InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Dark Past ❯ Things Best Left Alone ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Well, Kagome `belongs' to Inuyasha, Sango `belongs' to Miroku, Shippou `belongs' to, um . . . come to think of it . . . who does Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara, Kaede, and Kikyo `belong' to? Left-behinds? Okay, I claim them!
A/N: Well, you get a peek into what happened to Inuyasha. . . just a peek, mind you.
Sigh... Why is it that all of Kagome's fun seems to involve harming animals? Not only is she a bird killer, she's now a puppy taunter. The puppy will probably be put down if nobody adopts it, and here comes Miss "I Hate All Slang And Animals" to get its hopes up of finding a home and not being euthanized. After that stunt, Kagome should never lecture anyone about bad manners ever. She completely wasted that shelter worker's time with her loitering. Though that was a nice moment later in the car. And why is she asking him why he doesn't hang out with his friends? He can't. He's locked up in a loony bin. Doesn't she realize this? See now, why wasn't Kagome on the ball like that when they were playing 20 questions? She'd probably own him (as much as you can own someone at 20 questions) now if she tried to play again. And Sango possibly becoming a good shrink someday? Ha. Wayne Szalinski couldn't get a good shrink from her. (Oh yeah, 80's movie reference)
LoL! Not all of Kagome's fun comes from harming animals… just most of it. Ah, yes, car moments are nice… though I wouldn't know… Hmm, maybe she's a little slow at realizing that he stuck in his cell and at the asylum… I'm sure it'll kick in soon… ::cough:: Yeah, she can actually play Twenty Questions… Well… Sango might be a good shrink someday… in her dreams…
InuYasha: 19
Kagome: 18
Kouga: 19
Naraku: 19
Miroku: 19
Sango: 18
Keade: 65
A Dark Past
Chapter Twenty-One: Things Best Left Alone
Kagome beamed.
Inuyasha snorted.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Grumbling under his breath, Inuyasha tried to convince himself he wasn't counting the seconds that Kagome had been gone.
But he wasn't succeeding.
`Damn it! Where the hell is she? She should be back by now! Was it a mugger?'
`. . . Okay, think about this: we're in a mental hospital with tip-of-the-top security - or so they think. So, tell me O-Smart-One, just how is a random person going to mug a nurse - who doesn't have a wallet on her, most likely - and get away unseen,' his youkai pointed out.
`Ever hear of youkai? They're actually quite common nowadays.'
`. . . Youkai?'
`. . . I give up.'
`Good, now where was I? Two-hundred? Or maybe three-hundred?'
His contemplations were interrupted by a `click' that was followed by the handle turning. Everything happened in a blur from that point.
Inuyasha managed to leap up and over to the door in .001 seconds - record timing yet - open the door, and stand there glowering at the door knob like it was poison.
“Inuyasha, no matter what you say, the door won't hurt you.”
His eyes didn't move. “Wench, what did I tell you?”
Innocently, she asked. “What about it?”
“Doors are bad,” he growled.
Kagome rolled her eyes. “If you don't want me to open the door, then try to open it when I get here.”
Inuyasha pulled his gaze away from the doorknob to look at her. “I was busy.”
“Busy with what?”
“. . .Nothing that interests you,” Inuyasha mumbled as he turned and stormed back to his bed, his face a dull pink.
Kagome sighed. “Inuyasha? Why are you doing that? You're going to leave, anyway. You have a session with Sango, remember?”
Snorting, he remarked dryly, “Sure, of course.”
“You do?”
“Really now?”
“Yep, do you?”
Kagome's eyebrows arched. “Yeah, I told you, remember?”
“So you're. . . positive you remember?”
Glaring in exasperation, Kagome put her hands on her hips. “Yes!”
“Okay, then let's go.” Standing up, he went through the open door and looked over his shoulder. “Comin'?”
Kagome blew her cheeks out and tried not to scream. Letting the air out in a puff of breath, she hurried to catch up with the hanyou.
Slowing her pace so that it matched Inuyasha's, she pointed out, “Rude-much.”
Unable to resist, Kagome turned and stuck her tongue out at the irritating hanyou.
“Better keep that in there, or I'll find a good use for it.”
Kagome snapped her mouth shut - tongue safely inside - as her cheeks filtered color. `W-what?'
“Inu. . .yasha?”
“Uh. . . you just said, uh. . .”
“Yeah, and I meant it.”
“Really?” she managed to squeak.
`Huh- hentai!' Kagome's mind squealed.
