InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Completely Lost Kagome ❯ Oh Brother! ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: EEP! My complete apologies! I think that I forgot a disclaimer in my last fanfic! Sry! I ment to put one in. Also, I would like to say that everything I do to the characters in my fanfics is for pure amusement. I have nothing against any of the characters that make me pick on just them (except Jaken, but he doesn't count). Everything I write is just stuff that I think would be funny to witness. (I would like to say that Sesshoumaru is the only character that can pull off a threat in a monotone voice.)


Disclaimer: I do not own the anime/manga Inuyasha, or any related items. Here we go!!





Kagome ran over to Jaken and began to shake him.

"Souta! You know that you aren't allowed in the fuedal era! How did you get here anyways?" She froze, then glared at poor Jaken. "You stole some of the plastic cup, didn't you?" she said in an evil voice that was very unlike her. Jaken looked at her in a mixture of fear, and bewilderment. (Bewilderment because he had no clue what the heck plastic was.)

"SOUTA YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" Kagome tackled Jaken. By the time the dust had cleared, Kagome was holding Jaken by his feet and shaking him up and down.

"Come on! Give those pieces back and I won't tell mom." After a few minutes of this, Jaken had anime swirlly eyes and was very dizzy.

Sesshoumaru had been watching this, amused that this human girl was punishing his vassal for him very well. But, he soon became bored with it, and turned his attentions to Inuyasha, who was staring at Kagome like she had grown an extra head, some new arms, and maybe a couple new fingers here and there.

"Draw your sword, little brother." he said in an almost monotone voice. Inuyasha quickly complied, and charged at Sesshoumaru.

Kagome looked up from looking for "shards of the mystical plastic cup" and saw the beginning of the battle. "SIT!" she shouted. Inuyasha slammed down to the ground, and began to twitch with annoyance (a: his battle had been interrupted and b: he had dirt in his mouth) and slight disgust that worms were starting to crawl on his lips.

Kagome ran up to Sesshoumaru. "Are you alright Koga?" Sesshoumaru stared at her with a mixture of a glare and the look Inuyasha had been giving her earlier. She reached out to try and help him up.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha grabbed her before Sesshoumaru had a chance to hurt her.

"HEY! Put me down!" she shouted. She began to squirm and kick, hitting the poor hanyou in the face a few times.

Inuyasha finally landed and put Kagome down. She glared, then remembered what happened the last time she said a certain word...

"SIT!" Inuyasha was hurled face-first into the ground, and Kagome grinned. She then turned around and walked back into the hut. Unfortunately, Shippo was just coming out as well, and they collided.

"SHIPPO!" Inuyasha was about to shout at the poor kitsune, but Kagome beat him to the punch.

"AWE! You're so cute!" she began to cuddle an unfotunate Shippo to death.
"Kagome....can't.....breath." he managed to choke out.

"I'm so sorry! Here: have some candy." The strained look on Shippo's face turned to one of joy as he accepted the large amount of candy that Kagome was offering.

"NO!" Inuyasha began to shout at them and curse who ever decided candy would be a good thing to invent. But, all this got him was another round of "Sit" and another Shippo on a sugar high.


A/N: I'm really sry if this one sucks. I think it does.