show your appreciation by reviewing. PLZ? The next one shall be fun, I promise.