Biting her tongue, Kagome kept her mouth shut as she tried to convince herself that she merely understood wrong.
Arriving at Sango's office, Kagome said good-bye quickly before fleeing, trying to get Inuyasha's words off her mind.
“Better keep that in there, or I'll find a good use for it.”
`Find a good. . . `use' for it?'
Storming down the hall, thoughtful scowl plastered to her bright face, Kagome decided not to try and ponder his words. Inuyasha probably hadn't meant it. . . that way.
`Besides, I'm a nurse. I work here. It's illegal to have something like that between a patient and an employee. And anyway, Inuyasha doesn't see me that way. Kami, I'm losing my mind.'
Trying to relieve herself of any other thoughts that Inuyasha gave her, Kagome squeezed her eyes shut, cleared her mind, and continued on down the hall.
“Inuyasha, how has your day gone?”
Trying not to glower, he answered, “Keh, you should know; it hasn't been that long since I was last here.”
Sango chuckled heartily at that and pulled out a notepad and pen. “Lets get started, shall we? I'm just going to listen to you.”
“Ugnh, okay then.”
There was a minute pause and Inuyasha sat there, immobile, unblinking, looking totally bored.
Finally, Sango got exasperated. “Aren't you going to say anything?!”
Inuyasha blinked once before replying, “Hi.”
Sango bit her lip and looked to the ceiling for a short minute before returning her gaze to Inuyasha. “Hi to you, too. But what I meant was- - - Here, I know. Tell me about you and your past. Tell me about this `MenouMaru' and your other friends.”
“Not much to tell.”
In a somewhat desperate act, Sango shrugged. “That's okay. Anything will do.” Mentally she added, at this point.
Sighing in an `oh-god-she's killing-me' way, Inuyasha decided to give her a little bit of courtesy. “I hate Menou-bastard-ru, I hate the brat, Shippo, Kikyou's annoying, Naraku's also in this prison - as is Kouga - and Miroku can be a bastard.” Just a little bit courtesy.
“Oh. . . Inuyasha, what happened between you and Kikyou and MenouMaru? Why do you hate them so much?”
`. . . Do you want to tell?'
` I don't know.' Inuyasha's remark was flat, almost as though a puppet had said it.
“What happened? Inuyasha? Why are you so hurt? Are you hurt?”
In a slit second, Inuyasha's mind called upon the past, pulled it in for the hanyou to see, remember, visualize. He was shrouded in the memories, and he felt a bit of pain from them, too.
Everything flashed before his eyes, everything blended and molded together, and everything from the past - what happened - replayed itself in half a second. It was as though he had been thrust into time to relive it all again.
Inuyasha's eyes glazed over and he leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, his gaze on the floor.
“Inuyasha? Are you still with me here?”
He didn't know where the words came from, they just came - quietly whispered. “It started two years ago. I told Monique about MenouMaru's shady past. He was an assassin for a few years - one of the best. Never let a client down. He killed a lot of innocent - some human. But he changed and gave all that up to become what he is today. He managed to somehow make it that no one ever knew what he used to be - but I found out. Not exactly sure how I did, but after awhile, everything just seemed to. . . click. MenouMaru had no family. Only money. All that changed when he met Monique, though.
“Monique was from America. She had just graduated from High School and was coming here to visit a distant relative; that was the main reason. . . she also loved it here. . . But Rin was a friend of hers and it didn't take long for MenouMaru to meet her. They become a couple a little afterward. I'd never met Monique until MenouMaru's birthday a year later. She wasn't supposed to stay that long, but she was really serious about MenouMaru and decided to stay here with him for a while longer - maybe even become his mate. It was then that I told Monique about MenouMaru's past. She wasn't happy and left. . . she fled straight back to America two days after that incident. And during those two days, MenouMaru left millions of calls, asking for Monique to pick up, answer, see him, anything so he could explain.
“Needless to say, he was pissed at me. There's a saying - `Hell hath no fury' or something. . . Well, Hell wasn't scary - MenouMaru was. I don't think it's possible for anyone else to get as mad as he and live. He did everything to make my life hell. He swore that Monique was his soul mate and that he would rather die than say good-bye to her. He went to the limits to make me pay. Nothing would even the scores in his eyes.
“He started smudging my reputation, and I did my best to fix it as fast as he was ruining it. He even. . . Well, one day I came home and- - -”
`No more!' a voice inside him hissed. `Enough! Stop it, she's heard enough, she can figure the rest out on her own if she wants to know that badly.'
The voice wasn't his youkai. . . it was something else. . .
