InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A deal with a demon ❯ Chapter 20

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome was filled with nervous energy- the timing couldn't be better! She had aced her exams, she was on a break, and best of all, the house was finally ready!

Months and months of waiting, of sharing a bathroom with the hanyou, sharing the small space of his bachelor pad, sleeping in an open space- Kagome was ready to crawl out of her skin with excitement. Nothing could put a damper on this day.

Well. Maybe Inuyasha. He certainly knew how to bring down a good mood. They were riding in the back of the car, and his mood was foul to say the least. But she was going to do her best to keep her spirits high!

“Im so excited! They finished in no time at all!”

“Are you kidding? Its been months.” Inuyasha spat.

“Well, yeah. Rome wasn't built in a day after all.”

“Feh. Wasn't asking for Rome. I was asking for that tiny ass house to be remodeled.”

“Geez, you're so impatient. Haven't you ever had to wait for anything?”

The dog demon crossed his arms.

“Not really.” He said with a dismissive tone.

“Well, heres a lesson for you dog boy- good things come to those who wait.”

“Keh. If its that good, I wouldn't have to wait for it. If I wanted it that bad, there would be a way to make it happen.”

“Oh really? You think your in control of everything, don't you?”

“Think? Anything worth having can be bought with money. And the things that cant be bought are attracted to it.”

“So your basically talking about women.” Kagome said flatly.

He just shrugged in response.

The woman let out a frustrated sigh.

“Do you have anything of substance in your life, Inuyasha?”

“What the Hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly how it sounded. Do you have anything important to you?”

Inuyasha grunted.

“You're talking about deep emotional crap, arnt you? Well no. Fuck that. I don't need anyone, I don't need anything. I like things how they are.” Looking her up and down, he added in “Well, was, until you showed up, wench.”

“Whatever.” She said rolling her eyes. “It doesn't have to be a person, you know. Its not like I have some secret lover that Im living and breathing for.”

Inuyashas blood seemed to race a little quicker. She didn't? Good. She better not have a fucking guy! His ear turned in her direction. Maybe he was interested in what she had to say.

“My something is medicine. For so many years, it had always been my family. To get my mom and gramps out of debt, to get Souta into good schools. But once… once the weight of that was taken off my shoulders, I realized exactly how much I loved it, my field. The human body is amazing. The things we have learned over the years, the leaps and bounds we have made in the medical field… its such a great time to be a doctor. Im excited that I get to be a part of it. That maybe I can make a difference. The medicine is what makes me wake up every morning, wanting to learn more.”

Her eyes were wide with passion, a smile playing on her lips. Was she aware how stunning she looked? How determined, how utterly beautiful? She was radiating a happiness that was almost scorching. He wanted nothing more than to get on top of her and fuck her into the seat of the limo. Fog up the glass, make her scream so loud the driver would have to pull over to check if everything was alright.

“I, uh..” He stammered, his mouth dry from his less than wholesome thoughts.

“You should do it, you know.” She smiled.

“Huh?” He asked, drawn in by her plump lips.

“Find your passion.” She finished.

“Feh. I have passion.” He said, leaning back crossing his arms. Damn tempting wench.

“Im not talking about women, Inuyasha. You cant make life worth it by just having sex. Unless your going into the adult film industry.”

“Why, have you seen my pornos, wench?” He said with a smirk.

She blushed in response, opting to turn her head to hide it.

It was no good. Of course he could see how the red colored her cheeks beautifully. How incredibly innocent she looked. How fucking breath taking it made her.

It made the hanyou shift uncomfortably in his seat.

“You should go to school.” Kagome said off handily, suddenly feeling foolish.

“Now you sound like the damn flea.”

“Myouga wants you to go too?”

“Ive been before. Just stopped going. That damn blood sucker is always on my case to go back. That I have to learn the ropes to take over my old mans business.”

Kagome thought for a moment.

“Well, you should. Its important that-“

“Im rich enough that I don't have to work. I can just hire someone to look over the company. Between who ever the fuck it is and my asshole brother, it will be fine.” He spat. Clearly, this was his standard reply.

“That's not what I was going to say.” She said, slightly frustrated at being cut off. “Whats important is finding out what you want to do with your life. You need to find the thing that makes you passionate, that makes you hungry for more. You're right, you are rich enough to do whatever you want, not needing to work. So why not use that position for a good thing? Travel the world and figure yourself out. Go to school, just for knowledge's sake. Life is too short to just drift.”

“Ha, then you don't know about a demons life span.” He said cockily, giving a toothy grin.

She gave a small laugh.

“I do, oh great dog demon. So don't take it for granted. I would- OH, were here!”


He had to hand it to her. She had taste.

The house looked great. It was spacious and new, yet old with charm. It felt cozy and inviting.

“So when will the movers come?” Kagome asked.

“They should be here around noon.” Inuyasha answered.

“So… what do you think? Doesn't look to shabby, does it?”

They had come back to the main room. The front door led right into the living room, where a large, comfortable couch was placed in front of a large tv, surrounded by cushy chairs. In the adjacent room, an updated kitchen and breakfast table, were waiting to be used. They had toured the bedrooms, the bathrooms. And it was then that it had really hit him.

He and Kagome wouldn't be living so close together.

The last few months they had shared a space where they were forced to come into contact with one another. From this day on, would he ever hear the ring of her alarm? The soft noises she made in her sleep?

