InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A deal with a demon ❯ Chapter 14

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“So Inuyasha, how are things going with your new little w-“

“Watch it.”


“Keh. It's a pain in the ass.”

“As expected.” Miroku said with a sigh.

“I don't know what you're complaining about.” Kouga said with a grunt. “Kagome is-“

“Not your business.” The hanyou finished. Honestly, he wondered why he even hung out with the wolf. They always fought against each other in a competitive way. But whenever he even said her name, it made his blood boil.

To the point that he fantasized all the different ways he could kick his scrawny ass.

“Heh, sounds like someone has a crush.”

“Feh. Don't be a fucking idiot.”

“Well Inuyasha, you have to admit that Kagome is quiet easy on the eyes.”

That was one way to put it.

From the moment he saw her, fuck from the second he caught her scent he was attracted to her. Every day she seemed to look better to him. He would come out in the morning to watch her rush around, hating himself for memorizing the way her clothes clung to the curves of her body. Each day she looked better than the last. Every morning he wished the dip in her shirt was lower, silently begged her skirts to raise higher. If he didn't get over this- whatever it was- soon the bitch was going to attain a goddess level beauty in his screwed up head.

“Eh. Shes alright.”

“Alright? You need your eyes checked man. Kagome is fucking gorgeous.”


He wanted to move on from this topic.

“Inuyasha, surely you-“

“Why the hell are you so interested in her anyway?” He asked sharply.

“As your friends, its only natural that we would take an interest in your wife.”

“Its not like shes actually my wife bozo. Shes just some chick.”

“So your saying you feel absolutely nothing for her at all?” the wolf asked skeptically, doubt written all over his handsome face.

That wasn't true. He-

“Nah. I feel like shes a pain in the ass, and in my fucking way.”

“In your way?” Kouga repeated.

“Its not like I can bring anyone home with me if shes there, now can I?”

“Its not like that stopped you with Kikyo.” He said under his breath.

“Inuyasha, you mean to tell me that you are still-“

“Of course I am!” He shouted. “What the hell do you expect?”

“Marriage is a sacred bond! I would have at least expected you to-“

“Keh, a `sacred bond'. Can it, monk.”

“Seriously, I don't see the harm in getting to know her better.” Miroku countered.

“I don't want to. I like my life the way it is. Was.”

“And she doesn't care that you go out and see other woman?”

“She couldn't stop me even if she wanted to.” He said quickly. It was his standard answer. It was the one he gave when he tried to explain about Kikyo.

He mulled it over for a moment. She never said anything about him going out and leaving her. The women in his life always cared. Even Kikyo, who had allowed him his distance had become clingy. Why didn't she? Why didn't Kagome care?

The wench drove him crazy.

“Typical.” Kouga said rolling his eyes. “But would you care if she saw other people?” He probed.

Immediately his demon flared. The idea had never really crossed his mind. She was always so busy, dating just didn't even seem like something she did. No, he had no problem with her seeing other people. Just not other men.

He felt his demons jealousy lick at him like flames.

Fuck that.

He wasn't a jealous person. He didn't feel those weak, bullshit, mushy feelings.

Especially not for some annoying chick like Kagome.

“Why should I care what the bitch does?” He grunted, crossing his arms. “We live separate lives. The only reason we are together is because its mutually beneficial.”

The wolf demon looked him up and down. The hanyou must be out of his mind. Either he was in serious denial, or he was really that much of a selfish prick.

Either way, he didn't care.


A few days had passed since he had met with his friends. When he went home, he couldn't get the conversation out of his head.

Was she being mistreated? Was she unhappy?

Could… could he make her happy?

He wanted to. And it shocked him to his core.

He had always had confidence when it came to the opposite sex. He was good looking, wealthy, well built.

A demon.

He knew that women looked at him with lust. Hell, he could smell it as it rolled off of them.

But Kagome…

It was different.

He didn't catch that from her. She didn't look at him like something she could take a bite out of.

But damn it, he wished she did.

And she was fun on top of it!

He liked talking to her. Liked the sound of her voice. Liked the intelligent things that came out of that sexy little mouth of hers.