Inuyasha abruptly stopped, his jaw snapping shut in mid-sentence.
He blinked and his eyes regained their bright composure. He looked down at the floor, unblinking, but thinking all the same. `What the hell did I almost do?!'
He sat up and sent a glare at Sango.
She was sitting, hand over paper, poised to write more. She was looking at him through her thick fringe of bangs.
“You can continue, you know.”
Snarling, Inuyasha leapt to his feet. “And you can go to hell! Rot in hell, bitch!” He knew that was a bit. . . unnecessary, but his temper had snapped at the thought of how close he had come to telling her - well - everything.
Sango looked up from her notes and blinked - surprised. “Inuyasha, what did I do- - -?”
“Just shut-up!” In a fit of rage, he whirled and opened the door - nearly taking off the hinges - stormed out, and slammed it shut - not all too sure if it had cracked in half or broke it completely.
He snarled at anyone who tried to ask him what he was doing with out an employee and scared them half to death at his ferocity.
He didn't know exactly where he was going, and he didn't care, either. He just needed. . . out of the room where Sango was.
`What in hell possessed me to tell her all that?'
He slowed to a stop. `No idea where I'm going, but I think I'm going to head back to my. . . room. Might as well sit over there and brood.'
So he turned and resumed his storming, only in the direction of where his room was.
In only a few minutes, he slammed the door that led to the hall were his cell was shut and made his way over to his `room.'
He tried to knob only to find it locked.
`Oh, yeah; high-tech security.'
Sighing, he flopped down in front of his door and leaned his head against the hard metal, exhausted.
`How the hell did all that come out? Was it you?!'
His youkai snorted at the accusation. `I'm innocent this time. I thought you knew what you were saying.'
`For once you couldn't have opened your mouth to say something?'
`I thought you knew what you were saying!'
`. . . But I didn't. Not until I said what I did. I just sorta. . . slipped. But I can't slip again, I just can't. I don't want anyone getting close, I don't want anyone to understand.'
`That's understandable, especially after what MenouMaru did.'
Inuyasha snarled. `Don't say his name. . . I hate him. . . bastard. . . I could kill him, I really could. . . But how did I say all that without really noticing?'
`There are some things even I can't tell you.' Inuyasha's youkai sounded grim. `But I can guess that a part of you is fighting against your will; a part of you wants someone to know - to make it all better.'
Inuyasha had to suppress a whine. `But I don't want anyone to know; I don't want - no, I can't want anyone to help.'
`Because of MenouMaru? I guess that's. . . somewhat logical.'
Inuyasha put his elbows on his knees, folded his hands - kinda looking like praying hands - and let his forehead fall against them. `I do know one thing, Sango ain't gonna get a chance to learn anything else.'
`And how are you going yo make that happen? Apparently, you can't trust yourself anymore.'
`I'm going to make sure it never happens again by never going to see Sango again.'
Kagome smiled as she made her way to Sango's office. Her mind had cleared totally and she was no longer worried about what Inuyasha had said.
Reaching her destination, she opened the door and looked in, forgetting to knock. “Anyone here?”
Looking around, she saw Sango on a chair in a corner. “Uh. . . Sango?”
The addressed girl jerked her head up and her expression turned somewhat relieved. “Kagome,” she breathed. “I need your help.” Sango staggered up from her chair and made her way over to Kagome.
“What is it?”
An icy chill ran through her spine - he wasn't in the room, come to think of it. . . “Where is he?” Her voice was demanding.
Sango looked ready to cry. “He left! He left on me! In the middle of a session, too!” She sighed. “Maybe I'm not cut out for my job.”
Kagome smiled reassuringly. “No, of course you are. I'll go find Inuyasha and talk to him. I'm sure he'll come around. But will you tell me what happened?”
Sango sighed and looked at her hands. “I think I pushed him too hard. . . I think he kinda. . . snapped for a little bit, there. . . Kagome, he snapped at me, too. I think he lost his temper after awhile.”
Kagome smiled. She knew what it could be like on the receiving end of a temper from Inuyasha. . . kinda.
“I'll talk to him, Sango. But you better tell Kaede; she'll want to know.”
Sango nodded and left the room, Kagome following. They went separate ways in the hall heading for their destination.
Inuyasha exhaled and looked up. He could smell Kagome approaching.
He heard her approaching the door and immediately he stood and went to the door to open it for her. He came face to face with her.
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Sorry... I fixed up some spelling maistkes... whoops... there's another one... I mean `mistakes.'
Ja ne!