While he had stayed hidden away in his room, she and her habits had been forced to be laid bare.

Would she still get up in the mornings, and hum while she made breakfast? Would she leave a plate for him? Would he wake up, even if he didn't catch her tantalizing scent?

Would… would she be too far away?

His demon was unhappy. It had been anxious and angry all day long, and it seemed as if Inuyasha had finally caught up with the program.

His demon was afraid of the separation.

Feh. Well, shes not ours to claim. The more separation, th fucking better. Maybe then I can get her out of my damn head.


“Phew. Im beat.” Kagome said, releasing her hair from her pony tail. She ran her long, slender fingers through her raven locks closing her eyes and she leaned into her own touch.

And Inuyasha stood there ready to salivate. What the hell was his problem? She was just taking her fucking hair down! Why was it everything the little minx did seemed so frustratingly sexual?

She was wearing a white tee shirt, tight fitting, much to his approval and short jean shorts. It wasn't that her outfit was scandous, hardly the most sexy thing he had ever seen.

But for some reason it set his blood on fire. He had been sneaking looks at her, unable to keep his eyes off his wife. The entire day of putting things away, watching her bend over the boxes, smelling her scent, spiked with excitement…

He was ready to fucking burst. He would be lucky if he could hold out until he got out of the house. For the first time in Gods knows how fucking long, he might have to take matters into his own damn hands.

A loud knock came at the door, rousing him from his lewd peering.

“Who the hell is that?” He asked.

“Oh, probably the take out I ordered.” Kagome answered, walking to the door.

He caught the scent of the delivery man, and when he took a good look at the woman, he noticed how it spiked. He was attracted to her.

That much was fucking obvious.

As Kagome fished out the money from her pocket, Inuyasha opened the door to reveal his intimidating figure. She turned her head, giving him and inquisitive look, than handed the money over.

The mans attitude had changed. Whatever attraction he had to Kagome was overridden by the fear of the dog demon. He couldn't help the rumble of pride.

It seemed like the entire day had been spent warding off male suiters. The movers had all looked her up and down. His keen hearing had caught their more lecherous remarks, spoken to each other only when they thought they were out of ear shot.

It left a bad taste in his mouth.

Sure, she might not be his real wife. Not his mate, not his anything. But what if she was. How fucking disrespectful could the brats be?

It was after a quick threat to keep their eyes to themselves and their fucks mouths shut that they had stopped.

And coincidentally, worked much faster.

And now the fucking delivery man. What they hell! Could the wench go anywhere without men leering at her?

Not that he could blame them. She looked fucking fantastic.

But it didn't give them the right.

He turned his attention to the woman in question.

“When did you get take out?” He asked.

“When you were talking to the movers.” She replied. “Traditional moving food.” She smiled. “I just thought it might be nice if we could sit down and eat together our first night here as-

A couple. His demon wanted to hear it.

That's all. Just his super possessive demon.


He momentarily felt his heart drop.

Yeah, they were roommates. That was all.


“This place is so much bigger than my moms house.” Kagome said, looking around the kitchen.

“Keh. Really?” Inuyasha asked skeptically.

“Well yeah. You've seen out house. It's a modest shrine home. This house has so much space.”

“Seems small to me.” Inuyasha said.

“Small?” she asked disbelievingly.

He nodded, slurping the ramen into his mouth.

Honestly. She had ordered him ramen. Did she know him that well?

“Yeah, I grew up in a mansion. I had my own damn wing.”

“You're kidding!”

“Nah. It was for the best. Sesshormu would have killed me if he didn't have his own space.”

Kagome bit her bottom lip.

“That sounds kind of lonely.

“You get used to it.” He said nonchalantly.

“There were times when I would have killed from some space from my family… especially during my teenage years… but I think living in tight quarters made us closer.”

“Maybe.” He said. “I wouldn't know. The only people that came my way were the house keepers.”

She furrowed her brows together, lost in thought.

“Well,” she said suddenly with a kind smile. “This house isn't that big. So we will see each other pretty often. So you won't feel alone.”

“Great.” He said mockingly.

Good. His demon rumbled.

“Im glad we could do this. We don't get to spend time like this together.”

“Keh. Should we?”

“Well, we don't have to. But we might as well make the best of our time together. I think we get along much better than when we first started living together.” She placed her hand over his, giving it a little squeeze. “Who knows, maybe by the end of it we-“

Another knock.

Another fucking knock.

She removed her hand, standing to answer the door.

“Who the hell is that? More delivery?” He asked angrily.

She shook her head no as she made her way over.

He was pissed. He didn't want to be interrupted. What was she going to say? She had touched him, touched his hands, grazed his claws and he hadn't sensed an uneasiness.

True, he hadn't detected anything else either. No desire, nothing that denoted anything but friendliness. But this bitch was always full of surprises.

And now someone was here, ruining the mood.

Whoever the fuck it was would have hell to pay. They were interrupting his time with Kagome. He didn't want to share her attention. Didn't want to share her.

He didn't want to think these fucking thoughts. Had he ever been a jealous person?

Had he ever cared who the hell was coming over, unless he was preoccupied with another woman? And even at those times, he could persuade the third wheel to join!

As she opened the door, the scent blew his way.

He knew who it was without having to be told.

“Inuyasha.” Was all that Kikyo said before she entered the house.