He had originally thought he would toe the line. Keep his distance.

Out of respect, of course.

But now, after that conversation… everything was different.

Hell, he was practically given permission.

He knew where he would find her. They had class together today. He'd been waiting for it all week.

Kouga had debated walking up to her door and asking her then and there. But he didn't want to seem pushy.

He didn't want Inuyasha to suspect.

Kagomes sweet fragrance came to him. He found her as she made her way up to him.

“Hey Kouga!” She greeted in her cheery voice.

“Hey yourself.” He replied with a toothy grin.

“I'm so excited for this lecture.” She started, putting her books down as she took the seat beside him. “Ive ben looking forward to it all week!”

“Me too.” He said truthfully.

She looked over at him, giving him a genuine smile.

“This is the point where my friends would have called me a nerd. Its nice to be with someone who appreciates this! Im just so awed by the work of Dr. Asai. Just having the professor talk about him will give me chills!”

“Yeah, I get that.” He said with an easy smile. “Hey Kag-“

“I heard that Asai is giving a special presentation tonight.” She said, too excited to hold it in. “It's a private event, but I can only imagine how amazing it will be.”

“Heh, screw that. Lets go.”

“Wh- what?”

“Lets go. I can get us in.”

“You can?” She said dryly, giving him a sarcastic look.

“Of course. My father is highly respected in his field. People beg him to go to that kind of crap all the time. We can go in his place.”

“Would that really be okay?!” She asked enthusiastically. “I mean, us going. You taking me?”

“Of course.” Damn, she really was a nerd. Had he ever found something so alluring before? “So you'll come?”


The wolf grinned.

“It's a date then.”


He heard her footsteps, louder than usual. She open and closed the door with excitement. He could hear the rustle of fabric as she tore through her closet. The way she was moving, the sheer speed, had him wondering if she was a half demon herself.

“What the hell is the matter with you?” Inuyasha barked out. She was making him dizzy!

“I have to get ready!” The words were thrown at him in a rush, followed by the slam of the bathroom door.

“Ready for what?” He asked, following in her footsteps.

He knew that just behind that thin piece of wood she was undressing, her body exposed. He wished his hanyou abilities allowed him to see through matter.

“Im going to a presentation.” She answered back.

“Keh. All this for a presentation?”

“You don't get it, dog boy. Its Doctor Asai. Doctor Asai!


“And!” She said breathlessly, “And hes only the most notable names in modern medicine. And Im going to see him. Im going to-“

“Geez, I get it, I get it.”

The door swung open, and he felt his mouth drop.

She looked stunning.

Dressed in a black, tight dress, it flared in all the right places. It was short but classy.. Simple but elegant. She had piled her hair up, allowing her long, perfect neck to be exposed. She looked regal and beautiful and sexy all at once.

“I really don't think you do.” She said wearily. “Hey, can you zip me up?” She asked as she turned to present her back.

“Eh, yeah…”

Inuyasha couldn't help himself. Her scent was spiked with her happiness. It was drawing him in, tempting him to touch her.

He moved his hands onto her back, lightly moving them down to the small of her back where the zipper was. He could hear the breath hitch in her throat at the unexpected touch. Hell, it took him by surprise too. He had not planned for this.

With one hand he slowly moved the zipper up the length of her spine, the other making its way to her hip.


When he had accomplished his task, he brought her body flush against his. He heard her gasp, biting back his moan.

“You look really beautiful, Kagome.” He said in a low, sultry tone. His breath was hot on her ear. He could feel her heart beating faster. It sent a shiver down his spine.

“I-Inu-“ She stumbled on her words. She was turning to look at him now. What look would she have on her face? Hunger? Lust? Confusion? All of the above?

A loud knock on the door robbed him of the opportunity. He felt a growl rise within his chest.

“Who the hell is that?” The hanyou asked, trying to control the anger in his voice.

Then it came to him.

He rushed past Kagome, almost knocking her out of the way. Inuyasha swung open the door.

“What the fuck is this flea bag doing here?” He asked bitingly.

“Heh, Im her date.” He said, a wolfish grin dancing on his lips.